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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

3 for 1 List Building Bundle: From a man with a100,000 list #ad

Coby Wright has lists totaling over 100,000 that he can market to at will. That does a lot for his income. He has written and recorded training material so we can discover his secrets. Wright has bundled three of his popular list-building products into the new 3 for 1 List Building Bundle, covering all aspects of list-building: • Autoresponder Magic Wright’s best seller. How to start from nothing to build a sizable list. You get both MP4 videos and MP3 audios, plus a mind map. • Inbox Intelligence on how to get more opens and more clicks for your emails. This training is available... [...]

List Ka-Ching: secrets to monetizing your mailing list #ad

Alessandro Zamboni has learned to make a superior income from a small list. He puts that knowledge into List Ka-Ching, his guide to list monetization. In this detailed guide, he explores: • How to use his included squeeze page template to build your list • How to bring in fresh leads for your list • How to avoid angering your list by promoting the wrong things • How to create newslewtters that will cultivate your list and keep them coming back for more. Zamboni says the basis of list monetization is to become friends with your list members and build mutual trust. His methods... [...]

WP Speed Formula: your site needs to open fast #ad

There is one common mistake that the large majority of WordPress site owners are making over and over again: they don’t optimize their site for fast page load time. If your site loads slowly, people don’t stay on your site, don’t read your content don’t opt-in to your newsletter, and can’t buy what you’re offering. They get tired of waiting and give up. Studies show that 95% of all webpages take longer than 2 seconds to load (and many of them way longer than that) This kills your conversions across the board. Josh Fulfer and Ben Clemons have just released WP Speed Formula Using... [...]

The Wise Old Email Gorilla: email marketing that works in 2013 #ad

If the ultimate point of your email marketing it to convert your readers into buyers, The Wise Old Email Gorilla is worth investigating. Jimmy Wrex and his partner Pete have created this training based on years of experience, theirs and their mentor’s, in using emails to actually bring in sales. They have developed a 10-step formula for writing high-conversion emails, and they share it in The Wise Old Email Gorilla. In thie training, they show you the actual campaigns where they got excellent results from a small mailing list. They have seen that if your emails convert, you don’t need... [...]

CPA List Code: A CPA marketer shows how to get paid to build your list #ad

Jay Garces is an old hand at CPA marketing. You can tell when you read CPA List Code. Unlike many CPA marketers, he doesn’t build a list hopping to earn from it through future mailings. No, he gets paid at the very beginning. Future earnings are a nice bonus. For this process to work you need to understand: • The two kinds of lists used in CPA marketing • How to use those two lists in your CPA marketing • The best CPA networks for beginners to work with • How to set up effective landing pages • How to boost conversions on your landing pages • Where to get traffic... [...]

FB LeadSnatcher: How to use Facebook’s power to build your list #ad

Facebook’s billion users are a huge audience; it’s hard to image a bigger one. One way marketers can take advantage of this opportunity is using Facebook as a source of new leads for your mailing list. Marcus Lim’s FBLeadSnatcher lets people opt in to your list without having to enter any information in an opt-in form. They just click a button. Making it easy leads to more opt ins. Facebook has a lot of information about its members. And members often make that information public. This information, freely made available by members can be mined using the Facebook API, and with... [...]

Traffic and Conversion Summit 2013: New traffic techniques #ad

The 2013 Traffic and Conversion Summit was held in San Francisco, California this month with high-quality, knowledgeable speakers explaining the recent changes by Google and other major players and pointing out the implications for internet marketers like us. It was all content; no sales pitches. Speakers included Ryan Deiss, Perry Belcher and more. They shared their latest information on: • Kindle publishing • eCommerce • Marketing on Facebook • SEO • and lots more If you had $697 (plus travel expense) and 3 days to spare, you could have attended, and you would have learned... [...]

Viral Image Sensei: Viral Ad Generator #ad

Marketer and developer Nick Jolin just released his latest product, Viral Image Sensei. If you want more traffic to your site, better conversion rates and higher visibility for your company, check this new software, Viral Image Sensei, out. Jolin’s focus in his software is Facebook. With over 1 Billion users, it has the potential for creating a huge viral wave of traffic to your site. He noticed that word-search images are among the fastest trending images on Facebook. His software will build custom images for you to place on your Facebook page. These images are the most-shared type on Facebook. With... [...]

Alamuna WP Theme: mobile-ready, beautiful, flexible #ad

Josee Bedard has created many professional WordPress themes. That seems to be an obsession. Over the years, you have seen many of these themes from Bedard introduced as low-priced WSOs that later become higher-priced themes in the library of themes Bedard runs. Alamuna is taking a similar trajectory. Through Saturday midnight, it’s it’s $14.00. Then is rises to $27, where it will stay for a while. Of course, pricing is only important is you want to buy it. Why might you? Besides being mobile-friendly, it: • Lets you control colors; link color, background color, text color, menu... [...]

“WP Mobile Theme Machine” creates mobile-optimized WP themes #ad

You may have assumed that theme creation is the province of expert programmers. And in many cases that’s true. But Mark Sandquist has created WP Mobile Theme Machine with built-in expertise we can all use. On his sales page, Sandquist reminds us of the growing percent of internet traffic and e-commerce traffic coming from mobile devices. Out sites had better keep pace by making the mobile visitor’s experience on our sites non-frustrating. WP Mobile Theme Machine software outputs “mobile only” themes, intended for only mobile visitors. The typical way one would use this is... [...]

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