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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Archive for the 'Video Software' Category

Video Vibe Pro software pulls visitors like a magnet #ad

Joshua Zamora‘s latest software tool is called Video Vibe Pro. This software can quickly bring in visitors to your videos. It can do this because it uses a private social syndication strategy that spreads the word about your videos all around the web. If your videos are for people ready to buy, the speed Video Vibe Pro can provide may mean the end of your struggling for traffic. You may never have to spend hours on SEO that takes months to bring in results and can get you slapped. It can also end your wasting money on PPC campaigns that don’t pay off. Zamora says this new software... [...]

SVG Galaxy whiteboard graphic bundle: quality+quantity=value #ad

Video creator, Vu Binh Minh, came to realize that his whiteboard videos needed two factors to actually convert well: 1. The art had to be attractive 2. The way in which the on-screen drawing occurs has to look natural and easy to watch. The pen needs to move in a smooth, connected way. He (and his early clients) learned that only when both of these problems are solved will conversions be satisfactory. The on-screen drawing depends on how the SVG graphics used in the video were first designed. The video just follows what the artist did originally. Vu decided that when he had artwork drawn for him,... [...]

Profits Play does the nitty-gritty work for effective marketing #ad

Austin Anthony has created new Video-Maker/Video-Ranking Software, called Profits Play, that could lead to lots of people watching those videos without extra time or work spent generating traffic. The early adopters are already doing it. We all know that video is taking the net by storm. It can be a powerful persuader to take action. The problem is that almost all available video software can do just one thing, either make videos but not rank them or rank videos but not produce them. Anthony reports that Profits Play can do everything, from researching videos, to making them, to ranking them.... [...]

An HTML5 player Created By Marketers for Marketers #ad

Cisco, the server hardware company, predicts that globally, online video traffic will be 55 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2016. Video is growing by leaps and bounds, and in less than a year, we will see this prediction come to pass. Online marketers are getting this message loud and clear because their surveys tell them that people respond a lot better to video than to any other tool. Are you positioned to take advantage of this growing trend? Or will you be left behind by your competitors who produce video sooner and better than you do? Beginning at 11 AM EDT today, there’s... [...]

Video Marketing Fire Sale; up to 89% off #ad

Peter Beattie has just announced a fire sale on his software and training, his 5th annual Video Marketing Fire Sale. Beattie is an expert at video marketing, and he has created many training products and software products to share his expertise with other marketers. In this Fire Sale, he is offering 40 different products, all at remarkable discounts. Many are only $5; one is just $1. All are much less than their normal price. The most expensive is only $27. However, as with all fire sales, this is available for only a limited time, through Monday. Don’t put it off; you may miss the whole... [...]

Powerful New Lead Generation Video Software #ad

New software for creating high converting videos quickly and without much effort was just launched by Sam Bakker and Brad Stephens. It’s called VideoSkins and it can enhance your process of making videos for your products, for affiliate marketing, for TeeSpring campaigns or for your clients. VideoSkins allows you to create interactive, customized videos in minutes, and do it with a few clicks of your mouse. This software has the potential to increase your lead generation and even sales conversions dramatically. Here’s why. Any video you create and customize using VideoSkins is more... [...]

Three important things about Video Skins #ad

Sam Bakker and Brad Stephens announced their new software, VideoSkins, yesterday. Since then over 1000 marketers have seen the value and invested in a copy. These eager marketers know that for their videos to be effective, they must drive conversions, sometimes driving opt-ins and sometime driving sales. Bakker and Stephens say that VideoSkins is the best low-cost video tool ever to drive conversions. Here are three important facts about VideoSkins, described by its creators as “Video Customization on Steroids”. 1. It is not a WordPress Plugin. 2. It can be used on both Mac and PC. 3.... [...]

Explaindio 2.0: flexible marketing video builder for all needs #ad

Launched last year, version 1 of Explaindio was one of the best-selling tools for marketers of all time. Over 14,000 were sold. Now, it has been only 1 day since Explaindio 2.0 was launched, and already in the first day about 3,000 copies have been sold. And, testifying to the quality of this upgrade, over 75% of the buyers were people had already bought version 1. This is for the marketers who know the power of marketing videos that are done well, but who don’t have a lot of money to spend on professional designers. They need a simple tools so they can do it themselves. You need Explaindio... [...]

Explaindio is back, Explaindio 2.0 is better than ever #ad

If you were among the 14,000 marketers who bought Explaindio 1.0, you will be excited to know about Explaindio 2.0, which went live at Midnight for current customers, and will go live at 11AM EDT for new customers. If you are upgrading there’s an even better deal: if you buy before 2 PM EDT, you get the first year of use for half-price. Whenever you invest, you are getting one of the best video tools available. It produces whiteboard sketch videos, animated videos, live videos, or a video consisting of a combination. Explaindio 2.0 is a major upgrade from the first version. New features include: •... [...]

Viddify weekend launch sale ends Monday AM #ad

New video technology, called Viddify, adds interactive, attention grabbing bribes inside of your videos to make them more compelling. Without reshooting your videos or even writing new scripts, you can make them more “sticky”, so people will not want to click away. Estimates are saying that every second your video plays, you lose about 6% of your viewers. That means these viewers aren’t hearing your sales message, and probably aren’t buying your product, because without listening, they don’t know what you have to offer. Viddify is the invention of Bobby Walker, Joey... [...]

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