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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

YouTube Charisma: make and rank videos without costly software #ad

Riccardo Gueli and Steve Sabar have produced a step-by-step manual that takes you by the hand and guides you through the steps of creating and ranking a video on YouTube. In YouTube Charisma, they show you currently working methods to get money-making videos, regardless of the niche, ranked highly. The videos could be promoting your own product, an event, an affiliate product, of whatever could make you money. They ranked videos in several niches to show the value of this training to all marketers. In this training, you will discover what they call “The astonishing power of skillful info-segmentation,... [...]

AMZ Video Rush: Get your affiliate videos ranked #ad

Noel Cunningham wants you to know he can help you get more traffic, more rankings, more clicks and more sales with his new AMZ Video Rush. Cunningham has found a way to get product review videos ranked well in Google. If you have had trouble getting your affiliate sites ranked well, your YouTube video has a much better chance, particularly, says Cunningham, if you follow the plan in AMZ Video Rush. This process works so well that you can stop using backlinks to improve your ranking. Your affiliate product review can escalate to the few at the top of the rankings. In fact, you don’t need a... [...]

Commission Champion: proven YouTube traffic generation system #ad

No matter what your niche, YouTube is a potent marketing tool. People are going to YouTube daily, looking for information on thousands of niche topics. Scott Cyrus started experimenting with YouTube in his own marketing some time ago and gradually developed a no-cost system that generates traffic for his affiliate offers. Then, a while back, he documented how he did it and sold it under the title of Commission Champion. It sold well and earned him praise from the buyers. He would be the first to say that it could have been a lot more polished. So he went back to testing and perfecting and now... [...]

GluTube: YouTube delivers high search engine results, steady and reliable #ad

As a result of the Panda and Penguin updates, Google de-indexed many sites, and dropped the rating of many more. Some people wonder if they will ever recover. Maybe, there’s a better way to rank and earn more online. YouTube’s enomous traffic (only two sites in the world get more) is the marketer’s secret weapon. GluTube shows you how to get better YouTube results: • Finding open, low-competition, niches to target • Choosing topics with buyer-interest in those niches • Creating a persuasive sales video in record time • How to do SEO tweaks for your video to... [...]

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