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Friday, October 18, 2024

‘How To Use Social Media – Getting Started’ by Lynn Terry

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Lynn Terry’s latest blog post is titled “How To Use Social Media – Getting Started”. Lynn says, “If you haven’t already, now is the time to get established across the Social Media networks. For starters, you risk not securing your name or brand on each of the sites if you wait”. How To Use Social Media – Getting Started… Lynn Terry’s Blog  [...]

‘How To Get Around YouTube’s 15 Minute Time Limit’ by Paul Colligan

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Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “How To Get Around YouTube’s 15 Minute Time Limit”. Paul says, “CEver wished you could publish videos past 15 minutes in length using the YouTube (works on any browser, goes up to 1080p, etc.) player?”. How To Get Around YouTube’s 15 Minute Time Limit… Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

‘Remove that Category from Your Feed’ by Rosalind Gardner

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Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Remove that Category from Your Feed”. Rosalind says, “If I don’t want NPT newsletter subscribers to receive posts that I make to my XOX (personal) category, that category must be removed from the Feedburner feed”. Remove that Category from Your Feed… Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

‘Recommended resource: Free Blog Factory’ by Andy Jenkins

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Andy Jenkins’ latest blog post is titled “Recommended resource: Free Blog Factory” Andy says, “WordPress is one of the single greatest pieces of software ever made, bar none, and I would argue against anyone who doesn’t think so”. Recommended resource: Free Blog Factory… Andy Jenkins’ Blog  [...]

‘Sell Out for Affiliate Summit East 2011’ by Shawn Collins

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Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Sell Out for Affiliate Summit East 2011”. Shawn Says, “Affiliate Summit East 2011 is on schedule to sell out by Monday, August 8, 2011, based on sales patterns of past Affiliate Summits”. Sell Out for Affiliate Summit East 2011… Shawn Collins’ Blog  [...]

‘Getting Your Thumbnail in Google Search Results Must Read’ by Keith Baxter

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Keith Baxter’s latest blog post is titled “Getting Your Thumbnail in Google Search Results Must Read”. Keith says, “Michelle MacPhearson posted a killer article yesterday entitled,’Getting Your Thumbnail in Google Search Results”. Getting Your Thumbnail in Google Search Results Must Read… Affiliate Radio Blog  [...]

‘Related RSS Plug-In for WordPress’ by Joel Comm

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Joel Comm’s latest blog post is titled “Related RSS Plug-In for WordPress”. Joel says, “You probably run WordPress because you want your site to rank well on Google. That makes you smart — WordPress is GREAT for that”. Related RSS Plug-In for WordPress… Joel Comm’s Blog  [...]

‘5 Ways To Monetize A Dead Site’ by Keith Baxter

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Keith Baxter’s latest blog post is titled “5 Ways To Monetize A Dead Site”. Keith says, “I’ve been autoblogging since 2003… 8 solid years of building and burning. What I mean by that is that I would build a site and then let it expire when it stopped making money”. 5 Ways To Monetize A Dead Site… Affiliate Radio Blog  [...]

‘The Business Case for Solitude’ by John Jantsch

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John Jantsch’s latest blog post is titled “The Business Case for Solitude”. John says, “One of the things business owners don’t get enough of is solitude. We are constantly surrounded by coworkers, prospects, suppliers and customers in a never-ending battle to grow the business”. The Business Case for Solitude… John Jantsch’s Blog  [...]

‘Weekend Favs July Twenty Three’ by John Jantsch

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John Jantsch’s latest blog post is titled “Weekend Favs July Twenty Three”. John says, “My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week. I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you check them out if they sound interesting”. Weekend Favs July Twenty Three… John Jantsch’s Blog  [...]

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