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Saturday, October 26, 2024

’19 Reasons Your Social Media Might Not Work Out the Way You Planned’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “19 Reasons Your Social Media Might Not Work Out the Way You Planned”. Eric Siu says, “Social media is the most volatile and unpredictable marketing channel we’ve ever seen. Each network is constantly being innovated, redesigned, or updated. It’s also one of the most powerful tools marketers can have in their arsenal — if you know how to use it right”. T19 Reasons Your Social Media Might Not Work Out the Way You Planned HubSpot  [...]

‘Advertising on Instagram: Unacceptable or Understandable?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Advertising on Instagram: Unacceptable or Understandable?”. Todd Wasserman says, “Facebook execs have been upfront about the fact that at some point, Instagramwill include advertising. The timeline remains a mystery. Based on CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s comments during the company’s second-quarter earnings call this week, it’s not necessarily imminent: SEE ALSO: 25 Most-Followed Users on Instagram [PICS] [CEO] Kevin [Systrom] has always been clear that we’re building Instagram to be a business, and we expect that over... [...]

‘Beyond Social: Why Traditional Relationships Matter‘ ‘Business 2 Community’ Webinar August 1

‘Business 2 Community’ is hosting a webinar on Thursday, August 1 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Beyond Social: Why Traditional Relationships Matter”. The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “Social media has done a great job of reminding businesses about the power of relationships. Social changed how we connect, where we connect and with whom. It also reminded us that our connections with customers can happen anywhere in the business not just in sales. But social connections are only piece of a company’s relationship strength.  Sales needs to be able... [...]

‘Facebook Won’t Put Ads In Your Instagram Feed—Yet’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Facebook Won’t Put Ads In Your Instagram Feed—Yet”. Taylor Hatmaker says, “Change is scary, and as an Instagram devotee, I obviously hate it. (Aren’t you still reeling from the Vinestagram update?) But change is what’s around the corner Instagram fans—change spelled A-D-S. Mark Zuckerberg says so. Brace yourself. We Get It—Instagram Is A Business As of July, Facebook well is on track with its milestones. It poured money into mobile in late 2012, rolled out its so-called new “pillar,” Graph Search,... [...]

‘Is duplication the sincerest form of flattery?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Is duplication the sincerest form of flattery?”. Danny Chadburn says, “On one of my regular rambles through Wikipedia, I recently came across the Joke Theft entry. It’s an interesting read covering joke origins, examples of some fiery comedic feuds, and a South Park reference. I think approximately 43% of Wikipedia articles include a South Park reference. It discusses how, as the popularity of comedy increased in the 80s and 90s, the first person to tell a joke on some form of media became the one associated with... [...]

‘10 Ways to Build a Twitter Audience for your Business’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “10 Ways to Build a Twitter Audience for your Business”. Kunle Campbell says, “Twitter is becoming ever more popular. Increasingly as important as a Facebook account, a Twitter account is made even more social by retweets, shared links, and sudden swells of memes, shared jokes or ideas. Twitter currently boasts roughly 200 million users. That number is growing. Like many social media platforms, marketing on Twitter needs to be thought about differently. It’s not about how many people receive your marketing message, and it’s not... [...]

‘Facebook — Friend Or Foe For Content Marketers?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Facebook — Friend Or Foe For Content Marketers?”. Jennifer Ledbetter says, “I see it online quite often — someone publishes new content on their blog and then rushes over to their Facebook Fan Page to share the link. The thinking is, “I have 10,000 ‘Likes,’ so here come 10,000 people to my blog post!” Uh, not so fast — it does not work that way”. Facebook — Friend Or Foe For Content Marketers? Marketing Land  [...]

‘5 Design Elements That Can Help Maximize Online Sales’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “5 Design Elements That Can Help Maximize Online Sales”. Evan Brandell says, “Website design trends are constantly evolving, often leaving those responsible for ecommerce either scrambling to keep up or simply resigned to the fact that they’re running an outdated site. But keeping the online shopping experience fresh does not require a complex and costly tear-down every year to meet shifting preferences. Following these five design tips will help to create fresh, modern storefronts that customers can access anytime, anywhere”. ... [...]

‘A First Look at Raven’s New Content Marketing Tools’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “A First Look at Raven’s New Content Marketing Tools”. Jessica Commins says, “Running the data for Copyblogger Media is no small task, so we’re big fans of tools that make our lives easier. At the top of that list is Raven Tools’ marketing software. And yes, we love them even more for the fact that Raven’s Content Managertightly integrates with our Scribe content marketing software system … but that’s just one of many reasons”. A First Look at Raven’s New Content Marketing Tools ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘Nielsen: Display Advertising Grew 26.3% in the First Quarter’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Nielsen: Display Advertising Grew 26.3% in the First Quarter”. Todd Wasserman says, “The much-reviled banner ad appears to have some life left. Display advertising — a category that includes banners — grew 26.3% globally in the first quarter, according to Nielsen. The increase was led by Asia-Pacific and Latin America, where display advertising grew 33.2% and 48.2%, respectively. Even in Europe, a comparatively mature market, display grew 10.4%. One caveat: Nielsen doesn’t yet measure search and mobile. The company is still... [...]

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