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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Archive for the 'Video Creation Software' Category

Explaindio 2.0: flexible marketing video builder for all needs #ad

Launched last year, version 1 of Explaindio was one of the best-selling tools for marketers of all time. Over 14,000 were sold. Now, it has been only 1 day since Explaindio 2.0 was launched, and already in the first day about 3,000 copies have been sold. And, testifying to the quality of this upgrade, over 75% of the buyers were people had already bought version 1. This is for the marketers who know the power of marketing videos that are done well, but who don’t have a lot of money to spend on professional designers. They need a simple tools so they can do it themselves. You need Explaindio... [...]

Explaindio is back, Explaindio 2.0 is better than ever #ad

If you were among the 14,000 marketers who bought Explaindio 1.0, you will be excited to know about Explaindio 2.0, which went live at Midnight for current customers, and will go live at 11AM EDT for new customers. If you are upgrading there’s an even better deal: if you buy before 2 PM EDT, you get the first year of use for half-price. Whenever you invest, you are getting one of the best video tools available. It produces whiteboard sketch videos, animated videos, live videos, or a video consisting of a combination. Explaindio 2.0 is a major upgrade from the first version. New features include: •... [...]

Viddify weekend launch sale ends Monday AM #ad

New video technology, called Viddify, adds interactive, attention grabbing bribes inside of your videos to make them more compelling. Without reshooting your videos or even writing new scripts, you can make them more “sticky”, so people will not want to click away. Estimates are saying that every second your video plays, you lose about 6% of your viewers. That means these viewers aren’t hearing your sales message, and probably aren’t buying your product, because without listening, they don’t know what you have to offer. Viddify is the invention of Bobby Walker, Joey... [...]

Viddify weekend launch sale ends Monday AM #ad

New video technology, called Viddify, adds interactive, attention grabbing bribes inside of your videos to make them more compelling. Without reshooting your videos or even writing new scripts, you can make them more “sticky”, so people will not want to click away. Estimates are saying that every second your video plays, you lose about 6% of your viewers. That means these viewers aren’t hearing your sales message, and probably aren’t buying your product, because without listening, they don’t know what you have to offer. Viddify is the invention of Bobby Walker, Joey... [...]

A WordPress video player that also sells your products + 8 bonuses #ad

Video Turbo Store integrates video with text and graphical sales content#ad It’s been nearly a week since Peter Beattie released Video Turbo Store. This new video player for WordPress sites can boost sales through immediacy. While your visitors are watching your videos, they see scrollable pictures of samples and sales text in the video window. If they like the demo or sales presentation, they can immediately click the embedded buy form. The result is more clicks than if they had to leave the video to take action. Beattie didn’t invent this “Shop while you Watch” concept,... [...]

Video Maker Toolkit V2: 100s of SVGs for videos and more #ad

What do you need to make animated videos that really sell? Well, you could hire someone who claims to know how and pay them to make a video for you, try it and see if it works. It may not, and you start over again. But surely, there’s a better way. You, or someone on your team, can make good videos yourself if you have the right tools. That includes a program that can build videos, either on your own computer or on a web server that you subscribe to. The most frequently used video software by entrepreneurs running small marketing businesses are: : Keynote, : Powerpoint, : VideoMakerFX... [...]

Premium Doodle Ad Whiteboard Images for better videos #ad

This is the story of how videos (and the graphics in them) that convey emotion made Doodle Labs $414,400 last year with Whiteboard Videos. We all buy emotionally. Savvy marketers all know that. When you know the emotions that drive their search for a solution, you can make videos that convert, videos that make sales. If you can uncover the emotional triggers associated with your prospects’ pain, you can improve sales dramatically as long as the solution in your product provides relief to that pain. Premium Doodle Ad Whiteboard Images has SVGs (and more) tailored to help you address their... [...]

Create whiteboard sketch videos with Text-to-Speech “human” voices #ad

Jimmy Mancini looked at the many whiteboard video tools released in the last year, and said, ”They are good, but I can do it better.” That’s how TTS Sketch Maker was born. He has been using it himself, but today he is making it available for the rest of us, too. Unlike any of the video creation software you may have seen recently, TTS Sketch Maker can automatically add narration to your whiteboard videos. It uses built-in “text-to-speech” software to turn your sales copy into spoken words. You no longer have to hire an actor and add their recording into your video. It is done automatically... [...]

Your videos, website and more can be a-movin’ and a-groovin’ #ad has released several motion backgrounds that add some zing to any online project. The motion in the background of a presentation video, for example, makes it stand out and hold interest better. They have just released their fourth package of motion backgrounds fourth package of motion backgrounds , and it’s the biggest and best they have ever produced. All the videos in the collection are compatible with your favorite video editing software, such as PowerPoint, Keynote, Camtasia, EasySketch Pro, Explaindio, and more. This latest collection of backgrounds includes 120 full... [...]

Last chance for Explaindio video creator software #ad

Andrew Darius launched Explaindio Video Creator Software 4 months ago. Since that time, he has sold thousands of copies. If you missed out on this amazing software last year, you have one last chance to get it. At Midnight, Darius says he is pulling it from the market, so this may be your LAST chance to ever get it. We bought it, and it was a great decision. If you use video in your business or even if you want to, then Explaindio is a tool you will be glad you have. This software can save you lots of time & money because it is: • Easy enough that you can use it “out of the [virtual]... [...]

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