In the movie “The Graduate”, the one word for successful businesses of the future was “plastics”. For online marketers today, the one word is “Video”. Online video can get opt-ins, hold attention during a presentation, drive viral traffic and bring in sales like nothing else. Increasingly, sites without video are dropping in rankings. Take a look at the first page of Google for your keyword. How many of the top 10 have videos on the page? If you look at the top selling products on Clickbank; it’s the same. Most of them have video on their sales page. For... [...]
Archive for the 'Video Software' Category
Matt Bush just created new whiteboard videos that you can use with your clients to help them market their business. As in his previous volumes, Local Whiteboard Video Producer Vol 4 is well-researched to be just what businesses in these niches need. The four niches in this latest package are: • Pest Control • Home and Business Security Services • Laser Eye Surgery • Cosmetic Surgery These businesses need a professional video to advertise their services. You can supply it with Bush’s Local Whiteboard Video Producer Vol 4. Not only that, Bush is giving you 4 more videos... [...]
Mark Thompson and Matt Callen are continuing their free training, on the way to launching a new product later this week. If you haven’t already seen their prior training, you can see the first video here: Free VSL Training Video. and the second video here: Video Sales Page Training #2 For their third training activity, they decided to make it live, rather than pre-recorded. It happens Monday night, at 8 PM EDT: Live training for Video Sales Pages. On this live training call they will share their expertise on: • 10-Step “No Fail VSL” Formula (they will go in depth, more... [...]
There are several different formats for graphics. Over 20 years ago, the BMP file was invented by Microsoft. Not long after came the JPG file (invented by an industry group not wanting to be tied to Microsoft). This is all techy stuff we can mostly ignore, but one graphics style has a special use, the GIF file. Unlike all the others, not only can it show a picture; it can also show a moving image. And it does it very efficiently. This means that you theoretically can use a GIF to show a short screen capture or other video. Besides the small file size (important for fast websites), a GIF file is... [...]
IM NewsWatch is supporting Leah Butler-Smith‘s launch of EasyAutoTube with bonuses for our readers. This is a new WordPress theme specifically designed to curate niche videos from YouTube. Install the theme in minutes. Choose your niche. Insert your niche definition into the theme. Turn it loose to earn money for you around the clock. The reason Butler-Smith created this new theme is that Youtube is still one of the most powerful methods for bringing traffic to your sites. However, finding the right videos to add to your sites can be a time-consuming and tiresome task if you attempt to do... [...]
YouTube, the world’s largest (by far) video repository has its advantages, but it has its dangers, as well. With YouTube as your video host, you aren’t in control of your video’s destiny; YouTube is. That means that you are subject to its decisions. And it can delete your video or your whole account full of videos in the blink of an eye. It is useful in some contexts, but is is a shaky foundation to build a business on. Better to trust a video host that you control. Amazon S3 is a better platform for the videos you want to last more than a day or two. It gives you a lot of control... [...]
We have told you about this new software 3 weeks ago. It is based on this principle: If you want to do video marketing, it can be important to not limit your videos to YouTube. Although it is the biggest, by far, other video sites have a reputation for quality that makes them an important outlet for your content. Ross Goldberg has a new tool, software that makes it easy and quick to syndicate your video to multiple video sites so you get the benefit of all their social influence. He calls his software Video Marketer. It will send your video to 200 video sharing sites (or any selection from the... [...]
Andrew Fox, Paul Lynch and Ian Jupp have just released a remarkable piece of software for average marketers (who want the best professional-quality tools) called Easy Sketch Pro. The title hints at what it can do, but the details may surprise you. It’s not just static drawings that it handles. It creates doodle videos (a.k.a. Whiteboard videos) on the fly. It’s simple to use. You just enter your text, select related images from its library (or add you own). Then, drop in some background music and press the “Build” button. That’s all there is to it. The software builds... [...]
Ross Goldberg has been doing video marketing for years. And through this tool, he built a position of respect and authority for himself. Then it happened: YouTube shut down his account without warning He was forced to scramble to undo the harm. The problem was all the work that he had put into building his YouTube channel would have to be repeated, and he had invested many hundreds of hours. And since he had lost his YouTube account, he would have to place his videos on other sharing sites. Goldberg knew that repeating the long, arduous process for multiple other sites wasn’t practical, so... [...]
Some blogs earn thousands of dollars a month by posting funny videos or educational videos. How do they discover all those videos? Can you find videos like this, too? Yes, you can find videos that enhance your marketing in just about every niche imaginable using Video Jeet. This new software from Cyril Gupta is the video marketer’s friend. Video Jeet is the only 100% automated video-curation tool and auto-blogging tool (use it either way, automatic or semi-automatic) that will find the latest, best-rated videos for any niche, and automatically post them to your WordPress blogs or [...]