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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest browser of them all?

If browser beauty is a popularity contest, then we know the answer to the question. Chrome is the fairest browser. shared statistics from Stat Counter on browser marketplace penetration. There are shifts and changes from a year ago. Chrome is still on top (and rising). Internet Explorer is still second (but dropping). And IE 6 is still hanging on near the bottom, but without dropping farther. Firefox is still third and Safari is still fourth. The surprise in all this is that Safari’s share rose 17%, albeit from a very low base. For a marketer the lesson is that the top four... [...]

‘Increase Your Efficiency by Using Multiple Web Browsers’ by Aaron Wall

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Aaron says, “One of my favorite approaches to save time online is to use multiple web browsers for different purposes”. [Aaron Wall’s Blog] […]  [...]

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