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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Study explains the impact of small marketing changes on performance

Forbes contributor Krystle M. Davis has shared the experiences of seven executives who could improve their performance with a small marketing change. Davis has covered the stories of the following executives: Ann Handley, chief content officer, Marketing Profs Juntae DeLane, chief strategist, Digital Delane, LLC Ed Breault, VP, head of marketing at Aprimo Tom Gerace, founder and CEO of Skyword Shachar Orren, chief storyteller Playbuzz, Ian Cleary, founder of Razor Social John Hall, co-founder of Influence & Co. Davis says, “”Your content marketing strategy is sinking. What’s... [...]

An Introduction to Lead Generation [eBook]

The HubSpot team has published a free ebook called ‘An Introduction to Lead Generation’. This ebook teaches some of the best ways to generate more leads for a business. The ebook covers the following: How to define and qualify a lead The mechanics of lead generation How to promote your lead generation campaign Resources to start your own campaign Examples from HubSpot and additional companies. An Introduction to Lead Generation HubSpot  [...]

‘Your Content, Long Term: How SEO Will Help Your Content Keep Performing in the Long Haul’ Webinar September 26

Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘Your Content, Long Term: How SEO Will Help Your Content Keep Performing in the Long Haul’ on Wednesday, September 26 at 2.00 pm EDT. The CMI team says, “While digital SEO and content strategies are always changing, one truth is still apparent: Content & SEO are better together. On September 26th, join Patrick Reinhart and Marcela De Vivo as they discuss the alignment between SEO and content and the process from ideation through iteration. In this webinar, you’ll learn: What kind of long-term value you can expect from... [...]

Three reasons content marketers need editors

Trying to excel in any form of marketing is a must. With a team of people having expertise in various areas you can achieve excellence in marketing. In content marketing too you need people who can contribute to make the content outstanding. Copyblogger’s Stefanie Flaxman has shared three ways having editors can help you create content that is more effective. Flaxman says, “Your content needs to quickly communicate what your audience wants and needs, so my natural abilities are actually the perfect fit for content marketing. Turning a “weakness” into a strength Most of my English... [...]

Three ways to help you prove marketing ROI

Getting the right ROI (return on investment) is necessary to survive in the business and you need to prove the claimed ROI to the people you work with. Econsultancy columnist Jeff Rajeck has shared three ways that can help marketers prove their marketing’s ROI. Rajeck says, “Proving marketing ROI to CFOs is tricky, but fortunately there are ways chief marketers (and people trying to make chief marketers happy) can prepare for it. 1) Review IPA case studies The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising holds annual Effectiveness Awardswhich require contestants to submit detailed campaign... [...]

‘Customer Data Challenge: Improve martech efficiency and ROI with unified data’ Webinar 1.00 pm EDT

Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘Customer Data Challenge: Improve martech efficiency and ROI with unified data’ on  Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 1.00 pm EDT. The DMD team says, “How much are data silos costing you? Can you honestly say that your customer data is clean, unified and consistent across all marketing channels? Join our martech experts as they explain how unifying customer data can result in a more efficient martech stack – to deliver more compelling marketing messages and, ultimately, customer experiences. Attend this webinar and learn: How to... [...]

Kevin Fahey’s coaching on automated Internet Marketing #ad

“You probably know of Kevin Fahey as an: ► Online marketer for many years ► Creator of many products to assist other online marketers ► Educator for new online marketers As an educator, he is currently offering coaching that shows you how to build an online business in any industry you choose. In this coaching series, he shares some of the techniques and tools have have helped him build his successful online business. People who don’t succeed online usually fail because they run out of money before reaching a break-even point. They don’t make enough money to pay their expenses... [...]

‘Your Content, Long Term: How SEO Will Help Your Content Keep Performing in the Long Haul’ Webinar 2.00 pm EDT

Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘Your Content, Long Term: How SEO Will Help Your Content Keep Performing in the Long Haul’ on Wednesday, September 26 at 2.00 pm EDT. The CMI team says, “While digital SEO and content strategies are always changing, one truth is still apparent: Content & SEO are better together. On September 26th, join Patrick Reinhart and Marcela De Vivo as they discuss the alignment between SEO and content and the process from ideation through iteration. In this webinar, you’ll learn: What kind of long-term value you can expect from... [...]

Get more email subscribers with these strategies

Getting your first lot of email subscriber is a big marketing challenge. You need to put your creativity and authenticity at test for getting those initial subscribers. AWeber contributor Kaleigh Moore has shared five tips to help marketers get their first 1000 subscribers. Moore says, “Here are a few tried and true tactics that you can put to the test to grow your subscriber list. 1. Tap your connections and current subscribers Leveraging your network is a great way to steadily increase your subscriber list, and often the best place to gain traction especially in the beginning. Although... [...]

‘Stand Out in the Crowd: Top D.I.Y. PR Tactics for Growing Your Business’ Webinar September 27

Business 2 Community is hosting a webinar on ‘Stand Out in the Crowd: Top D.I.Y. PR Tactics for Growing Your Business’ on  Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 1.00 pm ET. The Business 2 Community team says, “Marketers and entrepreneurs alike can apply any one of these recommended PR tactics and get the exposure they’re seeking. Key Takeaways How PR is truly under utilized as a tool for customer acquisition vs. Ads and SEO which is plateauing How to find websites, blogs, podcasts and publications that reach your audience How to use a personalized conversation starter to talk to... [...]

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