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Monday, September 16, 2024

‘6 Content Marketing Rules for Professionals on the Web’ by Patsi Krackoff

Patsi Krackoff’s latest blog post is titled “6 Content Marketing Rules for  Professionals on the Web”. Krackoff says, “For busy professionals who want to get found on the Web, writing quality contentthat not only informs but generates business leads is a challenge. Most small businesses and professionals like doctors, psychologists and leadership coaches aren’t media or Internet experts. Many don’t even know whatcontent marketing means. I’m a big fan of the Content Marketing Institute and have followed its leader,Joe Pulizzi, since he first played the content marketing trombone... [...]

Keeping your network of blogs updated #ad

With themes, plugins and WordPress, itself, constantly being updated, it’s hard to keep your sites updated, especially if you have several. But keeping on top of the changes to these backbone components of your site is critical to your: 1. Security: New fixes often remove vulnerabilities 2. Bug-free operation: All business software has bugs. In a WordPress site you use code written by many programmers who have little or no communication with each other. There are bound to be problems. Software updates are needed to correct them. But you also have another motivation. You want control of your... [...]

‘Continuing The Conversation About Facebook’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Continuing The Conversation About Facebook”. Nate Elliott says, “Our recent report on why Facebook is failing marketers has caused quite a bit of conversation — with some supporting our findings and others disputing them — and we think that’s healthy. We fully stand behind our data and our conclusions, and we welcome the chance to further discuss what’s working and what’s not working in social media. Conversations like these can only push the industry forward and help all social marketers and sites become more successful. In... [...]

‘Steve Denton to Keynote Affiliate Summit West 2014’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Steve Denton to Keynote Affiliate Summit West 2014”. Collins Says, “Steve Denton will be a keynote speaker at Affiliate Summit West 2014 on Monday, January 13, 2014 at Paris Las Vegas. Steve Denton is the vice president of Marketing Solutions for eBay Enterprise. Denton joined eBay Enterprise in 2010 as the president of eBay Enterprise Media and was most recently responsible for leading the company’s display, retargeting and performance marketing organizations. Denton has more than 13 years of digital media experience and has been successfully... [...]

‘Three Frightfully Fun Examples of Brand Generated Halloween Social Media Content′ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Three Frightfully Fun Examples of Brand Generated Halloween Social Media Content″. Baer says, “Happy Halloween! In celebration of this spooktactular holiday, we’re skipping the tricks and going right to the treats. From Facebook, to Twitter, Vine, and YouTube, check out these three clever content and promotion examples Petco, Tide and Crest have been scaring up leading into Halloween today. Leave a comment below with your favorite, or share”. Three Frightfully Fun Examples of Brand Generated Halloween Social Media... [...]

‘Social Media Marketing: UNC Health Care boosts weekly reach of Facebook page 2,576% with live chats’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “Social Media Marketing: UNC Health Care boosts weekly reach of Facebook page 2,576% with live chats”. Courtney Eckerle says, “Social media has taken over the long-held parental warning about television: it will rot your brain. Many brands only post fun content, as marketers are worried that serious topics will be ignored. Increasingly, social media has become a space where people collect information that seriously affects their lives. Read how UNC Health Care brought health information to its Facebook page with a live chat series... [...]

‘Email Marketing: Simple design change to incentive raises clickthrough rate from the dead by 48%’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Email Marketing: Simple design change to incentive raises clickthrough rate from the dead by 48%”. John Tackett says, “Happy Halloween to our MarketingExperiments audience, (and Sláinte ar Samhain) for those of you who are really into it! Today’s holiday is a chance to highlight a great point that comes to mind when using an evidence-based approach to your email marketing. Increasing conversion through testing can seem almost indistinguishable from magic when done right. Let’s take a look at how the email necromancers on the... [...]

‘What Scares Google?’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “What Scares Google?”. Dr. Peter J. Meyers says, “As SEOs, we spend too much time living in fear of Google. Like any company, Google has weaknesses, and it’s important for us to have perspective about their future (and how it impacts our own future). Here are six things that I think Google fears”. What Scares Google? MOZ Blog  [...]

‘What the Best Halloween Costume of 2013 Can Teach You About Creativity’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “What the Best Halloween Costume of 2013 Can Teach You About Creativity”. Jerod Morris says, “Right now you are probably thinking, Wow … what a unique idea for a Halloween costume. But is it really? Edgar Allan Poe always gets plenty of play come Halloween time, thanks to his reputation for the macabre. And there is perhaps no greater Halloween tradition outside of the pumpkin itself than females donning the sexy nurse/cop/maid costume. Two Halloween clichés. What’s so special about that?”. What the Best Halloween Costume... [...]

‘The Scariest Things AWeber Has Seen In Emails’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “The Scariest Things AWeber Has Seen In Emails”. Rebekah Henson says, “Mangled, mutilated templates. Spelling mistakes straight out of your worst nightmares. Untimely messaging. The horror! We see a lot of emails come through our inboxes. And we’ve seen a lot of frightening things in some of those emails. Want to hear a good horror story for Halloween? Then watch these frightening tales of the scariest “. The Scariest Things AWeber Has Seen In Emails Aweber Blog  [...]

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