Nothing beats the impact of video on a squeeze page. It arrests the visitor’s attention, and, if you use it well, it conveys your message clearly. Building a page like this used to be a tedious job. Now, it has become simpe when you use Alex Albert‘s new Power Easy Video Splash Site Software. This new software will create your pages with your video in 5 minutes or less, according to Albert and his partner Alessandro Zamboni. An the pages have “bells and whistles” that give them their power: • It’s optimized for SEO. • It’s ready to connect to your... [...]
Archive for the 'Video Software' Category
Would you like to take a marketing video you placed on YouTube and automatically make it into a video splash page to capture the attention of people who happen to land on the page while surfing? With Alex Albert‘s and Alessandro Zamboni‘s Power Easy Video Splash Creator, any YouTube video can be automatically embedded in a squeeze page The page it creates for you is SEO-optimized and allow you to add additional text content. It also allows you to redirect the visitor to another page after a time interval you set. These pages are ready to for your visitors to share on Facebook so a... [...]
Power Easy Video Splash Creator is a new splash page creator just released by Alex Albert and Alessandro Zamboni. It makes ordinary ( and often boring) YouTube videos into attractive web pages. When you use Power Easy Video Splash Creator to create a page for your site, your page can include: • Full screen video view • Internal SEO optimization • Facebook News Feed sharing readiness • Timer-based redirect to any offer • Easy installation and use • Unlimited pages With the new technology thay have built into Power Easy Video Splash Creator, you can do it all in... [...]
Video Effects WP Theme is live #ad Mark Dulisse is released Video Effects Press WP Theme this morning. It’s a visually attractive full-screen background WordPress Theme. (like the ones used by major news sites). He is pricing it at a reasonable price (currently, $14 for an unlimited personal license and just $3 more for a developer’s license. Watch Todd Gross‘s video to see the effect (the whole page) this theme supplies, and get the best price. (It is rising every few hours, so don’t delay.)/p> Video Effects Press WP Theme comes with 5 background videos, and another 15... [...]
One of the hottest video trend is full-screen video background landing pages. Take a look at the Paypal landing page, as an example, and there are plenty of others. Big companies are moving in this direction because these pages relax the website visitor, or conveys a message, or puts them in a buying mood. Unfortunately, the software to create these attractive pages has been expensive, so many of us small businesses have been left out of the revolution. but tomorrow that all changes because Mark Dulisse releases software to create this effect “for the rest of us”. He calls it Video Effects... [...]
Terry Johnson has just released software that builds professional-quality pages with animations, using any images or text on your PC. Johnson’s ImageCAM software can make pages for your website, as well as: Animated Google+ covers Animated Google+ posts Animated Page headers Animated Calls to Action Animated tutorials Any other animations you might need And these are created as animated GIFs, with a frame rate you can adjust, so they don’t need to use up much space in your storage allocation or download time. You select a window (you can resize it) on your PC (it also is available for... [...]
Video is so powerful, but historically, it has had one limitation that hinders its effectiveness. You can vocalize a call to action, but there is no place in the video where people can actually take action. That is about to change with With this new tool, people can phone you from inside the video; make a purchase inside the video or opt in inside the video. They don’t have to scroll down the page, and they don’t have to click to go somewhere else. Now, for the first time, while they are engaged with the information you present, before they have a chance to cool off, they... [...]
If you have wanted to start making sales videos, but have been concerned about the cost and the difficulty, Todd Gross and Shannon Murphy have a solution for you, Auto Video Creator. It’s being released at 12:01 AM EDT today, with a discount price that will be good until Noon EDT. On the sales page, you can see 5 videos created by the software. You can add a voice track (or a music track, if you prefer) to your video. And if you prefer to not speak or hire a voiceover artist, your computer voice software can be used to insert the voice. Auto Video Creator runs on Windows (and has been tested... [...]
Vine is a popular piece of software the thousands of people are using to create compilations of videos, funny, inspiring, or “you name it” videos. It debuted just one year ago, but it’s responsible for some of the most watched videos ever. Marketers can use Vine to build videos to promote their product or an affiliate product they want to sell. It is a curation tool that has many uses. The nice thing is that these videos can often go viral. The bad thing is that it normally takes hours and hours to create one. That’s why Vlad M created 6 Second Blaster. This new software... [...]
A while back, Tom Reed concluded that most of the inexpensive background templates for Powerpoint videos could be improved upon. He believed that marketers needed something better in order to be taken seriously. That’s when he started working on Powerpoint Templates for Videos. You could certainly get good video templates if you paid a professional designer to create something custom. But that service was way out of the reach of the average marketer. With this new set of 27 templates specifically created for use in Powerpoint videos, you can avoid expensive software and pricey freelance... [...]