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Friday, February 14, 2025

40 top podcasts are looking for guests. Details inside. #ad

Being interviewed on a top-rated podcast provides you with the opportunity to gain nationwide or worldwide visibility. And this allows you to sell more of your products, programs and services. As a bonus, it builds your fame as an expert in your niche. It doesn’t cost you anything to appear as a guest so it’s the best free publicity you can imagine. If you’ve been looking improved results on your marketing initiatives, and you need to generate more leads, conversations and sales, podcast appearances can get you where you need to go. The podcasting phenomenon is changing the way entrepreneurs... [...]

Perform better in this holiday season with these tips

The holiday season is approaching and all of us would want to make better sales this time. Putting more efforts is something that can help us do it. Business 2 Community contributor Dave Charest has shared five tips for the small businesses to enhance their sales in the upcoming holidays. Charest says, “With a strong economy and low unemployment boosting consumer confidence, the 2018 holiday season promises to be a good one. This year the holiday trifecta of Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday starts on November 23rd, so time is of the essence for small businesses looking to... [...]

Siege Media reveals 100 most popular Google keywords

Siege Media CEO Ross Hudgens has published an infographic containing the 100 most popular Google keywords. Hudgens says, “We know branded terms like “Gmail” and “Craigslist” are frequently searched, and are a common point of reference for users. But what about non-brands? What about true keywords that, undoubtedly, are the aim of many traffic-thirsty SEOs across the world? This was the question we wondered earlier this month. With help from the team at the great keyword research tool Ahrefs, we were able to get it answered. The below visualization is a list of the 100 most searched... [...]

Social media makes us angry and unfocused. Is email the answer? [Podcast]

The Recode team has published a podcast on ‘Social media makes us angry and unfocused. Is email the answer?’ featuring Chris Best. Eric Johnson says, “Once upon a time, people had to work to find things to do and media to consume. These days, the inverse is true: We’re all desperate to get back the free time and ability to focus we used to have. “Attention is your last finite resource,” Substack CEO Chris Best said on the latest episode of Recode Media. “You’re not looking for things. You’re never bored. You’re always constantly addicted to things. Now the next... [...]

Eight-point checklist to optimize your blog posts

Search engine optimization plays a key role in making your blog posts popular and expand their reach. Optimization can be achieved by staying more focused on keywords and the content quality. Business 2 Community contributor Rachel Sullivan has shared an eight-point checklist to help marketers optimize their blog posts. Sullivan says, “Is your blog working as hard as it can for you? It should go without saying that the first component of a successful company blog is quality content. If your words aren’t interesting, insightful or helpful to your readers, it’s unlikely you’ll ever build... [...]

Americans buy 58% items added to shopping carts [survey]

A Yahoo! news report citing a survey by OnePoll has revealed that Americans buy only 58% of the items added to their shopping carts. Here are some useful findings: Only  six in ten items added to carts actually get purchased The surveyed Americans said that they will buy the product online if the entire checkout process takes longer than half a minute An average American likes to take nine seconds waiting for the next page to load in a checkout Many Americans drop the purchase idea when they are asked to re-enter their credit card info. We Abandon our Online Shopping Carts All the Time Yahoo!... [...]

Here is HubSpot’s guide to creating a great blog post

Blogging is an art that has been utilized well for developing businesses. It helps you keep your customers informed and persuade them to make purchase. HubSpot contributor Rachel Leist has shared a short guide to creating an outstanding blog post. She has also shared free blog post templates. Leist says, “Today, people and organizations of all walks of life manage blogs to share analyses, instruction, criticisms, and other observations of an industry in which they are a rising expert. After you read this post, there will be absolutely no reason you can’t blog every single day —... [...]

Improve your email marketing performance with these five tips

Email marketing, though a successful form, is one of the most challenging ones as it requires a blend of creativity, timing, offer and quality. It is a difficult thing to get your emails opened and even more difficult to inspire an action with your email content. Entrepreneur contributor Sujan Patel has shared five tips to help marketers get their emails opened and read by the subscribers. Patel says, “Email inboxes, in fact, have become prime real estate for businesses. MarketingSherpa found that 72 percent of consumers it surveyed said they preferred to communicate with businesses... [...]

Technologies that can save your business money [ReadWrite]

The ReadWrite contributor Brad Anderson has shared a list of three technologies that can save your business money. Anderson says,”Thoughtful, intelligent investment in innovations like these can help almost every kind of business succeed. To save both time and resources, the following three technologies, in particular, are worth pursuing. 1. Reduce waste with inventory management technology. According to Wasp Barcode, an astounding 43 percent of small businesses either don’t track their inventory or are stuck using outdated manual methods to do so. Ultimately, these businesses are missing... [...]

‘Mobile Creative Doesn’t Have to Suck: Develop Ads That Actually Engage Your Audience’ Webinar 1.00 pm EST

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘Mobile Creative Doesn’t Have to Suck: Develop Ads That Actually Engage Your Audience’ on Tuesday, November 20 at 1.00 pm EST. The AdWeek team says, “Brands and agencies of all types seem to have the same struggle these days: delivering compelling mobile ad experiences. It may be less about the format and more about the creative. After all, far too many marketers are still doing things like repurposing their desktop ads. But mobile as afterthought simply doesn’t work. You’ve got to create better ads that are designed for mobile experience... [...]

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