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Thursday, February 6, 2025

The smart marketer’s alternative to GoToWebinar #ad

Many of our readers balk when they discover that GoToWebinar charges $89-$299 per month, depending on how many people can attend. GoToWebinar is the leader in the webinar field, but their cost is beyond the means of a marketer just starting out. Now, there’s an alternative that is far less expensive, and also has better support for the webinar process. It’s called Webinar Fusion Pro. It was just announced by Jonathan Teng, and his partners, Lester Lim, and Dwayne Golden, and there’s a “grand opening” sale going on. The reason they can price this alternative webinar platform so much less... [...]

Webinar Fusion PRO discount expiring at 11 AM; price rising #ad

Webinar Fusion Pro was released yesterday, and for the first 24 hours, there is a discount price. In a few hours, at 11 AM EDT, the price will be going up. And the initial discount is considerable: an 85% discount for acting before 11 AM. There’s nothing comparable to Webinar Fusion Pro in the market today. Google Hangouts were not designed to support all that goes on with a webinar (registration, product sales, thank you pages, etc.) But Hangouts do offer basic presentation support, and Hangouts are free. With this new software, you can make the most of Google Hangouts. Use them to drive significant... [...]

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