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Monday, March 17, 2025

FTC Disclosures


Copyright 2006-11 Business Promotion, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.

I”IM NewsWatch”, “Internet Marketing NewsWatch” and “News at net speed”
are unregistered marks of Business Promotion, Inc. – all other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

1.    Material Connections with Endorsers.  The
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that we disclose any material
connection we may have with anyone who provides testimonials or
comments (endorser) regarding our website, its products or services (16
CFR, Part 255 – Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and
Testimonials in Advertising).  Material connections involve the
payment of compensation to endorsers or providing free promotional
materials or benefits to endorsers.

    1.1    No Commissions or
Fees.   None of the endorsers who provide testimonials or
comments on this site regarding this site, its products or services
receive payment in the form of affiliate commissions, referral fees, or
other fees from us.  To the best of our knowledge we believe these
endorsements represent the  honest opinions of the endorsers.

    1.2    Free Promotional Materials or
Benefits.   Some or all of the endorsers who provide
testimonials or comments on this site regarding this site, its products
or services may have received free promotional materials or benefits
from us.  Although you might assume that these endorsements are
biased by reason of these free promotional materials or benefits, to
the best of our knowledge we believe these endorsements represent the
honest opinions of the endorsers.

2.    Success Story” or “Best-Case” Testimonials We
Post.   For Testimonials we post on our site that are in the
nature of “success story” or “best-case” scenario testimonials (as
distinguished from subjective opinions), we have data that will
substantiate the results and also provide statements of expected
typical results we believe consumers will generally achieve with our
product or service, and we will provide this information upon request –

3.    Subjective Opinion Testimonials We
Post.   For Testimonials we post on our site that are in the
nature of subjective opinions, we do not independently verify, nor do
we seek independent verification; however, to the best of our knowledge
we believe the testimonialists are giving their honest opinions. 
If you’re not sure regarding whether a particular
testimonial is a “success story”/”best-case” scenario testimonial or a
subjective opinion testimonial, email our compliance officer at the
email address provided above and request clarification.

4.    Blog Posts by Others. We do not independently
verify, nor do we seek independent verification of comments and
statements that may be posted by others in blog posts on this site
regarding our website, its products or services.  For this reason,
if others post “success story” or “best-case” scenario testimonials (as
distinguished from subjective opinions), you should assume that their
results are NOT typical.

5.    Material Connections with Advertisers.  The
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that we disclose any material
connection we may have with a product manufacturer or service provider
(advertiser) (16 CFR, Part 255 – Guides Concerning the Use of
Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising).  Material
connections involve the payment of compensation by advertisers to us or
advertisers providing free promotional materials or benefits to us.

    5.1    Commissions and
Fees.   Some or all of the advertisers for which we provide
advertisements, testimonials or comments on this site may pay us in the
form of advertising fees, affiliate commissions, referral fees, or
other fees.  Although you might assume that our endorsements are
biased by reason of compensation, we strive to give our honest opinions
and evaluations.

    5.2    Promotional Materials or
Benefits.   Some or all of the advertisers for which we
provide advertisements, testimonials or comments on this site may pay
us in the form of free promotional materials or benefits. 
Although you might assume that our endorsements are biased by reason of
free promotional materials or benefits, we strive to give our honest
opinions and evaluations.

6.    Earnings and Income Disclaimers.

    6.1    Although we make every effort
to accurately represent the services and/or products presented on this
website, we make no representation or promise that you will make any
specific amount of money, or any money at all, or that you will not
lose money.

    6.2    Statements or examples of
actual earnings on this website are true and correct, and we will
verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected
typical results (email; however,
these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or
guarantees of earnings or income.  Earnings and income potential
are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control,
including but not limited to your financial condition, talent, skills,
level of effort, motivation, past experience and education, your
competition, and changes within the market.  In addition, there
are certain risks that are unknown.

    6.3    For the foregoing reasons, you
should assume that these results are NOT typical.  Your use of our
services and/or products should be based exclusively on your own due
diligence and judgment.  We cannot guarantee your future results
or success.

7.    Forward-Looking  Statements.  Some
materials relating to our services and/or products may include
forward-looking statements as contemplated by the safe harbor
provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as
amended.  You may identify forward-looking statements by words
such as “expects”, “anticipate”, “plan”, “believe”, “scheduled”,
 and variations of these words and similar expressions. 
Forward-looking statements are not predictions or guarantees of future
performance, and they involve certain uncertainties and risks that are
difficult to predict, some of which are listed discussed above. 
Accordingly, you should assume that the results of these statements are
NOT typical.  Actual future results may differ from these
statements.  We do not undertake any obligation to update or
publicly release any revisions to forward-looking statements.

Use of this site including any content, service, or product displayed,
published, or downloaded from this site is subject to all the terms and
conditions of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.  In addition,
registered users are required to enter into an additional agreement.

Copyright  2001-11 Digital Contracts, Inc.
( All Rights Reserved (this is not a
Creative Commons license). This document is licensed only for use by
the owner of this website. Copying or use of this document in whole or
in part by anyone other than the licensee is prohibited.

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