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Saturday, December 21, 2024

Archive for the 'Video Content Marketing' Category

Marketing Week’s guide to video marketing

Marketing Week has published a beginner’s guide to video marketing. This guide covers: Creating a video marketing strategy Choosing a video format Choosing the right screen size Autoplay and no sound Measuring video Video on a budget On creation of a video strategy, MW team says, “Devising an effective video strategy is no mean feat. Although the barriers to entry are lower for brands compared to other media channels such as TV or cinema, marketers must think carefully about the type of video content they produce, the audience it is aimed at and the platforms on which it is shared. Although... [...]

4-Step guide to creating great marketing videos [Video]

The Entrepreneur team has published a video ‘4-step guide to creating great marketing videos’ featuring Entrepreneur Network partner Ben Angel who shares four steps you need to take to improve your video marketing strategy and make more sales. Entrepreneur team says, “In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Ben Angel describes the four steps you need to take to improve your video marketing strategy and make more sales. For example, you can make a much bigger profit by finding complementary pieces or products you can offer at the time of checkout. Think of a pizza restaurant... [...]

CMI’s tips to maximize video content investment

Video is an integral element of your content it it reaches out to everyone over multiple channels. Most marketers see it as one of the most important weapons to strengthen their marketing and branding. Content Marketing Institute columnist Jodi Harris has shared ten tips to maximize video content investment. Talking about video’s value proposition, Harris says, “Videos are among the most versatile of tactics content marketers can leverage, since they can be cooked up, loaded up, cut up, and served up in a wide variety of ways. For example, they: Work well in both long and short formats... [...]

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