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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Archive for the 'Trust Seals' Category

Website seals of approval improves sales #ad

In any marketing business, trust is the key to success. Trust seals are often essential to building trust. You have seen trust seals on many websites. They are those authoritative looking insignia issued by the Better Business Bureau, Verisign and others. Typically, having this endorsement of the ethics and legitimacy of the business does a lot to improve the sales on the site. Any online business can benefit by adding a trust seal to make potential customers more comfortable doing business with the site. However, there is also a downside to most trust seals, the cost, which is usually a hefty... [...]

Proving Ground Review: New Trust Seal Available, Trust Establisher

Trust Establisher is, from an end user perspetive, a trust seal similar to those provided by Verisign, TrustE, Better Business Bureau, HonestE and many others. Justin Mandel, the creator of Trust Establisher, is entering a marketplace that is already crowded and may have difficulty getting traction. As with all trust seals, it is intended to supply an third-party endorsement for your site. However, this seal has benefits beyond those provided by most others. It provides additional social proof of the trustworthiness of the merchant, described below, and this proof can be continually updated as... [...]

Trust Establisher builds credibility for your site and product #ad

Trust Establisher™ cleverly integrates directly with both Paypal’s AND Clickbank’s Cheat-proof “IPN CODING” which allows your customers to see in real-time exactly how many of your prior sales were made to their neighbors in their own state, to their fellow citizens in their home country, and to other highly satisfied customers throughout the world. Trust Establisher creates a map on your site with push-pins identifying the location of your existing customers. You visitors see how widely known and accepted your company and your product are. It’s social proof with... [...]

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