Would it help you if you could see on video exactly how to set up a profitable solo ad sales funnel? If you, then you will be interested in the new videos from Paul Nicholls. He calls them A Profitable Sales Funnel for Solo Ads, and in them he shows you, step-by-step, In them, he shows you: • The best types of one time offers to use • The best price points to use at different places in your funnel • The most profitable types of sales funnels to use • Advanced sales funnels to use and • How to make your solo ad campaigns even more profitable using 1 simple tweak. Besides... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
The old adage, “Perception is Reality” applies to marketing. No matter how good you product is, your sales will be limited unless you present the product creatively and effectively. To help you raise your product presentation above the ordinary, whether online, in a webinar or in a sales meeting, Andy Benson has created Powerhouse Presentations. If you are going to present your offer well, research will be needed. Then presentation strategy must be developed; call it an outline of the important points about what you are selling. Then you fill in the outline with the actual content... [...]
Some of your potential clients would prefer to watch a video instead of reading text. Now you can easily offer them either option with Article Video Robot. Your videos will have a voice over the text presentation in the video, as well as music and graphics if you choose. Article Video Robot is a web-based application that you can access with a browser from any computer in the world. You just copy your article into the application, and, with your guidance, it creates the presentation for you. You can either upload a voice-over you recorded or you can use one of the many computer-generated voices... [...]
Brenden Clerget and Chris Beatty call themselves the offline guys. The focus of their marketing is offline businesses, helping them to use the web to build their business. They have decided to share their experience and expertise with the other consultants catering to the offline world. They have just opened Local Profit Academy for new members. In this new training, they will be teaching clients the system that they both use to make profits from 4 different offline methods within 24 hours. This will be a 4 week live training course, showing you how to implement each of the 4 methods and help grow... [...]
This new software by John Pierce, called Easy Target Lead Generator, mines the internet looking for local businesses needing marketing help. You enter a keyword with a a location and profession (e.g., plumbers in Albany), and in less than a minute, it gives you a list of the websites in this niche. Once you look over the list, ask it for information you need as background before marketing to them: ○ If they have an Email Capture Form ○ Whether they are a Paid Advertiser ○ Whether they have Facebook ○ or Twitter ○ or LinkedIn ○ or Google+ ○ Whether they are a Mobile website ○ And... [...]
WP Snippets Magic makes it easy to include rich snippets in your Google search results listings (or in your clients’) listings. This new plugin removes all the technical issues that usually surround adding a rich snippet to your site. You don’t need to know anything about HTML and you don’t need to hire a programmer. WP Snippets Magic does it all. In the base plugin you get six kinds of snippets, and you get upgrade to the Pro version that offers 7 more kinds. Now there is even more good news. When you invest in WP Snippets Magic through the IM NewsWatch link, you will get 4... [...]
Search engines aren’t perfect. They have flaws that can impact your site or your client’s sites and cause you to lose clicks. Your results would be better if the search engine took your visitor, not to a generic home page for your site, but to a page tailored to the specific search term the visitor used. The generic page forces your visitor to click one or more times to actually get to the page they need. And some will decide it’s not worth the effort, and go elsewhere. To overcome this problem Dr. Veit Schenk created Keep The Customer Satisfied, because clearly, when you take... [...]
Dating is a top online activity. Billions of page views for dating aid occur every. This market is huge and it’s evergreen. Now with this new Get That Dream Girl PLR, you can get some of the business. You are getting: • A 31 page e-book that gives advice to guys looking for their dream girl • A hypnosis audio track that help the guys get psyched up for this dating adventure. • A beautiful sales page, with a helpful update coming soon, that you can use to sell the book. • Banners (and PSD files for the) and related graphics you can use in your marketing. The sales page is ready to... [...]
Aravindh Shridhar, Rodrigo Werner and Maulana just released new software called Social Rank Jet, a powerful social backlinking tool that creates powerful contextual social network backlinks from a popular social networking platform. No longer does Google value a large quantity of links as in the past. now it’s focusing on “quality,” and it considers social media to be a home for good quality. If you involve real people in discussions on major social networking platforms, Google will take notice and improve your results. Social Rank Jet can help you rank anything: videos, websites, social... [...]
The major search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) recently started allowing “rich snippets” in the search results. Sites with these snippets stand out from the crowd, and get noticed. Google describes them this way, “These rich snippets Rich snippets are designed to summarize the content of a page in a way that makes it even easier for users to understand what the page is about in our search results.” If your site is set up with rich snippets, even if your site is shown in 3rd or 4th position, you still can out-sell the top ranked sites because your snippets give your listing... [...]