They say that all good things must come to an end. And the end for the FanBoom 3.0 lifetime license offer is today. There a “Pro” version and, for for people who need extra function, an (upsell) “Elite” version. Both versions have: • A Powerful page designer • Mobile-optimized pages • High-conversion lead gen pages • Interactive features • Easy autoresponder integration • Facebook publishing of your pages with just 1 click • 100% compliance with the Facebook terms of service, so it won’t get you banned. And both versions come with complete video tutorials... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
It’s no secret that Google likes YouTube and all its videos. But there’s one special type of video that Google likes the best of all: YouTube Live Events. In the rankings, YouTube Live Events have a better position in the search engine rankings than any other type of YouTube video, even higher than Google Hangouts. Now that you know about them, how can you profit from this information? So to get your video seen, use Live Events to stream them into YouTube. These live videos are better for your ranking than any other kind. So we’d better understand how to create them and start... [...]
Reed Floren is offering another free report to new marketers who want to “get the lay of the land” before investing significantly in their business. This one is called The Basics of Internet Marketing. It’s the recording of a webinar he did a while back. And beginning marketers will find the information he presents is helpful. And to prove that he means it when he says “it’s free”, he doesn’t have anything else for sale on the page and he doesn’t even offer anything else when you download it. He is building his email list, though, so he asks for your... [...]
Sean Donahoe is running a special sale on his WP Profit Builder launched earlier this year. After the launch, he raised the price, but now it’s on sale again. And his pricing is very generous. For example, the unlimited developer licence is only a few cents more than the personal license (which allows 10 personal sites only), and it allows you to install it on any number of personal & client sites. This is a combination of a WordPress theme and a plugin that together make it easy to create professional websites for any marketing purposes. Here are just some of the things Sean Donahoe’s... [...]
A new drag & drop SEO traffic automation app is being released by Precious Ngwu. He calls it Authority Engage. This new WordPress plugin uses advanced SEO strategies to convert any regular WP site into a site that is highly visible and well supplied with traffic. This plugin is a traffic generator, and it may change the way you rank your sites and bring in traffic to them in the coming year. For example, a local business owner is already using the software to bring in up to 20 potential new clients daily to his website. Other beta testers are generating over 200 free targeted visitors daily... [...]
Jens Steyaert has learned from experience that the best mailing list to have is a list of people who have already bought something in your niche. There are a lot of places in your sales funnel where you have a chance to swap links with other marketers, opportunities for you to send their offers to your list of buyers, and for them to send your offer to theirs. You could be missing many chances to add other people’s buyers to your list using things like: their funnels. These spots can be, for example: • Thank you pages • Download pages • The first follow-up messages • Bonus links inside... [...]
Mark Thompson and his partner, Matt Callen have just announced that every website can use. It’s called Heat Map Tracker. With this new software, you can understand how visitors use your website. What pages do they visit, and what parts of the page do they use? This is the new 2.0 version, a major upgrade to the earlier version they released. With the updated v2.0 version we released, you can: • Record Sessions (for later playback) of Each Visitor • Create Heatmaps by Clicks, by Eye-Tracking & by Scrolling • Examine the In-Depth Analytics created for in-depth insights • Automatically... [...]
Have you ever noticed how most people are interested in getting something for nothing? That’s the principle behind the product samples that are handed out in supermarkets every weekend. If it’s free, many people will take it. But there’s a problem with that strategy. These people are interested in something free, but will they be actual buyers of the product, too? A lot of them won’t. Indian marketer Raimundas M has found a way to use the internet to turn “freebie seekers” into buyers. The free offer attracts a lot of interest, he says, and the conversion techniques... [...]
Yesterday, a href=”″>Link Indexr was announced by Joshua Zamora. The response has been substantial. Over 1000 copies of the various versions were sold in the first 8 hours. This software is designed to make sure that the sites that link to your site are, themselves, noticed (the formal word is “indexed”) by the search engines. It does this by building links of varous kinds to your backlinks, using things like: ■ High-quality wiki sites ■ High-quality blog sites ■ High-quality social bookmarks ■ High-quality Web 2.0 sites ■ And a... [...]
Backlinks are staples of the SEO process. It’s not the only thing, but it is central. Joshua Zamora says that building PR 6 backlinks can be worthless, if you don’t make sure that Google knows these backlinks are there. He talks about it in more detail here: Link Indexr Introduction. Because of this (often overlooked) need to index the backlinks (that is, get them into Google’s database) building more and more high-authority links fails to do you any good, and you may never reach page 1 of Google. Now, with Link Indexr, available at 11 AM EST today, you can make sure... [...]