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‘The No-BS Home Biz Tips’ Newsletter May 15 Released
“The No-BS Home Biz Tips” newsletter May 15 is released. Article: Why Needs a Mentor by Gary Muller. [Read more] [Read more]
Valentine, Joyner and Galletti Joint Venture Live Webcast on May 15
Sterling Valentine, Mark Joyner and Carl Galletti are having a joint venture live webcast on Monday, May 15. Participants will get a “sneak peek” at the sales letter of Valentine’s “JV Formula” to be released on Tuesday, May 16, according to Galletti. [Read more] [Read more]
Timothy Launching Two Products This Week
Michelle Timothy has announced that she is going to launch two products this week. The two products are RSS to Blog 4.0 update and RSS to Blog Mass Installer. [Read more] [Read more]
Gold ‘Joint Venture Secret’ Teleseminar on May 18
Henry Gold is having a “Joint Venture Secret” teleseminar on Thursday, May 18. The teleseminar will reveal the underground techniques on obtaining more than 800 Joint Venture partners in just 10 days, according to Gold. [Read more] [Read more]
Harris’ Video Clips on ’12 Weeks Intensive’: Merlin Bids Farewell
Harris’ has two video clips on his ’12 Weeks Intensive’ site titled “Merlin Bids Farewell”. The two minute video is based on Harris’ new mantra “Inform Inspire Entertain”. [Read more] [Read more]
Yahoo Japan Launches Yahoo!BB
Yahoo Japan has launched Yahoo!BB. Yahoo!BB is a broadband service launched by Softbank BB Corp. [Read more] [Read more]
36% of Large Companies in North America Use VOIP Products
36% of large companies in North America used VOIP products in 2005, according to a report by Infonetics Research. The report also revealed that 23% of medium companies and 14% of small companies used VOIP products in 2005. [Read more] [Read more]
Google and Nokia to Offer Wi-Fi Phone
Google and Nokia are going to offer a Wi-Fi phone. A new phone to be introduced by Nokia will include Google Talk. [Read more] [Read more]
Blake & Ryder Launch ‘Endless Opt-in’
Justin Blake and Charles Ryder have launched “Endless Opt-in”, a list building software. The software is tested and proven and has helped build 100,000 member opt-in list, according to Blake and Ryder. [Read more] [Read more]
Gardner’s Blog Post: For Owners of the Super Affiliate Handbook
Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “For Owners of the Super Affiliate Handbook”. Gardner announces that a new version of her ebook “Super Affiliate Handbook” is available and owners of the previous version will get an email with download instructions next week. [Read more] [Read more]
Chan’s Blog Post: I’m writing to you
Patric Chan’s latest blog post is titled “I’m writing to you”. Chan’s post is about his vacation and how IMNewswatch has helped him stay informed of what’s going on in the internet marketing niche even though he is on vacation. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Launches Gmail Pictures
Google has launched Gmail Pictures. Gmail Pictures allows Gmail subscribers to add their own picture or pictures for their contacts. [Read more] [Read more]