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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Archive for the 'Content Marketing Tips' Category

‘A One Minute Video Is Worth 1.8M Words: Content Marketing’s Newest Weapon’ – ‘’ Blog

Larry Alton says, “Every successful business knows that content marketing is a major part of improving conversions and attracting new customers today. However, too many businesses rely solely on writing and stagnant imaging and ignore one of consumers’ favorite types of content marketing: video. In today’s fast paced world, many consumers prefer a short video rather than a long article to describe a product, service, or concept. Most people learn better when they can both hear and see the information, so videos often translate better to the customer’s way of thinking. In fact, according... [...]

‘Video content strategy: equipment, tools & other useful advice’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “At the beginning of this year I wrote an article detailing Econsultancy’s efforts to start using more video on the blog. Our biggest problem back then was coming up with ideas that our audience would be interested in, rather than just creating video for the sake of it. Six months down the line we still haven’t got much further with our video strategy for various reasons that will eventually become clear. But I thought it would be useful to provide an update so people can hopefully benefit from our own efforts at developing a coherent strategy“. Video content... [...]

‘Conquer Content Shock with Illegitimate Ideas’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “Here’s the thing: nobody can deny that there is more content out there than ever before. But I don’t think the challenge this creates for content marketers is any more unique than 60 years ago or 600 years ago. In the face of so much content, yes, we are shocked — but after the shock wears off, we adapt. Because we are really freaking excited about the possibilities. And because we, as readers, can develop skills that allow us to navigate through this world without getting swallowed alive, it’s only natural that we, as content marketers, can too. By “adapt,”... [...]

‘3 Tips for Getting Your Content Seen (by Even the Busiest Readers)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Millions of pieces of content are published every minute. Listen in to Hit Publish to see how you can steal an advantage and make sure yours get noticed. It’s no longer enough to simply publish valuable information as part of your content marketing strategy. You’ve got to make sure you’re presenting your content in a way that’s going to catch your reader’s eye“. 3 Tips for Getting Your Content Seen (by Even the Busiest Readers) ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘How to Guarantee Internal Buy-in for Your Big Content Projects’ – Content Marketing Institute

Freddie Ossberg says, “Marketers need to ask their fellow C-level colleagues: “Do we want to be spending money on creating average marketing that gets lost in the noise, or on investing in a voice, brand, and knowledge platform that are a cut above everyone else?” The answer is obvious – no smart leader would ever pick the “noise” option. And yet, buy-in for content marketing investments is difficult. Internal matters of ego and politics, questions about ROI, and limited resources and budget create serious obstacles“. How to Guarantee Internal Buy-in for Your Big Content... [...]

‘Easy does it: six ways content can reduce effort for your online users’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Dan Broztel says, “The perception of ease, of low effort, is a powerful nudge to engagement and even conversion. As a poorly organised gift-buyer, I am often to be found a day or two before my wife’s birthday desperately scouring the internet for an acceptable item of clothing that (a) can be delivered fast and (b) will succeed in masking my utter lack of taste or discrimination in such matters. As you’d expect (a) is rarely a problem, but it turns out (b) frequently is, and so I spend a lot of my time looking at the instructions on ecommerce sites about how to return unwanted items. So... [...]

‘Why BuzzFeed Shouldn’t Blow Your Marketing Mind’ – Content Marketing Institute

Jonathan Crossfield says, ““Roll up! Roll up! Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be amazed! In this tent is something truly horrifying. Gentlemen will shudder. Ladies will swoon. Children will scream. Can you bear to look upon these monstrous freaks? Enter … if you dare!” We all know the game by now. Carnival barkers use showmanship and staggering levels of hyperbole to make passers-by so curious that they just have to give a coin to find out what is beyond the gaudily painted tarpaulin. The disappointment they usually experience inside the tent is almost expected, but that’s part... [...]

‘UX, Content Quality, and SEO’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “User experience and the quality of your content have an incredibly broad impact on your SEO efforts. In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Stone Temple’s Eric Enge shows you how paying attention to your users can benefit your position in the SERPs“. UX, Content Quality, and SEO MOZ Blog  [...]

‘Five tips on writing content for a mobile audience’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graeme Parton says, “Content is still as important as ever to digital marketing success, but as your audience evolves, so too must your approach.  Over the past few years, mobile has taken over the world. Your customers are seemingly glued to their screens at every waking hour, and this must be taken into account. So how do you go about creating content that resonates with today’s constantly moving, gadget-dependent consumers? The tips below are a great place to start“. Five tips on writing content for a mobile audience ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Is Your Content Marketing Career on Autopilot?’ – Content Marketing Institute

Chuck Frey says, “In times of rapid change, learning new skills equips you to adapt and thrive. It also helps you to sidestep programmatic thinking – the tendency to rely too much on existing knowledge and ignore signs that it isn’t as effective as it once was. Nowhere is this truer than in the field of content marketing. An expanding body of evidence, collected from surveys and conversations with marketers from a variety of organizations, points to a growing gap between our need to plan, execute, and measure effective content marketing initiatives and our skills for doing so. Part... [...]

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