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Saturday, March 1, 2025

A WordPress video player that also sells your products #ad

The results are in: online videos are the best way to persuade people to follow your advice (like “you really should buy my product”). But the leap from watching the video to actually taking action loses a lot of people. The problem probably isn’t with your video. It’s the effort to click 2 or 3 times to get to the screen where they can buy. Peter Beattie calls this the ‘video death gap’. People have to stop watching your video and go elsewhere to take action. It may seem like just a few seconds of work, but history shows a big percentage aren’t willing... [...]

Build your own online movie house with Easy Video Flix 2.0 #ad

Cinema on your WordPress site is simple with Easy Video Flix 2.0. No longer show videos on your WordPress site in boring, plain frames. Matt McDonald has created a portfolio of attractive cinema-themed frames that instantly dress up your site. You can play any video in one of the these themes, since they are actually skins for McDonald’s player plugin that you can load onto your WordPress site. It supports YouTube videos, plus FLV, F4V, MP4 (including h.264 encoding), and M4V You have control over screen-size so you could place your video front and center if you like, or put it in a sidebar... [...]

WP Video Commando: Easy, Elegant Video Plugin for WordPress #ad

If you know you need video for your WP site, but aren’t up to the tech challenge, WP Video Commando may be the player for you. Ideally, your videos should be “apparently” hosted on your own site, so you don’t lose visitors to other videos that YouTube tempts people with. You can accomplish this by embeddeding videos hosted on YouTube, but there’s still a risk of people leaving for YouTube’s greener pastures, and you have to figure out how to do the embed, figure out the right size, etc. You could host your videos on Amazon’s S3, but again there are complications:... [...]

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