Kindle Cheat Sheets is Scott Stamper’s second product in a week. Is he showing you how fast his techniques are? He says he can create a book for $5 and 25 minutes of work. The Kindle Cheat Sheets show you how you can do it, too. He gives you templates for your books that get you going. He also gives graphic templates for your cover so your book looks attractive. Easy explanation for beginners on how to get started with Kindle. If you are looking for some goods ideas on Kindle covers and content, Kindle Cheat Sheets is well worth the price. Find out more here. [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Ifyou need help building a business in the IM niche, you have a solution at hand. Every month, you will get 20 beefy, current, fresh articles you can use on your website, in your blog, in a newsletter, or any other way that will build your business. These are brand new articles on topics your readers want to know about. They are well researched, well-written and reviewed by an editor before delivery. This is content you will be proud to use. To preserve the value of these articles, he is only selling 150 memberships in this exclusive club. Get in quick here. [...]
Use Amazon, Clickbank and Paypal as tools in your ongoing profitable business. The Quick Cash Cookbook shows over 30 ways you can earn money online and can get started and start profiting right away. You can start with little or no start-up costs. You can grow faster because with this training, you can go straight to the techniques that work. This low-cost guide shows you: * How to use social media and CPA to your advantage * How to employ effective methods to convert visitors into buyers * How to gain a massive following in record time With so many different ways to make money there should be... [...]
Weight loss is an evergreen niche. And it’s a niche people spend billions of dollars on annually. These PLR let you enter that niche quickly. These articles are written to address 10 important keywords in the niche. You also get Keyword, Competition and Available Domain Research for 2598 Weight Loss Related Keywords. These articles were professionally written and researched by a native U.S. professional writer and then reviewed by an editor so you can expect quality. If you need weightloss content, check out these articles here. [...]
Reno is building up a base of membership in this new group so he is offering a lot of value for a low price: Your Membership Includes: 1. Access To Our Internal Skype Group 2. Members Only Forum 3. Webinars/Training 4. Software 5. WordPress Plugins and Themes 6. Hot JV Alerts For New Launches 7. Add Your WSO To The WSOToolbar 8. Build Your List With LB COOP 9. Earn 100% Instant Commissions For Referring Others 10. Review Products Before They Launch (Get Them free) There seems to be something in this group for any marketer. Find out more here. [...]
If you have placed a YouTube video for a client, they may cancel and your income stream from that video dries up. Perpetual YouTube Juice can continue to bring you income from that video. This training shows you how to keep clients paying and how to deal with the consequences productively if they don’t. You can change the client information for the video on the fly. Perpetual YouTube Juice also shows you how to build and keep ranking for your video even if the client changes. Get all the details here. [...]
Ben Hulme has been in this business for years, and has taught hundreds of others how to do it. He says it is a $10,000/month business for the person who follows his plan. He offers complete training, including a 15-page guide and over 30 video modules showing the details of this process. He is offering to show you a straight path to a profitable offline consulting business, bypassing any false starts and blind alleys. Find out more here. [...]
Have you even heard of Instagram? It’s still brand new, was just bought by Facebook, and may become a popular marketing platform. Is it the next Pinterest? Instagram is an “App” that runs on either Iphone, Ipad, Itouch, and Droid platforms. Why should we care? James says, “Traffic is huge, the millions of people using the platform are extremely interested in Instagram. Conversions are better than Pinterest. The competition is next to zero.” This is the first WSO product on Instagram. You could be on the cutting edge with this. Check it out here. [...]
She calls it Authority Backlinks Conquer and it reveals a fresh technique for link-building that you probably aren’t familiar with, but can win you authority backlinks in short time In Authority Backlinks Conquer, you will discover: 1- How to boost your search engine presence by a little known method of uploading your software into software directories 2- Get one-way back links from huge authority sites (and boost your search engine rankings) 3- Detailed, step by step instructions on how to leverage on each resource to pull in targeted buyers 4- Free & paid resources that make submitting... [...]
This product has a narrow audience, but it might be right for you. Theme Predator shows you how to build a business selling WordPress themes. Not just make a few bucks, but build a business, creating and selling themes on ThemeForest or other marketplaces. The technical work can be outsourced (for $300-$400) so no personal technical knowledge or experience is required. Step-by-step directions lead you through the whole process. He includes many screen shots to make sure there’s no misunderstanding. The main point of this training is how to create themes that ThemeForest will accept for sale,... [...]