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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

WP Notify Wizard 2.0: More clicks and opt-ins from the same traffic #ad

Traffic is sometimes awfully inefficient. Most of the people who come to your site don’t take the desired action when they arrive. They don’t opt in, buy, or take any action that would eventually lead to income for you. Only a few move forward in the way you hope. You work hard to get that traffic, and perhaps even pay per click for it. If you aren’t converting these visitors into action-takers, most of your effort and money is wasted. If you could take your clicks from 1 out of 100 to just 2 or 3 out of 100, that could mean a significant boost in your earnings, because you have... [...]

FB Iframe SSL Converter Tool: secure your fan pages #ad

To assure their members’ security, Facebook requires that fanpage apps be secured by SSL. You get error messages, warning you that you must have secured pages. And your visitors are not allowed to see your fanpages. They see a warning mesage instead. Since Facebook fan page apps are hosted elsewhere, on blogs or other web pages, the security requirement extends to your other websites. It can be costly to add SSL to all the sites that contribute your fanpages. Shelle K has a simple solution for the problem. She calls it FB Iframe SSL Converter Tool. With it, you can have fanpages hosted... [...]

Add Bonuses for better sales #ad

What does it take to earn money as an affilliate? Being able to clearly spell out why a reader would want to investigate a product is a necessity. Having a group of followers who trust you certainly helps, although it isn’t exactly a necessity since you could use PPC to get buyers. But there’s one more thing: Creating a reason why you are the marketer they should buy through. Every time there is a new marketing product is released, dozens of affiliates send e-mail wanting you to buy from their link. You may ignore some because they can’t explain the product clearly. But how do... [...]

80% Click-Through Amazon System: More click-throughs mean more sales #ad

Paul Nagel finds that he can get 80% of visitors to his Amazon affiliate site to click on his ads and go to Amazon. In Azon Autopilot Profits, Nagel also shows you how he gets clicks for just pennies per click, using the Bing and Yahoo search engines to build a long term stable, no hassle income. In this comprehensive (and detailed) training, you get everything, landing page template, hot products lists, full step by step instructions laid out which anyone can follow. In Azon Autopilot Profits, you get full instructions on how to set up your landing pages and exactly what products to place on... [...]

How To Find Profitable Low Competition Niches Fast #ad

Trevor Dumbleton is a prolific marketer and product creator. Like all product creators, hw wanted to make sure his products would sell once he created them. This requires finding a “hungry niche”, but one that is under-served. Finding a niche like that and producing a product to address the needs of that niche almost assures success. Based on his own experience, Dumbleton has created a video training course he calls How To Find Profitable Low Competition Niches Fast. Every month, Google processes over 100,000,000,000 searches. In that huge number must be some that represent a business... [...]

Mass Video Blaster Pro: Automate your YouTube marketing campaigns #ad

YouTube marketing is potentially profitable, but there are some pitfalls and hurdles along the way. One of these is the time to get your videos uploaded and running. Mass Video Blaster Pro will automatically upload your videos, to multiple Yahoo accounts, if you choose (and it makes sure the videos going to the multiple accounts are see as unique.) In fact, handling multiple accounts automatically is its specialty. For example: • Import a list of your accounts during its setup, so you don’t have to manually enter the information • Do a periodic check of all your accounts to assure... [...]

Amazon Niche Nuke 2.0 finds profitable niches for Amazon affiliates #ad

Chris Sorrell is an experienced Amazon marketer who recognized that, while Amazon has millions of products for sale, some categories of Amazon products sell a lot better than others, and are more profitable for affiliates as a result. Sorrell decided he needed a way to find the profitable ones, so he created Amazon Niche Nuke, software that searches Amazon’s catalog to find products that have the ost profit potential. Combined with Amazon’s own legendary selling capability that leads many visitors to buy more than they intended, your ability to target profitable niches should help your... [...]

Ultimate Mobile Graphic Bundle: build professional mobile sites and mobile apps #ad

Good graphics go a long way to build an impression of quality in a visitor’s mind. Typically, though, they cost a lot to produce. Graphic designers aren’t cheap. But now there is another way. Jamie Garside and David Chamberlain has created a big bundle of graphics suitable for the small screens of smartphones and tablets. They call them their Ultimate Mobile Graphic Bundle. This bundle has over 150 icons, buttons and other graphics in many shapes, sizes and colors, all intended to show on a small screen. It’s hard to imagine a mobile function that you would not find a graphic... [...]

Sales Funnel Ninja: Builds product download pages and related pages #ad

Coby Wright’s latest product is a piece of software that helps online marketers create their site, specifically it creates a product download page. Sales Funnel Ninja quickly and easily creates a monetized (more about this below) download page you can use for: • Delivering a product once the customer has paid • Delivering gifts (a.k.a., ethical bribes) after someone opts in to your mailing list • Upselling a related product on the page using its monetization section. For the upsell offers, by default it will build the download page using the three recurring commission Clickbank... [...]

Review Site Renegade: how to build review sites for affiliate sales #ad

For years, marketers have known that giving a review of a product can lead to commissions when people buy it. But what makes a good review site? How do you write reviews that fairly present the product and yet attract clicks on the buy button? Ben Clemons and Josh Fulfer have revised their Review Site Renegade training to create a new, improved version (version 2), which is available beginning today here. This extensive e-book takes you from “square 1” to a finished money-making review site, and it does it all in just 42 pages. They start with choosing a niche that is full of buyers... [...]

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