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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Updates' Category

This is not your father’s WordPress

For many years WordPress has been the premiere blogging platform. Now this is changing. Beginning in 2013, the team developing the core of WordPress has been working on a revolutionary new vision of what WordPress aims to be. No longer content to be the world’s favorite blogging platform, WordPress is intent on becoming the world’s favorite site building platform. There have been many services in the last 5-10 years that have aimed to make it easy for non-specialists to create a website. Wix, Weebly and SquareSpace come to mind. The new goal for WordPress is to become a better site... [...]

‘WordPress issues version 4.7.3 with six security fixes’ – Martech Today

Matt McGee says, “WordPress has released version 4.7.3 of its uber-popular content management system, and “strongly encourages” users to update right away to take advantage of the six security fixes it includes. The company says previous versions are impacted by these security issues: Cross-site scripting (XSS) via media file metadata. Control characters can trick redirect URL validation. Unintended files can be deleted by administrators using the plugin deletion functionality. Cross-site scripting (XSS) via video URL in YouTube embeds. Cross-site scripting (XSS) via taxonomy term names. Cross-site... [...]

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