Effective 26 may, 2012, the EU cookie law requires all websites visited by European citizens to provide these citizens with a notice if cookies are saved on the visitor’s computer by the site. If you save visitor preferences so their next visit will show them a more targeted view of your site, you use cookies. Your site likely places cookies, even if you don’t know about it. For example, is you use Google Analytics, you place cookies on the visitor’s computer. If you have Facebook buttons or other social media buttons, cookies are also used. Advertisements often place cookies,... [...]
Archive for the 'Website Development and Testing' Category
Kindle books offer big opportunities for additional revenue beyond the book’s sale price. The buyers may be interested in additional items related to the book. It could be other Kindle books or Clickbank products, etc. Lina T has produced the Kindle Monetization Kit that lets you build a landing page to offer them related books or other information products. Place the link for your landing page in your Kindle book, at multiple places in the book if you like. When the reader clicks on the link, they are taken to your webpage. They are sent to a stunning sales page for your related products.... [...]
If you are looking for a way to make money from the billions of dollars spent downloading music, take a look at the Music Search Engine released by Ashev Jovovic. This site is for music lovers everywhere who are seeking their own special playlist. (Samples are available for most albums so they know what they are buying.) They can crete it, buy it and download it from your MP3 store, an affiliate store for Amazon. You attract the traffic; Amazon does the delivery. Besides the MP3s you also can sell music equipment for DJs, musicians and audiophiles- it’s a complete music store. All done for... [...]
One of the important jobs of a parent is to teach their children to mature into productive, self-supporting adults. Sashatopia is a remarkable franchise, which will quite possibly alter the financial well being of your child, now and in the years to come. With Sashatopia, your child learns a lot of skills for their adult life. Sashatopia will train your child to write articles for their website and teach them how to express themselves, a skill that will always serve them well. If you get your child a Sashatopia franchise, they will create a blog and in their blog, besides the content they generate,... [...]
Mr. McD says you can build a cash-generating video review mini-site in just 2 minutes. This new software This is a review site generator, that you can use to review products as an affiliate. It’s not just a template, not just a plug-in, but a mini site generator that you can setup in about 2 minutes. It can be used with a WordPress site or an HTML site. It generates a landing page for a video review, where you have the product review on the left, and the product image on the right. Go here to see a demo and learn more: Video Review Mini Site [...]
Aurelius Tjin has released these 50 templates (20 designs with multiple variations, making 50 versions in total) you can use to build professional looking websites. Your time is valuable. You don’t want to spend days making a website that looks professional. Tjin has created templates that take the hard work out of your hands and puts it in the hands of designers who enjoy the design work and do a good job. Tjin calls these SSS Templates, standing for “Simple, Speedy, Sleek”. Each template, constructed in plain HTML, with JPG or GIF graphics, is easy to use and customize. Just... [...]
If you are a local consultant needing a fil-in-the-blanks and copy and paste system to build sites for your local clients, check out Mark Sandquist’s Local Site Machine Software. With Local Site Machine Software, you have a two-pronged tool: * A tools to mock up a site for a potential client * A tool to deliver a site to an actual client And the ease and flexibility of building these sites? Excellent: – Choose whether to include a logo – Choose font and site colors (and change them at will) – Use graphics of your choice – Automatically create Home page, Contact page,... [...]
Video Reviews of hot products can become a cash cow for a clever marketer. And now, you don’t even have to be very clever, because Video Review Mini Site is clever enough for both of you. Video Review Mini Site Generator isn’t just a template; it’s a mini site generator that you can setup in about 2 minutes. It generates a landing page for a video review, where you have the product review on the left, and the product image on the right. People can then watch the review of the product, and if they like it, they can click on the product link and buy it When they do, you get paid. This... [...]
For best marketing results you need to test to discover what works. With Banner Chameleon you define groups of banners that you want to test. For example, three ads for the same product. Then tell Banner Chameleon to rotate these ads. It tracks the clicks for each version so you can choose the one that converts best. The information it provides can dramatically improve your results by quickly determining which ad you should use, saving you time and earning you money. Go here to learn all about Banner Chameleon [...]
You know affiliate marketing is the easiest way to get started online, but actually building that affiliate site may be a daunting task for you- it is for a lot of people. removes this barrier to your success. It lets you build and maintain your website with just a few clicks of a button and your new website can be online in a matter of minutes. It doesn’t require you to have any technical skills; the technology of Home Website Builder is all “under the covers”; the user doesn’t have to know anything about it. The user can point and click to select a site design, then... [...]