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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

Local Lead Control: Sell exclusive leads to local businesses #ad

Jack Hopman and his students have been selling leads to local businesses for the last four years, and they can report that its a good business to be in. It’s especially good because they have been able to build their lead generation businesses: 1. Without tech skills, 2. Without Selling (and certainly without sales skills) and 3. Without needing a big budget to get things going. In this training, you will discover: • How to get motivated customers for local services to call your clients • How to get these local merchants to pay you for keeping this stream of customers coming • How to... [...]

The final chance to grab a lifetime License to FanBoom #ad

This week, in a Black Friday sale, Tom Murray and his partner, Stuart Frank are making a lifetime license for FanBoom 3.0 available This is a web-based service that lets you create remarkable • Contests, • Optin Pages, • Promotions, • Stores • Surveys, • And more on Facebook fan pages. Now, in version 3, FanBoom is fully responsive to mobile devices. And it has 40 themes (all responsive) you can use to customize your fan pages to look spectacularly attractive. You can get a version for your own Facebook pages or you can get an agency license so you can make attractive pages for your... [...]

10 Romance Plots for your western novels #ad

If you’ve got a hankering to write in the western genre (we used to call it “cowboy fiction”), this may get you started on the road to stardom. Charity Cason is a best selling Kindle author as well as a ghostwriter and trainer. She has published several WSOs offering you the chance to use plots she has created to write your own book. She has published several packages of plots before, and they have all been well-received. Search IM NewsWatch for “Cason” and you will find 4 earlier plot packages. Now she has released  10 Romance Plots set in the American West, cowboy... [...]

Instant Domain Sniper: Your Own Personal Sniper Robot #ad

Richard FairBairn has been buying expired domains (that is, the owner decided to not renew the registration) and making a good living with them. Not just any domains will do; most expired domains are junk and will be hard to profit from. But Fairbairn finds high page rank domains (the ones Google thinks highly of) and as soon as they become available, he pounces on them. Then he has a choice: either market them to domain buyers so he can sell them for a profit, or build a new site that takes advantage of the reputation these sites have earned. Either way can be profitable, although Fairbairn often... [...]

Bullet-proof PBN: Your guide to staying out of trouble #ad

Private Blog Networks can be the core of your SEO strategy or, if done poorly, they can be the death of all your SEO. They can pack a lot of ranking power if done right, but can result in a penalty for your site, if done poorly. Chad Nicely, Jason Suli and Chris Jenkins have just announced Bullet-proof PBN, to help you build a PBN the right way. This training course will show you: • How To correctly build out a PBN • How To Find Domains For Your PBN • How To Setup Hosting For PBN’s • How To Theme your PBN • How To Minimize Your Footprints • How To Protect your PBN Don’t... [...]

Affiliate Domination System: affiliate marketing ready to go #ad

Jason Mangrum is a copywriter of some fame. He has written winning sales letters for Mike Filsaime, Dr. Joe Vitale, Jeremy Gislason and others. The chances are that if you have been online for 5 years or more, you have read some of his sales letters. But is recent years, he has left the Internet Marketing niche, and focused on a different one. And he has done quire well in it. That’s no surprise because success in this niche:,br /> • Is easily duplicatable • Is easily taught so you can learn it (and even teach it) • Brings more financial success for the marketer than the IM Niche That... [...]

P1 Video Magnet Software Suite: price rising at Midnight #ad

Peter Garety announced his P1 Video Magnet Software Suite last week and he has had a special discounted price for the launch. But that discount ends tonight. Actually, the discount has been shrinking over the last week, but it is going away completely tonight. The way to understand what he is offering and to still get the current discount, is to check out the intro webinar he did a week ago. He recorded it, and a replay is now available here. Garety created this software for people who create good content, but aren’t noticed by search engines or the public. With this software you can build... [...]

The Hero Syndicate: Social marketers united for more sales #ad

Maybe you have never heard of The Hero Syndicate. They don’t need publicity to accomplish their goals, which are two: 1. Always know and stay on the leading edge of what’s working today 2. Always have the tools to take full advantage of these trends so they can stay ahead of the competition. The Hero Syndicate is a group of social marketers who have joined forces to find and use the best tools that implement the best marketing techniques, and to share this knowledge with each other. For example, when it comes to Facebook, they have tools for: • Complete fan page automation, where... [...]

Build a Business Based on Babies #ad

CoolIce has just announced that he has a new Amazon affiliate site ready for you, this one selling baby clothing, toys, paraphernalia, and food. In keeping with his tradition, he calls it BabyClone. You can clone his site and earn commissions as an Amazon affiliate. CoolIce chooses the niches he builds sites for carefully. Only the busiest niches, with thousand of in-demand products, fit his criteria. Baby necessities certainly fit that description. Your BabyClone site has: • Thousands of baby products loaded into its catalog • Automated updates when new products are announced or become best... [...]

Assembling Six Puzzle Pieces Created an Internet Millionaire #ad

Dr. Ben Adkins was ready to quit marketing online. He had tried “everything” the big names in online marketing were teaching and had gotten nowhere. Then, in December, 2011, he looked at what the big marketers were doing, and stopped listening to what they were saying. And his eyes were opened. What made them successful was their sales copy, in their emails and on their websites and blogs. That was they key to their high incomes, not the “solution of the month” they were promoting. So, Adkins started a detailed study of their sales messages, looking for the common threads... [...]

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