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Archive for the 'Copywriting' Category

‘The Marketer’s Guide to Using Quizzes to Reach and Engage Your Audience’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Josh Haynam says, “On July 5, 2014, a food blog called Food52 shared a quiz on Twitter titled, “Which cake are you?” The quiz was built to raise awareness for several new cake recipes on the site, and the results of the quiz showed each quiz taker’s “cake type,” as well as a link to check out the recipe for said cake on Food52′s blog. By the end of the day on July 7, just three days later, the quiz had been viewed more than 20,000 times — it was a hit”. The Marketer’s Guide to Using Quizzes to Reach and Engage Your Audience ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘The 7 Things Writers Need to Make a Living’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “If you’re a writer, you might have heard this most of your life. People don’t make a living writing. You should find something practical to do with your life. Smart, capable writers grimly pass around war stories on Facebook. Penny-a-word assignments, clients who don’t pay, disdain for our craft, and disrespect for our profession”. The 7 Things Writers Need to Make a Living ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘Clueless About Technical Writing? Get Started With These Essential Tips’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Nick Chowdrey says, “Technical writing is like copywriting’s old, boring uncle. In the communicative garden party that is online content, Copywriting gets everyone a drink and socializes, while Technical Writing runs the grill and feeds all the guests. Copywriters may think technical writing is simple, but it actually presents a number of challenges unique to the discipline. If you receive a technical writing assignment, will you know how to handle it?”. Clueless About Technical Writing? Get Started With These Essential Tips ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘3 Lessons Learned From a Titan of Copywriting’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Kurtz says, “I was on the phone earlier this week with copywriting legend John Carlton and we were ranting about all sorts of topics. (You know, like you do when you’re on the phone with John Carlton.) He made the observation that the next “big thing” in marketing may not be in the areas of whiz-bang technology, but rather in the blocking and tackling techniques of adept career direct marketers. That’s not to say that technology won’t continue to move at the speed of light. But certain methods just don’t change”. 3 Lessons Learned From a Titan of Copywriting ‘Copyblogger’... [...]

‘Why Your Web Copy Is Missing the Mark’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Tara Chilla says, “Writing for a website is different from other kinds of writing. You have to make it short, sweet, and explanatory—and focus on communicating benefits, benefits, benefits. Oh, and also make sure you nail down relevant keywords and scatter them enough (but not too much) in the text. Writers who are new to writing copy for the Web have to learn what works and what doesn’t, and they have to learn fast. To make all that a bit easier, I’m going to discuss a few cardinal rules of business writing and effective online copy. Titles and search results snippets are... [...]

’13 Essential Copywriting Tips to Help You Rank in Search in 2014′ – HubSpot

SamKusinitz says, “Trying to abide by Google’s ranking factors can often feel like trying to work with a boss who is impossible to please. No matter how hard you try to figure out exactly what the search giant wants, you can never quite right. When you finally think you’ve got it all figured out, Google always seems to change what it wants and refuses to reveal its criteria. Well, unfortunately, it doesn’t seem reasonable to expect Google to reveal its secret list of ranking factors anytime soon. However, perhaps the fact that Google’s ranking algorithm is a secret is actually an... [...]

‘Copywriting: How to tip the scale so customers act’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “When writing copy for promotions, content and advertising, many writers tend to be pulled between two possible directions: creativity on one side, and communication on the other. How can I be creative and still effectively communicate the ideas I have? Think like the customer Creativity and communication are not the two opposing forces in the customer’s mind. The customer is weighing these two decisions: What is the value of this? How much will it cost me? “Essentially the prospect, even if at a subconscious level, engages in elementary math: VfAc – CfAc,... [...]

‘What if Author Rank Never Happens? [Update]’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “We recently concluded an entire series of articles by our own Demian Farnworth on the topics of Authorship, Author Rank, and Google+ for the online content creator. It was a smashing success, which indicates that writers and other online content creators are excited about these topics. And you should be. But let’s be clear – as best as anyone can tell, Author Rank has not been implemented yet. And that means there’s some chance it may never become an algorithmic aspect of the way Google ranks web pages”. What if Author Rank Never Happens? [Update] ‘Copyblogger’... [...]

‘How to Curate Knowledge, Turn it Into Wisdom, and Build Your Audience’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “Your audience expects a lot out of you. As well as they should. Which is why if you want to build a business you need an audience. But you can’t have an audience if don’t have authority. And you can’t have authority unless you have wisdom. You need wisdom that enables you to paint the big picture while making obtuse concepts clear. You need wisdom that inspires you to draw connections that other people in your niche don’t see”. How to Curate Knowledge, Turn it Into Wisdom, and Build Your Audience ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘6 Steps for Writing Simple Copy That Sells’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Aaron Orendorff says, “That’s what Leonardo da Vinci said anyway. And four centuries later, Steve Jobs agreed. Actually, Jobs more than agreed. He flat-out stole it. So here’s the question: What does plagiarized advice from the 16th century have to do with marketing copy in the 21st? The simple answer (pun intended) is everything“. 6 Steps for Writing Simple Copy That Sells ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

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