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Sunday, March 9, 2025

‘2014: the year of ‘Buy with Google’?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “2014: the year of ‘Buy with Google’?”. Ben Davis says, “2014 feels like a significant year for the mobile wallet. Perhaps before long we’ll all be more comfortable ‘buying with Google’ on mobile websites and apps. The payment industry itself seems to be shaping up for a leap forward, with its leading conference opting for a rebrand. After 15 years as the Mobile Financial Services & NFC Summit the event has been renamed as the Mobile Wallet & Retail Innovation event in 2014. This change reflects... [...]

‘Mobile in 2014: eBay, Net-A-Porter and more give us their predictions’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Mobile in 2014: eBay, Net-A-Porter and more give us their predictions”. David Moth says, “2013 was another fascinating year in mobile as many brands finally reached the point where smartphones and tablets now account for a majority of their site traffic. This meant that businesses could no longer ignore the need to cater for mobile users, leading to a noticeable trend towards using responsive design as well as the launch of a number of excellent commerce apps. The use of mobile technology in-store also became more prominent... [...]

‘The Content Cycle: how to improve your campaign strategy’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “The Content Cycle: how to improve your campaign strategy”. David Somerville says, “Earlier this year I was asked to speak at the Brighton Digital Marketing Festival and host the content session during the afternoon. After some consideration on what to speak about, I came up with the concept of ‘The Content Cycle’ – a process that helps marketers ensure they have a really good content strategy in place. The Content Cycle as a concept is based on the way we work with clients and construct digital marketing campaigns. However,... [...]

‘What’s on your SEO wishlist for 2014?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “What’s on your SEO wishlist for 2014?”. Graham Charlton says, “2013 saw many changes that affect the role of the SEO, most of which were instigated by Google. Some were good, some not so good.  The final removal of keyword referral data was the most obvious inconvenience for SEOs, but Google has also been busy tweaking its search results page, with more prominence for paid ads. I’ve asked a number of SEOs for their views on the least welcome changes from 2013, as well as their hopes for the next 12 months.... [...]

‘Tablets account for a third of Boxing Day conversions and revenue from PPC’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Tablets account for a third of Boxing Day conversions and revenue from PPC”. David Moth says, “Tablet devices accounted for more than a third of conversions, revenue and spend from UK retail paid search on Boxing Day. The data should come as no real surprise to anyone involved in ecommerce, however it is useful as further evidence of the continued consumer shift towards mobile devices. It should also be noted that the festive period does present something of an anomaly in terms of site traffic, as data is skewed due to... [...]

’22 tips to help contain an online crisis’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “22 tips to help contain an online crisis”. Chris Norton says, “With the social web now starting to mature and more and more internet users becoming accustomed to updating, sharing, tweeting and liking via their smartphones and tablets, the job of a crisis manager has become increasingly more challenging. Organisations simply don’t have as much control over their marketing messages as they once did and as a result a crisis can happen anywhere and travel across the globe in seconds. The rise of citizen journalism and... [...]

‘Five mobile predictions for 2014’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Five mobile predictions for 2014”. Carin van Vuuren says, “The time consumers spend on mobile devices is increasing every day, making mobile a central channel for business activity. As a result, an mobile strategy that drives results is essential for today’s businesses. Companies that don’t effectively engage customers on mobile channels will fall behind more innovative competitors. Mobile usage has grown exponentially around the world, and it continues to accelerate. By the end of 2013, more than 1bn smartphone units will... [...]

‘Mobile influenced £18bn of retail sales in 2013’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Mobile influenced £18bn of retail sales in 2013”. Christopher Ratcliff says, “In 2013 the percentage of in-store sales where mobile phones were used as part of the shopping journey stood at 6.8%. This equates to £18bn of sales, a figure 45% up on 2012. This comes from a recent study by Deloitte Digital, where 2,000 consumers were polled on their smartphone usage in relation to in-store purchasing. Consumers who used their mobile phones before or during their shopping trip were more likely than the average shopper to... [...]

‘Digital marketing and the music industry: six key trends for 2014’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Digital marketing and the music industry: six key trends for 2014”. Marcus Taylor says, “One of the interesting things about being a digital marketer that specialises in a certain niche is that you get to understand your niche from many different angles. Over the past 12 months I’ve talked to hundreds of music companies; understanding what works, what doesn’t, and where they think their corner of the industry is going. Here’s my summary of what I think will matter when it comes to digital marketing in the music industry... [...]

’16+ of the best things to happen to the internet in 2013′ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “16+ of the best things to happen to the internet in 2013”. Christopher Ratcliff says, “To bring karmic balance after yesterday’s bile-dripping15 worst things to happen to the internet in 2013, here’s a bumper crop of joy. It’s all very well looking forward to next year and seeing what technological advancements will improve our lives significantly in the future, but if we don’t look back at what came before and collate them in an arbitrary order within the confines of a blog-post, then surely we are doomed to... [...]

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