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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

YouTube Video Marketing Guide from a YouTube Partner #ad

Chris Webb has been using YouTube for about two years. In that time, he has built a following consisting of thousands of people eager to get the training he offers them. For the first six months he struggled, but about that time he started to find methods that built his audience pretty steadily. It continued to grow till he had 100,000 views, and continued growing to 400,000 views and it still hasn’t stopped. Webb reports that YouTube honored him by designating him as a partner once he had about 80,000 views. As a result he got the subsequent 330,000 views in half the time it took for those... [...]

CPA Cash Kings: Provide targeted offers to targeted viewers #ad

Ezra Wyckoff began doing CPA affiliate marketing three years ago. The first year, he didn’t do so well. But, by experimentation during that year, the next two years proved to be quite successful for him. Now, in CPA Cash Kings, he shares with us the things he did to make his CPA business consistently profitable. The key, he says, if to make sure you have an offer that makes sense to the people you present it to. Choose the right offer and choose the right audience, and your business will grow. He promotes (only?) credit report offers to a crowd of people who care about their credit rating.... [...]

Offline Business Themes [VOL 10]: themes for offline business sites #ad

Sean Lowery is an old hand at crafting website themes for consultants to use in building sites for offline businesses. This is his 10th set. In this latest set he addresses the needs of: • Window cleaning companies • Trucking companies • Asphalt Paving companies • Fitness Centers • Dog care centers The themes in Offline Business Themes are all custom designed for the intended niche, with attractive graphics that will please both the business owner, and the customers of the business. And, even more important these days, the sites you build with these themes will look good... [...]

Build your mailing list to build your income #ad

Even beginners need a mailing list. In fact, they need to concentrate on building a list more than anyone else does. The methods in 10 Minute List Building are tried and true. Every successful marketer uses some or all of them. After reading it, you will know how to build a profitable list. Even if you are clueless about list-building, this will get you started. It’s a process you can start with no special skills and no large investment. You will need an autoresponder to store your list, a squeeze page to invite people to join your list and a delivery page to deliver the item of value that... [...]

Local Commerce Crusher Report: Sell eCommerce sites to local merchants #ad

Many local merchants see the future rushing at them, and they know that the future of commerce is online. They had better get on this steamroller before is squashes them. But they don’t know how. Fortunately they have you, a marketing consultant who can lead them through the pitfalls of getting an eCommerce site running through which they can sell their goods. If you need help getting started building eCommerce sites, check out Peter Beattie’s new Local Commerce Crusher Report. Beattie has found that small businesses happily pay up to $1500 for a good site to sell their wares. Beattie... [...]

DotCom Profit Sniper: How to buy domains cheap and quickly profit selling them #ad

Mike Tyler has been flipping domains for big profits for three years now. He has found a source for domains that have all the earmarks of a winner (a bit of age, for example, and numerous backlinks). When he locates a good candidate domain, he buys it, dresses it up with an attractive set of pages, and flips it. And he says he makes $hundreds in profit each time. Now, in DotCom Profit Sniper, he shares the process he follows that leads to successful flips. Even better, DotCom Profit Sniper includes software to find the kind of domains that Tyler has had his best success with. You not only get the... [...]

Mobile CPA Anarchy: Catch the mobile rising tide for more CPA success #ad

If you want to grow your CPA income faster, you need to look into the mobile market. Dan DaSilva has recently been applying CPA marketing techniques to the mobile market. Since mobile, as of mid-2013, is already larger that the PC market and is growing much faster, he has found it’s the place to be. In Mobile CPA Anarchy, DaSilva shows you how to tap into this growing market and make your CPA marketing pay off. On his sales page, he give you these five encouraging tips: •You don’t need a website or a landing page. This will save you HUGE amounts of cash. •Direct linking IS the way to... [...]

Multi-Site Indexer: Backlinks, lots of them, for your site #ad

There are many sites dedicated to indexing the internet, That is, they build giant lists of information about other sites. Indexing is part of what Google does, for example. But there are many other sites that build and manage indexes of the web. Some specialize in a particular niche, such as a medical site index or a sports site index. Others gather specialized information about sites across the whole internet. An example of the latter is, which collects site ownership information (current information and historical information. Alexa is another well-known indexer of specialized... [...]

Create Cool Apps for local businesses and bigger corporations #ad

Businesses want to get their message out to their customers and potential customers. These businesses know that mobile devices are growing in number daily. A great way to get their story in front of people is to provide customers with a free app that the customer finds helpful, but also gives the business a chance to promote their sales, specials and news. Amber Jalink has a tool that will let you build these apps and reap the immediate rewards as well as establishing a long-term relationship with your client. She calls it Create Cool Apps. Jalink shows you how to build apps for Android, iPad,... [...]

Traffic Travis is back, with better information than ever #ad

For many marketers, Traffic Travis is an old friend. It’s been around 7 years, and has gone through four generations. All over the world, marketers have used it for understanding the way search engines see their websites. Now, its inventors have created a new Professional version of this popular software. For a limited period (2-3 days), Traffic Travis Pro is on sale. Usually, it costs $97 here ( but at the moment it is available as a WSO, for a one-time fee under $30 (although price is rising.) With the Pro version of Traffic Travis, you can: •... [...]

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