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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

Flippa Revelation: Profit from Flippa even if your site doesn’t sell #ad

You don’t have to sell your website to earn money from Flippa; there are services you can sell in conjunction with it, whether you sell the site or not. Matt Jay shows you how in Flippa Revelation. In Jay’s new training, you will discover: • The secret method Jay use to make money on flippa whether he sells a site or not. • What Jay does to market his services • What pricing model you should use to sell your site, and why. • How to sell the secret trick the right way, and provide value to the buyers of this service • How you can scale this method with new sites... [...]

Three offline WSOs for under $1 #ad

If you didn’t buy Shelley Owens’s three informative e-books, you’re in luck because she and her partners are offering a remarkable bundle for a remarkable price. Even if you did buy one or two of them, the bundle is so attractive, it’s worth buying just for the one you are missing. The three books in the bundle are: • QR Code Mastery: Over 100 creative ways, many taken for real life examples, you and your clients can use QR codes to market products and build a business. • Mobile Marketing Mastery: 1. Making your website usable on mobile devices; the small screen... [...]

Social Media Plan of Attack (with PLR rights) #ad

Australian marketer Aurelius Tjin has just released his new Social Media Plan of Attack, a guide to using social media strategically to build your business. This e-book addresses the smart use of social media in your business. Use it to build your own business, and then sell it to other people if you like. If you want to resell it, you get numerous tools to help you. You can take the included material and transform it into your own publication. It’s easy to edit and to add your own additional material to make it into a custom and unique product for you. Tjin includes Photoshop files and action... [...]

Evergreen Niche Membership Sites for long-term income #ad

Some people try to make money from fads and short-term trends. These can bring in some income, but it isn’t stable; soon people stop caring about that fad and move on to another one. For stable income, you need to market in an “evergreen” niche, one that has staying power; one that will be important as long as there are people with problems and concerns. You can best benefit from the evergreen niches by viewing each prospective customers as someone you can help during a long-term relationship. Invite them to be members of your exclusive website, where they will find a continuing... [...]

Extreme List Building Blueprint: How he adds 100-300 subscribers daily #ad

Israeli marketer Tom Yevsikov has created Extreme List Building Blueprint, a guide to list building that contains 5 methods, some free and some paid, that bring him consistent results. And Yevsikov says these methods don’t just get random subscribers; they get buyers in your niche. You get started with his methods, and your list starts growing, first a trickle and then more and more until there could be 100 new members a day; he’s seen it go much higher (although your success may vary.). And in this training, he also shows you how to turn list members into real buyers. Get all the facts... [...]

How to get Your 1st 1000 Facebook Fans #ad

Travis Petelle is giving away at no cost, his new training, on getting your 1st 1000 Fans. This system is is the exact process Patelle used (and continues to use) when he builds a fan page. When he did it, Patelle says, within the first 24 hours, sales began pouring in. In this free training he goes through the entire process of researching a viral niche, creating the page for organic traffic, and setting up ads. These techniques can be used for any site in any niche. You can get them all without any charge at all. You will receive a link to a video series and an invitation to a free webinar, with... [...]

Your own software in the lucrative parenting niche #ad

You can have a business helping parents teach their children to read. You do it by giving away Teach Child To Read software that you have branded with your own business name. This software shows parents how to get their preschool children to start reading. And you give it away at no charge. Why? When they use the software, they see an ad at the bottom of their window, saying, “Discover 1 powerful, Effective and Simple Method that will teach your child to read in 12 weeks.” You are an affiliate for this “upgrade” product, and when someone decides to buy this product, you... [...]

Dean Holland’s 7 Figure Business Exposed #ad

Dean Holland has just created a WSO in which he shows us how he operates a 7 Figure Business. This is a video recording of a presentation he made before paying customers at a seminar, distilling what he has learned during his 9 years in online marketing. Holland got a slow start, working 4 years before he made his first dollar. But then his business turned upwards, and now he earn over $1 Million yearly. In this training, he shows you what he does differently now that has brought about the change. He shares his entire business model, including the 5 components that even beginning marketers can... [...]

CPA Infiltration: how to use co-registration for CPA #ad

Timothy Miranda has earned a name as a CPA specialist. He has just released new training he calls CPA Infiltration. In it, Miranda shows you how to use co-registration leads for your CPA marketing. Many major, well-known and frequently visited sites on the web (for example, have a “co-registration” opportunity. Your ad on their site can bring you contact information for their visitors and members. You pay a fixed pre-defined fee for any lead you get from the site. These leads have many advantages over leads from squeeze pages, primarily predictable cost, no fake leads and... [...]

Fast Cash Commando: 6 quick online methods of earning $50 or more daily #ad

Paul Nicholls through experimentation has settled on six online marketing strategies that have worked for him and, he says, will work for you: 1. “The Under the Radar” method that can start bringing in commissions in a few hours 2. “The Traffic Control Method” brings you long term, completely free traffic that you can send to any offer you choose. No SEO required. 3. “The ClickBank Back Door Method” shows you a unique way of targeting keywords, bringing Nicholls 20%-35% conversions 4. “The Hot Gossip Method” brings in free traffic you can monetize... [...]

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