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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

‘Google Gets Going With Update For Go Programming Language’ – ‘ReadWrite’

David Nield says, “Google’s attempt to kill off C just got a new development: Today, the company announced a new update for Go, its own 6-year-old programming language, bringing it to version 1.5. It’s the sixth major update since Go’s inception in 2009, and it finally removes all traces of the C language it’s built on. Putting out their own coding language has become a hallmark of many tech giants today: Just as Microsoft had C#, others tout their own efforts, like Facebook (Hack), Google (Go) and Apple (Objective-C/Swift). Some go the open-source route like Hack and Go,... [...]

‘Google: Alphabet Restructuring Won’t Affect Developers’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Adriana Lee says, “Google surprised everyone Monday with fundamental changes to its organizational DNA, putting a new holding company, Alphabet, above a newly fashioned Google Inc. and other subsidiaries for its Google X “moonshots” lab and ventures arm. Days later, the world is still trying to make sense of it. As similarly dubbed businesses the world over consult their attorneys, or tighten their grips on company Website addresses, Silicon Valley got busy swinging the spotlight onto Sundar Pichai, the Google product chief turned Google Inc. CEO. The thoughtful, even demure executive... [...]

‘Google’s ‘buy’ button: unexpected risks and rewards for retailers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Deri Jones says, “Is this latest development from the internet giant a help or hindrance to brands that sell online? What is the Google ‘Buy’ button? First mentioned on Econsultancy in May, on clicking a Google AD containing the proposed ‘Buy’ button, consumers will be taken to a Google-hosted shopping page where they will complete the entire purchase without ever actually visiting the retailer’s own website. It has parallels to an Amazon marketplace sale in that Google pages are the only thing the buyer will see as money changes hands via Google Wallet“. Google’s... [...]

‘Google May Be Bringing Twitter To Desktop Search Results’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “In May, Google started displaying Twitter results in a limited way, only on mobile and only within the US. Now it appears that Google is experimenting with bringing such results outside the country and to the desktop. The folks at Conductor tipped Search Engine Land that they are consistently seeing the Twitter integration within desktop search results in the UK“. Google May Be Bringing Twitter To Desktop Search Results Marketing Land  [...]

‘What Can You Learn From Google’s Reorganization?’ – ‘’ Blog

Tony Uphoff says, “Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard by now that Google announced a sweeping reorganization of the company this week. Alphabet is the new parent company, with each of the individual businesses now operating as a series of subsidiaries, individually reporting to Alphabet CEO Larry Page. Eighty-nine percent of Google’s $60B in revenue is generated by the search-driven advertising business, which is now run by the newly named CEO, Sundar Pichai, a Google veteran. The other subsidiaries; focused on robots, self-driving cars, helping to cure diseases, developing... [...]

‘The inside story of why Google is becoming Alphabet now’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “The announcement of Google’s new holding company, Alphabet, initially led to near-universal bafflement among the tech cognoscenti: why would Google, an industry leader, create such upheaval? The most immediate benefit may simply be that CEO Larry Page, who is stepping away from day-to-day management, can spend more time playing with Legos. Even in the early days of Google, cofounders Page and Sergey Brin would let their minds wander to other seemingly impossible projects beyond the already ambitious task of building a search engine to change how millions use the... [...]

‘What is Google’s new company Alphabet and what does it mean for you?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Anna Francis says, “Yesterday Google announced that it was going to be completely restructured and sit as a subsidiary of its new parent company, Alphabet. Many of Google’s side businesses will now be housed under Alphabet, and as part of the shuffle Sundar Pichai has now been named as CEO of Google, and Larry Page and Sergey Brin will now serve as the CEO and President of Alphabet, respectively. Google’s reason behind the restructuring is that the company had become too diverse, and for the individual business to flourish successfully it would be better to split them up under a new parent... [...]

‘Google to Reorganize Into New Company Called ‘Alphabet’’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Ray Hennessey says, “Say goodbye to Google. Say hello to Alphabet. Google Inc. says it is creating a new operating structure under a newly formed umbrella company it is calling Alphabet Inc. Co-founder and current CEO Larry Page will lead the new company, while Sergey Brin, the other co-founder, will serve as president. Google itself will be an operating unit and get a new CEO: Sundar Pichai, who had been running Android and Chrome. It’s not just a name change, but a reorganization of the company. In a blog post announcing the change, Page said they wanted a “slimmed down”... [...]

‘What’s Really Going On With Google+?’ – ‘’ Blog

Shayna Marks says, “Last week was not a great one for Google+. In case you haven’t heard, Google announced that it was separating one of the most contested features of the social network—that you must use a Google+ account for logging into their other products, like YouTube—among other changes. So why is that a big deal? One of the main things Google+ has going for it is sheer numbers, and that’s the one thing people focus on when talking about the good of the network. Social Media Examiner recently shared that just two weeks after its June 2011 launch, Google+ hit 10 million users.... [...]

‘Distance from Perfect’ – MOZ Blog

Ian Lurie says, “In spite of all the advice, the strategic discussions and the conference talks, we Internet marketers are still algorithmic thinkers. That’s obvious when you think of SEO. Even when we talk about content, we’re algorithmic thinkers. Ask yourself: How many times has a client asked you, “How much content do we need?” How often do you still hear “How unique does this page need to be?” That’s 100% algorithmic thinking: Produce a certain amount of content, move up a certain number of spaces. But you and I know it’s complete bullshit“. Distance from Perfect MOZ... [...]

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