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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Video Cash Firesale: Great savings for two more days #ad

As you know, video is the most popular content on the Internet. It makes sense: •It’s an effective communication platform, •It’s perfect for delivering sales presentations, •Search Engines (especially, Google) rank it highly, •YouTube is more popular with the general public than ever, etc. In addition, marketers like it more and more because it’s also easier than ever to create and use videos. Actually, that very fact, the proliferation of tools and services, leads to “analysis paralysis” among marketers. What tools, processes and services should we use to create... [...]

‘Optimizing The SEO Model’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Optimizing The SEO Model”. Peterd say, “SEO has always been focused on acquisition. The marketing strategy, based on high rankings against keyword terms, is about gaining a steady flow of new visitors. If a site ranks better than competing sites, this steady stream of new visitors will advantage the top sites to the disadvantage of those sites beneath it. The selling point of SEO is a strong one. The client gets a constant flow of new visitors and enjoys competitive advantage, just so long as they maintain rank”. Optimizing The SEO Model ‘SEO... [...]

‘Will Google Plus Ever Make It?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Will Google Plus Ever Make It?”. Barry Welford says, “In June 2011, Google announced the Google+ project touting it as real-life sharing, rethought for the Web. Undoubtedly the phenomenal success of Facebook had made Google jealous and in turn, it was determined to create a successful competitor. It was somewhat intriguing in the months that followed to see Googlers forcefully encouraged to join in and make the venture a success. How well have they done creating a vibrant social medium in the two years since then?”. Will... [...]

‘Number One GooglePlus Question – Profile or Page?’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Number One GooglePlus Question – Profile or Page?”. Wakeman says, “The most frequent GooglePlus question I hear about getting started is… Do I set up a profile or a page for my business? The quick answer is both. And, there are caveats.  And, questions you need to answer about your business: Is your business solely online or do you have a physical location as well? Are you a solopreneur or a small, medium or large business? If you’re a solopreneur, are you the “face” of your business, the person who is the brand? What... [...]

Azon Rocket 2.0 Builds Amazon Review Sites in Seconds #ad

Many people find that that setting up an Amazon affiliate site is a difficult, time-consuming task. Bertus Engelbrecht and OJ James have created a WordPress plugin to help get your affiliate site running quickly. Azon Rocket 2.0 builds Amazon review sites faster than you can read this article. It went live at 11 AM Eastern October 30. The grand opening sale lasts only 1 week Until now, building review sites could be a slow process taking hours, starting with finding the right keywords and choosing the right products to review. Then setting up the site itself was a pain, too. Now, Engelbrecht and... [...]

‘Video Marketing – Trick or Treat?′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Video Marketing – Trick or Treat?″. Lou B0rtone says, “Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s the season of ghosts and goblins. But before you get scared away by the idea of adding video marketing to your bag of tricks, keep in mind that – when done right –video can be a treat! Take the fright factor out of video by facing your fears and following the advice in this handy Halloween infographic, which revealsthe 5 biggest video nightmaresand how to overcome them“. Video Marketing – Trick or Treat? ‘The Future... [...]

‘4 Major Ways to Boost Your Ecommerce Exposure by Using Facebook’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “4 Major Ways to Boost Your Ecommerce Exposure by Using Facebook”. Ted Ammon says, “The marketing world as we know it changed forever with the emergence of Facebook as a tool for ecommerce marketers to communicate — in real time and in two directions — with their customers. With roughly 1/8th of the entire world’s population using Facebook, according to Statistic Brain, it’s time to get over thinking that you’re customers aren’t social. When you think of these numbers in relation to your business,... [...]

‘At Facebook, Almost Half Of Ad Revenue Now Comes From Mobile’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “At Facebook, Almost Half Of Ad Revenue Now Comes From Mobile”. ReadWrite Editors say, “Remember when Facebook warned investors that its lagging mobile business might hamper future growth? Those days are long gone. In its third quarter earnings release today, Facebook reported $1.8 billion in advertising revenue, with mobile ads accounting for 49% of that sum—and roughly 44% of all revenue. At this time last year, the company generated only 14% of its advertising revenue from mobile”. At Facebook, Almost Half Of Ad Revenue Now... [...]

Ultimate Video Graphics: Sales-building graphics in motion #ad

Anwesh Rath put together a special graphics deal for his subscribers. He has now authorized IM NewsWatch to extend this deal to our subscribers, as well. He calls it Ultimate Video Graphics. In it he has gathered short video clips, graphics elements, backgrounds and templates that you can use in your marketing. He has arranged his collection into 6 parts or “modules”: Module #1: Powerpoint Sales Video Templates ready for you to add your own text Module #2: Intro Logo Stings ready for you to add your own logo Module #3: Powerpoint Backgrounds to use in your presentations Module #4: Video... [...]

‘Facebook Admits Teen Use May Be Declining’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Admits Teen Use May Be Declining”. Kurt Wagner says, “Many have claimed that Facebook‘s hold on the teenage demographic has been slipping. Facebook’s earnings call on Wednesday did nothing to squelch these claims.Facebook CFO David Ebersman said that while monitoring teen usage is a challenge, daily use among some may be declining. SEE ALSO: 20 Things Your Most Annoying Friends Do on Facebook “Youth usage among U.S. teens was stable overall from Q2 to Q3, but we did see a decrease in daily users partly among... [...]

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