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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

‘Tips for a More Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Tips for a More Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy”. ZOG Digital team says, “40% of people say they socialize more often online than face-to-face. This ever-evolving dependence on the digital world sets up businesses for success in all realms – both through search and social and in terms of how online customers translate offline. Social media, in particular, reaches an impressive magnitude of consumers. In fact, as technology continues to advance, ignoring social networking isn’t an option for businesses who... [...]

Brand Levers: How to work with Google, not against them #ad

No question, Google can send a lot of traffic to your website. Unfortunately, many webmasters try to trick Google into sending traffic, rather than understanding what Google values and giving it to them. Bill Guthrie has just released Brand Levers a few hours ago. It’s the latest training on what it takes to impress Google and rise in the search results. Brand Levers is over 90 minutes of video-based training. In it, Guthrie pulls back the veil of what works (and what doesn’t work) in content marketing today. If you use tactics that try to game Google in one way or another, you will... [...]

‘Are brands overestimating the value of social data?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Are brands overestimating the value of social data?”. Patricio Robles  says, “Brands love social media, and as evidenced by the number of high-dollar acquisitions of social media monitoring and analytics firms last year, they love the data that social media generates. And, on the surface, there’s a good reason for that: popular social networks like Facebook and Twitter give brands a front-row seat to the collective conversation consumers are having about their products and services. From that conversation, brands... [...]

‘Microsoft Launches to Help Developers – And Itself’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Microsoft Launches to Help Developers – And Itself”. Mark Hachman says, “Microsoft on Thursday launched, a set of free tools and services designed to facilitate writing better code across a variety of operating systems, browsers, and devices. But it’s also an effort to keep developers coding for the PC and Windows, with an emphasis on Internet Explorer. That doesn’t mean that Microsoft hasn’t included any juicy carrots as part of the deal: part of the benefit to developers is personalized interaction... [...]

‘Lessons Learned From Building a $2.5 Million Company’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Lessons Learned From Building a $2.5 Million Company”. Chow says, “First of all, getting to $2.5 million has not been easy. When I started out a few years back, I was told that the hardest million is always that first. When you’re doing this for the first time… you don’t know what you don’t know. Well, they weren’t lying. And it’s important that you understand that on YOUR quest to build a big online business, you’re going to make a ton of mistakes”. Lessons Learned From Building a $2.5 Million Company John Chow’s Blog  [...]

Last chance to get CPA Quantum; closing today #ad

If you want Gauher Chaudhry’s newest and best expert training in how to maximize your traffic to your CPA offers, don’t delay any longer. The current sale closes at 6 PM EST. CPA Quantum is the distillation of Chaudhry’s years of successul CPA marketing. Chaudhry shows you how to use Pay-per-Click profitably in your CPA marketing. You may be aware that Google isn’t the only PPC provider. Chaudhry’s research shows others may be more cost-effective in your CPA marketing. Besides PPC, Chaudhry explores the value of PPV (Pay per View) and PPT (pay per text) to bring in... [...]

‘The 49ers vs. The Ravens: Who Wins The Email Superbowl?’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “The 49ers vs. The Ravens: Who Wins The Email Superbowl?”. Rebekah Henson says, “It’s almost game day. But before the San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens suit up for Superbowl victory, we wanted to see who would win in a head-to-head email matchup. It’s the 49ers’ newsletter sign up process against the Ravens’. We’ll score them on how easy it is to find their sign up form“. The 49ers vs. The Ravens: Who Wins The Email Superbowl? Aweber Blog  [...]

‘40 Important Local Search Questions Answered’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “40 Important Local Search Questions Answered”. Mike Ramsey says, “Local has officially grown up, and it’s becoming a major force to be reckoned with. I received a ton of questions from my Mozinar about where local is headed, and I decided to dive deep into the answers. Make yourself a cup of coffee and dig in to 40 local search questions answered in detail!”. 40 Important Local Search Questions Answered SEOmoz  [...]

‘Is it Finally Time for You to Step Up?’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Is it Finally Time for You to Step Up?”. Sonia Simone says, “A frail older woman, never married. Living in a large house that she has inherited. Her materials needs are met, but her days are lonely. Health challenges have confined her to a wheelchair, and she is feeling increasingly isolated. Increasingly … useless. Her life has very little meaning, and less pleasure. She wonders why she keeps going. And sometimes, very late at night, she considers simply … quietly saying good-bye”. 40 Is it Finally Time for You to Step Up? ‘Copyblogger’... [...]

Meteor Comet: a profitable twist on a familiar strategy for free traffic #ad

Meteor Comet reveals a profitable twist on a familiar method for free traffic #ad Stephen Gilbert’s Meteor Comet exposes a process for almost unlimied traffic to your website. Gilbert not only reveals the source; he also shows you how to get the most out of your use of this source. And it’s so simple that anyone can do it. No tech skills needed. Meteor Comet is a simple method to get your links on the first page of google without necessarily even having a website by harnessing the power of press release sites. Read what other users are saying about it and get your own copy here: Meteor... [...]

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