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Archive for the 'GDPR Regulations' Category

‘GDPR is Here—Seven Things Advertisers Need to Know’ Webinar June 7

eMarketer is hosting a webinar on ‘GDPR is Here—Seven Things Advertisers Need to Know’ on Thursday, June 7 at 1.00 pm ET. The eMarketer says, “We invite you to join us as eMarketer principal analyst Lauren Fisher sits down with the hosts of the eMarketer Live webinar series to revisit GDPR, now that it has taken effect. She’ll break down what’s happened so far and where marketers stand—and offer up seven tips that advertisers should take note of. This live-video presentation will provide: A data-packed discussion on the reactions and outcomes in a post-May 25 world Seven... [...]

Find out how Google’s GDPR compliance may affect your data

MOZ’ Will Critchlow has shared the kind of consequences marketers may face when it comes to Google’s GDPR compliance efforts and its impact on the data. Highlighting Unexpected consequences of GDPR Critchlow says, “When you deal directly with a person in the EU, and they give you personally identifiable information (PII) about themselves, you are typically in what is called the “data controller” role. The GDPR also identifies another role, which it calls “data processor,” which is any other company your company uses as a supplier and which handles that... [...]

Impact of GDPR on Google Analytics and Online Marketing

MOZ columnist Angela Petteys has highlighted the ways European Union’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will affect the Google Analytics and online marketing as a whole. Petteys says, “If you use Google Analytics, Google is your data processor and since they handle data from people all over the world, they’ve had to take steps to become compliant with GDPR standards. However, you/your company are considered the data controller in this relationship and you will also need to take steps to make sure your Google Analytics account is set up to meet the new requirements. Google... [...]

Here’re some GDPR insights for your

European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming into effect this month. Most brands are preparing for the new law and are also anxious about it. Econsultancy’s Parry Malm has shared some useful insights for the GDPR. Malm says, “U’s impending General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation is actually a good thing, even if we may not all understand exactly how just yet. Here’s why: GDPR is a good thing for consumers The fact is, people have been giving away their personal data for free, unwittingly and ignorantly, for years. Even those consumers... [...]

Google highlights its preparations for GDPR

Google’s William Malcolm has published a comprehensive note on how the company is preparing for GDPR, Europe’s new data protection law. The document focuses on improved user transparency, improved user controls, improved data portability and parental consent and improved tools for children online. Malcolm says, “Last year, we outlined Google’s commitment to comply with Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), across all of the services we provide in the European Union. We’ve been working on our compliance efforts for over eighteen months, and ahead of the new... [...]

Brandon Olson breaks six GDPR and email marketing myths

AWeber’s Marketing Communications Manager Brandon Olson has shared six GDPR and email marketing myths. Olson says, “The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect on May 25, 2018. Thousands of sources have published their “expert” advice about the law and how it applies to email marketing over the past several months. But here’s the thing: Much of their advice is wrong or misleading — and it’s causing a lot of misunderstanding, confusion and fear among small businesses and entrepreneurs around the globe. So, we decided to set the record straight. We’ve... [...]

13% US firms are fully compliant with GDPR [Survey]

A Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) survey has revealed that only 13% of US firms are fully compliant with European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The survey states that 52% of 400 US companies surveyed are still exploring the applicability of GDPR to their business. Todd Thibodeaux, CompTIA president and CEO says, “Only one in four respondents claim to be very familiar with GDPR. Some believe it applies primarily to companies in the EU; others, only to large multinational corporations. Alarmingly, three in ten companies believe GDPR does not... [...]

Econsultancy shares GDPR repermissioning emails & campaigns tips

Econsultancy’s Ben Davis has shared fifteen good and bad examples of repermissioning emails & campaigns under the GDPR. Davis says, “In this article we are mainly dealing with consent for email marketing, but marketers should think about what consents they want to refresh – cookies for example. The most important things to consider when constructing an email campaign are whether your privacy policy is well written, whether the consent mechanism you choose conforms to the definition of consent in the GDPR, and how to keep a record of these new consents (when, how, what etc.). On... [...]

AWeber shares five tips to prepare fo GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be applicable in the European Union from May 25, 2018. Several researches have revealed marketers’ hesitation as it comes to be prepared for the new law. AWeber columnist Brandon Olson has shared five ways marketers can keem themselves ready for the GDPR. Olson says, “There’s a lot to think about with the GDPR, and we understand that it can feel a bit overwhelming. So we’ve outlined four steps you can take to help prepare for the GDPR. 1. Continue to abide by AWeber’s terms of service and privacy policy We recently updated our... [...]

Update your email marketing strategy for GDPR with this checklist

AWeber has published a checklist to help marketers update their email marketing strategy for GDPR. The AWeber team says, “The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) goes into effect May 25, 2018 — and it will impact email marketers around the world. Its purpose is to “harmonize data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens’ data privacy, and to reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy.” The GDPR legislation affects businesses using email marketing services (i.e., data controllers) as well as email service providers (i.e.,... [...]

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