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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

Classic components for animated videos and whiteboard videos #ad

In the past year, there have been several new video creation programs released, such as: ■ VideoMakerFX , ■ Easy Sketch Pro, ■ Explaindio. These new tools have been widely accepted by the online marketing industry. In fact, they quickly became top-selling products, together selling over 100,000 copies, including upgrades. That’s because marketers have recognized the power of Whiteboard videos; they convert buyers than other video styles. But as good as these tools are in helping you produce videos, the quality of the drawings you create is limited by your drawing skill or your budget... [...]

Fiverr Handover: minimal work, maximum profits from gifts #ad

Have you thought of Fiverr as a potential income stream for your business? It’s hard to imagine earning enough to make it worth your time. That is, until you find opportunities for selling gigs that only take you 2-3 minutes to deliver. Then those $5 payments can start to add up. Fergal Downes has just revised and improved his popular Fiverr Handover. Downes says that his training shows you how to earn $20-$50 daily on Fiverr, working only 10 minutes per day. That’s not bad pay for 10 minutes of work, especially when he adds that what you are doing is giving things away. Fiverr Handover... [...]

Local Freebie Funnel, Vol 8: Videos you sell to local businesses #ad

Drew Laughlin specializes in online marketing for local businesses. In particular, he creates marketing videos that local businesses can use to attract new clients. To reach as many local businesses as possible, he offers these videos to other local marketing consultants like you and me and lets us offer them to your clients as your own service. He is launching his Volume 8 of these videos today. As he did in his prior volumes, he is including several niche videos in volume 8: ■ Cleaning Service, ■ Lawn Sprinkler Company, ■ Pest Control, Solar Energy and ■ Swimming Pool Builder With this... [...]

Hydravid Xray: Free analytic tool from Walt Bayliss #ad

About 6 months ago, Walt Bayliss released his popular video distribution software, Hydravid. Many marketers who recognize the importance of having their videos seen by a wide audience are using this software to syndicate their videos to websites around the world. Now, he has just released Hydravid Xray/u>, a companion program that lets you analyze the competition for your keywords. In mere seconds, it searches competitive videos and shows you key performance measures for them, such as: • Number of views • Number of Likes and Dislikes • Date Published • The user who published it •... [...]

How Jimmy Kim Built a $25,000 A Month Business #ad

If you got the free e-book last week, you know Jimmy Kim has a powerful grasp of the list building process. He gave you a good introduction in that free e-book. Now, he is offering an advanced course that shares more of his best ideas on list building. Through trial and error (and a lot of persistence) Kim developed what he calls his Build My List 5 Step Formula. This is the heart of the training he just announced. According to Kim, this is the most comprehensive training available anywhere that shows you step-by-step how to build a list of people interested in your products. The 5 steps take you... [...]

99 Easy Ways To Get Traffic in 2015 #ad

Don’t miss this free training. Leon Tran is offering his new e-book, 99 Easy Ways To Get Traffic in 2015, at no charge, for a limited time. We all need more traffic to our sites. Tran did, too. So he came up with these 99 traffic generation methods, and now he is giving them to you. Use one method, and grow your traffic; Use them all and watch your traffic escalate. Get your free copy here: 99 Easy Ways To Get Traffic in 2015.  [...]

New Cloud-Based Technology Protects Your Videos #ad

It’s a sad fact of online marketing that unscrupulous people steal online content whenever they can, content such as training videos, video products, sales videos, affiliate videos, and other items, too. As a result, they can set themselves up in an apparently legitimate business and use it to siphon off a lot of the traffic and the earnings. Now, with new security software, called VidProtect, you can assure that your videos are secured and impossible to steal. And the process is push-button easy. With VidProtect, you get these benefits: • It instantly protects your videos from being stolen. •... [...]

EZ Viral Contest WP Plugin free for limited time #ad

Ken Reno has developed a WordPress plugin any online marketer can put to good use,EZ Viral Contest WP Plugin. Contests attract attention and, more important, they attract viral sharing. As a result, they can bring a lot of traffic to your site, traffic that can see all your offers and opportunities. If you have a WordPress site, this plugin makes it easy to add a contest to your site so you can take advantage of the inherent viral effect. Reno is going a step farther. He is making this plugin available to you at no charge. It’s absolutely free. There’s not a lot more that needs to be... [...]

Simple CPA Machines: Don’t make it harder than it is #ad

If you want to be a CPA marketer, listen to the story of Yair Dolev. He had been around. He was not a beginner when he decided to use Facebook ads to promote CPA offers. In fact, he was already a 6-figure marketer. Although he had enjoyed many successes, he also had failed many times. But when he started using Facebook for CPA, after losing money to start, after he worked out the kinks, his business eventually took a strong upward turn. In fact, as he reports, he’s now “making a killing” with these ads. His approach is to create “low investment, high ROI” mini campaigns (risking... [...]

Ultra Motion Pack: Over 300 Hi-Def motion backgrounds, more #ad

In the new Ultra Motion Pack, you are getting a wide range of exciting video backgounds, some with everyday objects; some with abstract designs. You can use the backgrounds in virtually any video software on the planet, including: • PowerPoint • Sony Vegas Pro • Final Cut Pro • iMovie • Video Motion Pro • Exlaindio • EasySketch Pro • VideoMaker FX • Keynote • Windows Movie Maker • and many more Besides these HD motion backgrounds, you also get many other motion elements, such as transition fillers to use when going from one slide to another and animated graphic backgrounds... [...]

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