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Friday, September 20, 2024

‘What Albert Einstein Can Teach You About Internet Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “What Albert Einstein Can Teach You About Internet Marketing”. Bryan Clark says, “In ‘Internet years’ I think I can safely call myself a seasoned professional. I have been working online for a long time now; time in which I have know many people come and go. While I hate to use the term ‘Make Money Online’ or even ‘Internet Marketing’ given the bad reputation that they both have, this industry is not for the faint hearted”. What Albert Einstein Can Teach You About Internet Marketing Yaro Starak’s ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’... [...]

‘What If You’re Not An “Expert”?’ by Jeff Walker

Jeff Walker’s latest blog post is titled “What If You’re Not An “Expert”?”. Walker  says, “There were THOUSANDS of questions on my webcast last week… and there was one that got me fired up more than all the others combined. This video is all about that question…”. What If You’re Not An “Expert”? Jeff Walker’s Blog  [...]

‘How to Do What You Love’ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “How to Do What You Love”. Dan Ferris says, “I turned 50 last Friday. I had a great time Saturday night with friends and family. We drank some great wine (Lindstrom and Del Dotto cabernets) and had a fantastic meal, prepared by a guy I believe is the best chef for hundreds of miles around these parts. I’d never heard of Moroccan anchovies or hen-of-the-woods mushrooms, but they’re both delicious. Over the weekend, I sat around and did little but play... [...]

‘6 Figure Facebook Marketing’ Robert Grant’s Webinar November 29

Robert Grant is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, November 29 at 6.00 pm PST. The topic of the webinar is “6 Figure Facebook Marketing”. Grant says, “Here’s what our guest speaker and Facebook Marketing thought leader, Amy Porterfield, will cover: • Super Fans: What They Are and Why You Need Them Fast • Essentials of Facebook Marketing That Makes Quick Sales • Quick Tips to Get Your Fans Talking and Engaged • How to Move Your Fans Up the Ranks to Super Fan Status • Smart Strategies to Rapidly Grow a Profitable Fan Base”. Webinar Details Organizer: Robert Grant Topic: 6... [...]

‘Make More Money From Your Membership Site’ Robert Plank’s Webinar November 29

Robert Plank is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, November 29 at 2.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Make More Money From Your Membership Site With “This” Secret Marketing Weapon”. Webinar Details Organizer: Robert Plank Topic: Make More Money From Your Membership Site With “This” Secret Marketing Weapon Day/Date: Tuesday, November 29 Time: 2.00 pm EST – Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘Make More Money From Your Membership Site With “This” Secret Marketing Weapon’ Webinar  [...]

‘What’s the Primary Social Networking Site You Use for Your Business?’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “What’s the Primary Social Networking Site You Use for Your Business? [poll]”. Wakeman says, “Every now and then I like to take your pulse and find out where you stand with using social networking sites for your business. It’s been awhile since I asked so I figured it’s time for another poll. The last time I asked (in 2008!), I included blogs, Flickr and MySpace. At the time, blogs edged out Facebook by a few percent. In May 2010, I posed the hypothetical question: if you could only use one social networking site, which... [...]

‘Marketing Mailbag on Black Friday’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Marketing Mailbag on Black Friday”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I have more turkey in the oven tonight – just a breast (because my family all eat the white meat) and I’m making more stuffing and fudge. That turkey smells good enough to make me no longer a vegetarian … almost. Wish I could get over it. So I have a TON of emails and I thought I’d go through some stuff here on the blog!”. Marketing Mailbag on Black Friday Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘The 25 Best Ways To Grow Your Business’ by Eric Garner

Eric Garner’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The 25 Best Ways To Grow Your Business”. Garner says, “We are all time-rich and sometimes results-poor. So here, to help you get more out of the time you have, or to help you achieve more of what you want, or to discover ways to find an extra hour to do with as you want, are 25”. The 25 Best Ways To Grow Your Business Marketing for Success  [...]

‘How To Be Productive’ by Lance Tamashiro

Lance Tamashiro’s latest blog post is titled “‘How To Be Productive”. Tamashiro says, “I have always been amazed at “productive” people. In school, I wanted to know what the best students were doing to get good grades. It seemed like they had a secret to getting their homework done on time while I was struggling to throw something together at the last minute. Turns out after watching them they all had some kind of system. Some had day planners, some just did their homework as soon as it was assigned and some were in study groups”. How To Be Productive Lance... [...]

‘Create Your Own Superstar Persona’ – ‘One Step Ahead’ Newsletter

Rich Schefren has released the latest issue of ‘One Step Ahead’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “Create Your Own Superstar Persona”. ‘One Step Ahead’ Newsletter Contents Create Your Own Superstar Persona By Rich Schefren Creating a Superstar Slacker or Rocket Scientist? No Matter What You Decide, You Need Clarity First Resources To Grow Your Online Business…”From Frustration to Freedom!”. ‘One Step Ahead’ Newsletter  [...]

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