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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

25 Gorgeous Designer eCovers for your Kindle (or other) e-books #ad

Kate Luella, Australian designer and marketer, has created an attractive set of 25 Designer eCovers for your books. These can be customized with your title and your author name and uploaded to the Kindle marketplace, the Nook marketplace or sold through any other channel you choose. There are covers for novels and for many kinds of non-fiction, all with the look of a professionally designed book. You get the covers both in PSD format and in JPG format, so you can edit them to add your information with any tools you find convenient. If you add or replace graphics, you can make these designs even... [...]

Experts Theme powers all your WordPress sites #ad

Soren Hoyer has just released a premium WordPress theme called Experts Theme. This theme is versatile and easy to use. It’s equally adept at: ■ Sales pages, using buiult-in sales page templates ■ Squeeze pages, with custom lead gen forms ■ Blog posts: Use any of several built-in layouts ■ Testimonials: pre-made testimonial pages to show off your reviews and client testimonials ■ Product description pages: Display your products that you’re selling or link to any affiliate product. ■ Service pages One of the tests of a good premium theme is the dashboard it provides to the... [...]

How To Create, Launch And Sell WSOs #ad

British marketer Steve Peters Benn has been building his expertise for years and has become particularly expert in selling on the Warrior Forum. For example, since 2009, he has launched over 40 special offers and many of them have been designated “WSOs of the Day”. Benn has just released his training on how you can use the Warrior Forum for your own marketing: Special Offer Gold. He describes it as “The Most Popular, Effective and Ethical launch system out there.” Warrior Forum has lots of members who are there for the purpose of buying useful training and software. They... [...]

CB Social Power Profits: Sales aids for Clickbank affiliates #ad

There are big opportunities in the social media marketing niche. And Clickbank is at the heart of this niche, with many training products showing how to use social media in marketing. Eleanor Ruse has just issued her latest Clickbank affiliate research and PLR content packages, CB Social Power Profits. As always, Ruse has included a rich set of materials that will help you quickly set up a site in the niche: • An in-depth list of search keywords in the niche and a list of exact match domain names • A list of 30 hand-selected Clickbank products in this niche, chosen for best earning potential •... [...]

CPA Cash Tycoon: Use 7search for CPA profits #ad

Dan DaSilva has been testing for traffic. It’s a second-tier PPC provider that is run by a Warrior Forum member (and gives a discount on the first purchase by other warriors). In CPA Cash Tycoon, he shows how to use 7search to bring in CPA income. He shows the coupon code for the discount at 7search and then shows, step-by-step, how to set up a successful campaign in 7search. He describes this process as a set-and-forget system. In a video in CPA Cash Tycoon, he sets up a campaign in less than an hour (including all the time he takes explaining what he is doing). (The niche... [...]

Video Website Silo Architecture: Powerful persuasion plus powerful SEO #ad

Video is a powerful persuader. Silo design for your website is a powerful SEO technique. Video Website Silo Architecture by Russell Wright and Sue Bell shows you how to combine them for a very powerful site. This is a 12 Module video and written course you can absorb and implement in only a few hours. In this Video Website Silo Architecture course, you will find: • How to design videos for persuasion • How to place videos on your site for best conversions • How to build a silo landing page (and what is that anyway?) • How to auto-syndicate your videos • Many other techniques... [...]

Business Listing Submitter: Reputation Enhancement for local businesses #ad

Richard Key & Chris Griffin have just released Business Listing Submitter. Businesses need to be found online to grow their sales. There are many business directories where an interested consumer can search for a dry cleaner, a roofer or other business. Being found in these directories is one key to offline business success. Unfortunately, it’s a time-consuming process to create listings in all the relevant directories. Business Listing Submitter software automates the process of submitting businesses to directories. It’s an ideal service for consultants. With the software, you... [...]

Video Firesale Thru May 14: 10 video courses with resale rights #ad

Eric Holmlund, Paul Counts and Jeff Wellman are cooperating on a firesale with 10 courses you can use yourself, and if you like, you can sell them, too: • The IM Tech Training 2.0 Course with 60 videos on the technical things marketers need to do, from setting up a website to creating a PDF file and much more • WordPress Membership for Free Course • Fast & Free Traffic Formula Course • Flippa Cash Course • Facebook Traffic Course • Effective List Building Blueprint Course • SEO Video Warrior Course • PLR Powerhouse Course • Idea Generation Simplified... [...]

ClickBank Casestudies x 4: Four ways to profit from Ckickbank offers #ad

Billy D is a Clickbank affiliate who experiments with bringing in sales usig different methods. In ClickBank Casestudies x 4, he shows you four methods that he has used to bring in sales successfully. Four different strategies for selling a Clickbank product, all successful, and he’s selling them for under $7, although the price is rising. Yoou can find out more here: ClickBank Casestudies x 4  [...]

Offline Reputation Ranger:Reputation Management Service #ad

Zesh Ali, an offline marketing consultant, with considerable experience, has created many products to help other offline marketing consultants win clients and serve them well. Now, Ali has created Offline Reputation Ranger, training on providing a specific offline reputation service to clients and then getting them to say yes to your services. Ali says he is successfully charging each client $300 per month for this service. It’s a review service that he says is simple to set up and gives good results for the clients. You can get the whole story here: Offline Reputation Ranger  [...]

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