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Thursday, February 27, 2025

80% Click-Through Amazon System: More click-throughs mean more sales #ad

Paul Nagel finds that he can get 80% of visitors to his Amazon affiliate site to click on his ads and go to Amazon. In Azon Autopilot Profits, Nagel also shows you how he gets clicks for just pennies per click, using the Bing and Yahoo search engines to build a long term stable, no hassle income. In this comprehensive (and detailed) training, you get everything, landing page template, hot products lists, full step by step instructions laid out which anyone can follow. In Azon Autopilot Profits, you get full instructions on how to set up your landing pages and exactly what products to place on... [...]

‘Bing Sending More SEO Traffic Than Yahoo! Search?’ by Aaron Wall

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Aaron says, “With some lower traffic smaller sites it is easy to get outlier data that is skewed & somewhat irrelevant (especially true if you have a website which happens to have relevant content in a category that Ask is spamming the heck out of Google in), but one nice thing about comparing Yahoo! and Bing against each other is that they are generally driven by the same relevancy algorithm”. [Aaron Wall’s Blog] […]  [...]

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