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Fortin’s Blog Post: Bye Movable Type! Hello WordPress…
Read Michel Fortin’s blog post titled “Bye Movable Type! Hello WordPress…”. [Read more] [Read more]
Nokia 770 Internet Tablet adds Google Talk
Nokia 770 Internet tablet has added Google Talk. It also offers Google as the default search provider. [Read more] [Read more]
Yahoo! Redesigns Home Page
Yahoo has redesigned its home page. The new design reflects people’s new interests and needs, according to Yahoo. [Read more] [Read more]
AdWords Help has 5000 members
AdWords Help membership has grown to more than 5000 members, according to Google AdWords Blog. [Read more] [Read more]
Repeat Visitors More Likely to Purchase Online Than New
Repeat visitors are eight times more likely to purchase online than new visitors, according to a research by WebSideStory. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Releases 2.50a of Google Maps API v2
Google has released 2.50a of Google Maps API v2. It includes corrections in the API. [Read more] [Read more]
ContextWeb To Launch ‘Contextual Graphical Advertising Product’
ContextWeb is going to launch “˜Contextual Graphical Advertising Product’ in partnership with InfoSpace. InfoSpace will offer the product to web publishers. [Read more] [Read more]
Last Call for ‘The World Internet Summit’ on June 22-25
Denise Rayner has made the last call for “The World Internet Summit 2006”. The summit will be held on June 22- 25 at Wembley. [Read more] [Read more]
Smith’s Blog Post: Why Home Business Internet Marketing Experts Love the 15th?
Jeff Smith’s latest blog post is titled “Why Home Business Internet Marketing Experts Love the 15th?”. Information product publishers prefer 15th of each month about which the post has an important marketing message, according to Smith. [Read more] [Read more]
‘EMC News: Marketing News You Can Use’ May 15 Vol 7 Released
Erika Ackerman has released “EMC News: Marketing News You Can Use” May 15, Vol 7, No 2. Two Articles: 5 Common Advertising Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid & How To Write Better Solo Ads. [Read more] [Read more]
Kleinmeulman’s Blog Post: Do You CANI? Video
Paul Kleinmeulman’s latest blog post titled “Do You CanI? has a video on this topic. How to apply CANI to online business is the main focus of the video. [Read more] [Read more]
Google To Participate in Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual Internet Conference
Google’s Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt is going to participate in a question-answer session at the Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual Internet Conference on May 25. [Read more] [Read more]