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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

Discover the Product Creation Secrets Of an Amazon Best-Selling Author #ad

Liam Naden has had two Kindle best-sellers, and he created them with lightning speed. He is a prolific writer, being also featured on He has learned to write well and write quickly. He will show you how. He has created Kindle books in three days, books that became best-sellers, and he says you can, too. Anyone who wants to become a prolific writer needs a plan that creates a structure that forms the backbone of the book. That’s where this training starts. Liam has provided a simple step by step system that anyone can put to use and start creating their own Kindle books in record... [...]

The “Toolbar Honey Badger” can ramp up your business #ad

Toolbars for browsers are big business. People download and install them every hour of the day. Toolbar Honey Badger shows you how to build a custom toolbar to meet the needs of a niche, invite people to download it for free and then use that toolbar to serve ads to the users, affiliate and CPA ads that will build your income. There’s no end to the niches that could benefit from a toolbar of their own. You can supply one niche after another. Anything people are passionate about could be the motivation for a new toolbar. Your toolbars will work on all popular major browsers. Find out how to... [...]

How to Create Wealth With Amazon Niches the Gurus Warn You to Avoid #ad

Your interests and hobbies can be the things that gives you a unique perspective on Amazon affiliate marketing. You know a lot about your hobby. You can create a fulfilling website for people who share this interest, a site where they will stay a while and click on links that take them to Amazon. Scott Stamper has created Amazon Ambush for Affiliates to show you how to combine your hobby knowledge with high-quality marketing techniques to build a site that can sell Amazon products to the people who have the same hobby. This way you get a site you are interested in keeping up. You don’t get... [...]

How to stand out from other local marketing consultants #ad

Don’t promote the same local services all the other local consultants are pushing. Offer a unique approach. Jimmy Reilly shows how in his new Bing Mobile Madness. All the other consultants are preaching Google Places. Be different. Show merchants the power of Bing Business Portal. Reilly says Bing Business Portal is like Google Places on steroids. Using it, your clients can rank well on Bing’s local search, their business also shows up on mobile listings, Bing news, and they have a free QR tag generator they can use whenever they want. You can charge local merchants to set up their... [...]

You can become a local mobile app consultant #ad

Discover how to create mobile apps on iOS, Android, Windows, Bada and Blackberry, apps you can sell to local busineeses to help them attract customers. Local Apps Domination shows you how to build a business based on these local apps. It is extremely detailed and includes PDFs and videos showing you: * A simple, easy to implement process * Client getting strategies and outsourcing secrets to do the technical work * A real life case study so you get the bigger picture * Checklists to follow so you don’t miss anything and slip up. Being an app creator can be a profitable offline-oriented business.... [...]

Make Money in 30+ Powerful Ways #ad

Use Amazon, Clickbank and Paypal as tools in your ongoing profitable business. The Quick Cash Cookbook shows over 30 ways you can earn money online and can get started and start profiting right away. You can start with little or no start-up costs. You can grow faster because with this training, you can go straight to the techniques that work. This low-cost guide shows you: * How to use social media and CPA to your advantage * How to employ effective methods to convert visitors into buyers * How to gain a massive following in record time With so many different ways to make money there should be... [...]

How to go from nothing to a Kindle book in 24 Hours. No Writing Required #ad

Kindle Cheat Sheets is Scott Stamper’s second product in a week. Is he showing you how fast his techniques are? He says he can create a book for $5 and 25 minutes of work. The Kindle Cheat Sheets show you how you can do it, too. He gives you templates for your books that get you going. He also gives graphic templates for your cover so your book looks attractive. Easy explanation for beginners on how to get started with Kindle. If you are looking for some goods ideas on Kindle content (and covers), Kindle Cheat Sheets is well worth the price. Find out more here.  [...]

IM PLR, delivered monthly, to a select group of marketers #ad

Ifyou need help building a business in the IM niche, you have a solution at hand. Every month, you will get 20 beefy, current, fresh articles you can use on your website, in your blog, in a newsletter, or any other way that will build your business. These are brand new articles on topics your readers want to know about. They are well researched, well-written and reviewed by an editor before delivery. This is content you will be proud to use. To preserve the value of these articles, he is only selling 150 memberships in this exclusive club. Get in quick here.  [...]

Libby has Wilm’s cancer; let’s all help her beat it

Bill Guthrie learned that the six-year old girl next door has severe cancer problems. He has organized a task force of marketers to pitch in and help. IM NewsWatch is helping and dozens of other marketers, too. You can help Libby, while helping your business. Well-known marketers are contributing 30 products to a pool they are selling for only $27. You’ll be impressed with the software, plugins, training and templates they are offering us. And 100% of the proceeds go to the hospital and surgical costs for Libby. If any is left over, the remainder goes to the hospital research team fighting... [...]

Barry Rodgers releases training that will help build your lists & make money at the same time #ad

Rodgers has produced five quality reports on Marketing with Fiverr, Pinterest, YouTube, WordPress and email. You can use them three ways: * You can learn from them to improve your own marketing success * You can give them away to people who opt-in to your list. * You can earn commissions on the products mentioned in these reports Put your name on the cover (“Brought to you by…”) and put your affiliate links inside. Make money coming and going. Learn more here.  [...]

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