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Saturday, February 15, 2025

‘Digg is Back With New App and Site Re-Launch’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Digg is Back With New App and Site Re-Launch”. Kate Freeman says, “Social bookmarking website Digg launched the first version of its new site on Tuesday after going back into startup mode to rebuild the site from the bottom up. V1, for version 1, was built on “fresh code” and the team says they plan to build it out quickly. The new site features more images and stories selected by editors. It is free from ads and appears to have space for bigger stories”. Digg is Back With New App and Site Re-Launch  [...]

‘Rakuten LinkShare Office Hours’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Rakuten LinkShare Office Hours”. Collins Says, “Rakuten LinkShare is starting up Office Hours on Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 1:30 pm EDT. Lisa Erlich, Manager of Education & Training, and Erica Ringer, Account Supervisor at Rakuten LinkShare, will be on hand to answer questions from merchants/advertisers on how to get started with Rakuten LinkShare or how to optimize an affiliate program”. Rakuten LinkShare Office Hours Shawn Collins’ Blog  [...]

‘Eating Their Lunch: Using Technology to Monitor and Respond to Competitors′ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Eating Their Lunch: Using Technology to Monitor and Respond to Competitors″. Baer says, “You never see people talk about competitors on social networks, and on marketing blogs. It’s the ultimate taboo topic. Get behind closed doors and that changes quickly.  Marketers obsess about their competitors, messaging, and corresponding market share. That’s why we talk about competitors a great deal in Marketing in the Round. Some believe they should”. Eating Their Lunch: Using Technology to Monitor and Respond to Competitors Jay... [...]

Reminder- Ali Brown’s Interview on ‘5 Steps to Growing a Moneymaking Business You Love!’, 8.00 pm ET

Ali Brown is going to be interviewed on the topic ‘5 Steps to Growing a Moneymaking Business You Love!’. The interview is scheduled on  Wednesday, August 1 at 8.00 pm ET. Brown says, “I wanted to make sure you knew about a FREE webcast I’m on this Wednesday that you’ll definitely be interested in. I’ll be revealing my TOP 5 recommended steps to help YOU create lasting success during this interview called, “5 Steps to Growing a Moneymaking Business You Love!” It’s all part of an online global event sponsored by the California Women’s... [...]

‘The @adage banner study is great for idiots’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “The @adage banner study is great for idiots”. Schoemaker says, “Last week Adage did a post that reported a banner that was blank got a 70% increase in click through rate then other banners. This has nubs all over the net in a frenzy on this “game changing” study. Wow… shocker… As I showed in my facebook advertising blank ads and even ads written in”. The @adage banner study is great for idiots ShoeMoney Blog  [...]

‘The All-Encompassing Power of Video’ by Andy Jenkins

Andy Jenkins’ latest blog post is titled “The All-Encompassing Power of Video”. Jenkins says, “Got a rather candid and straightforward question from a gent and a similarly-themed query from a student who happened to be following the blog. The candid gent said he followed my advice to make a”. The All-Encompassing Power of Video Andy Jenkins’ Blog  [...]

‘Why Bing’s Facebook Integration Won’t Help Most People’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Why Bing’s Facebook Integration Won’t Help Most People”. Mark Hachman says, “On Monday, Microsoft added the capability to “tag” Facebook friends while searching in Bing, actively soliciting the wisdom of real people when conducting searches. While this sounds like a great idea in theory, it’s unlikely to be used except by a minority of users”. Why Bing’s Facebook Integration Won’t Help Most People ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘How to Get the Email Address You Want’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How to Get the Email Address You Want”. Peter Pachal says, “Microsoft just completely overhauled Hotmail, rebranding it as Outlook and moving the whole email service The app is actually much improved, but longtime Hotmail users will probably have tons of questions — the most important being: What’s my email address now?”. How to Get the Email Address You Want  [...]

‘How To Quickly & Easily Drive TONS of Traffic To Your Website’ Alex Jeffreys’ Webinar August 1

Alex Jeffreys is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, August 1 at 6.00 pm EDT. Alex Jeffreys says, “On Wednesday 1st August 2012 @ 6pm Eastern Time I’m ONCE AGAIN hosting a LIVE Webinar to show you STEP-BY-STEP EXACTLY how to NEVER worry about traffic again. On the LIVE Webinar You Will Discover… * MY favourite way to get traffic. PERIOD * The best source of traffic if you are just starting out * How to get other people sending you traffic – for free * What you MUST have in place BEFORE you get traffic * Why you should NEVER rely on Google for traffic * How to build a fully automated... [...]

‘How to Find Your Money-Making Keywords’ Wordtracker Webinar August 15

Wordtracker team is hosting a webinar on Wednesday , August 15 at 11.00 am EST. The topic of the webinar is “How to Find Your Money-Making Keywords”. Wordtracker team says, “Finding the right SEO strategy for your business can be tough. You need to find those keywords that convert, that people are actually using and that you’ll have a chance of ranking for. That’s a lot of data to look through and a lot of mistakes to make. But there is another way … Join our next webinar, “How to Find Your Money-Making Keywords,” and you’ll learn how to find the... [...]

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