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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

‘How to watch Google reveal its next-generation Android M platform live’ – ‘Mashable’

Ronald Chavez says, “Google is once again about to show us the future of Android. The tech giant is getting ready to kick off its annual Google I/O developer conference on Thursday, where the company is expected to give us a good preview of its next-generation software for Android devices. The event will be live streamed starting at 9:30 a.m. PT, with a keynote in San Francisco. In addition to watching the presentation here, the Mashable team will be bringing the latest news and analysis via our live blog“. How to watch Google reveal its next-generation Android M platform live Mashable  [...]

‘What to expect at Google I/O 2015′ – ‘Mashable’

Pete Pachal says, “Google talks a lot. Unlike Apple, which primarily speaks through its public-facing product events that take place a few times a year, Google tends to announce updates to its products, along with new ones, with reliable regularity. Nonetheless, Google usually saves much of its best stuff for Google I/O, its annual developer conference, which begins Thursday morning. Last year, it used the event to unveil Android TV, Android Auto and Android Lollipop (then just called “L”). It was also the launchpad for Android Wear. That’s a fairly tough act to follow,... [...]

‘Confessions of a Google Spammer’ – HubSpot

Katherine Boyarsky says, “Before I became an inbound marketer, I once made $50,000 a month spamming Google. I worked a maximum of 10 hours a week. And I am telling you from the bottom of my heart: Never, never ever follow in my footsteps. This blog post will tell you exactly why. My Mindset in 2009 I never wanted to spam the Internet. Google made me do it. This is what I told myself back then. If spamming is so wrong, I wondered, how come it always works so well? Most black hat SEOs think this way. They rationalize spamming Google’s index in so many ways: We’re helping Google... [...]

‘Retailers, Google Shopping Ads Are Coming To YouTube’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Google is bringing its very successful product listing ad format to YouTube video ads. Thursday, the company announced the release of TrueView for Shopping. The new YouTube ads are the result of an integration with Google Shopping’s technology and is built on the cards platform that YouTube introduced in March. Cards, which will eventually replace annotations, were extended to TrueView ads last month, giving advertisers the ability to promote their other videos and playlists. They display as an overlay alongside a video on desktop and tablet and below a video on... [...]

‘3 Strategies to Implement Into Your Blog for Google’s Mobile Update’ by John Chow

Chow says, “The latest announcement by Google about their algorithm update has people worried. On April 21st, 2015, Google will be rolling out another update targeted at mobile users and those performing searches through mobile devices. It’s no secret mobile usage has increased over the last several years and it’s important bloggers, developers and search engines stay up-to-date with the trend. Google has taken an aggressive step forward by announcing an algorithm update which will be bigger than Panda and Penguin combined. Google is all about increasing the user experience and what... [...]

‘Google to add buy buttons to mobile search results’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Earlier this month, Google announced that it was giving mobile users the ability to order food directly from its search results, signaling the possibility that the next phase of search’s evolution will be transactionalization. As I wrote at the time, “it’s not hard to imagine Google applying transactional functionality to other types of search,” and product search seemed like one of the most obvious search categories ripe for transactional features. Not more than two weeks later come reports that Google is about to add buttons to search engine... [...]

‘A Visual History of Google Algorithm Updates’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “In the early days, Google’s search engine wasn’t nearly as powerful or accurate as it is today. I’m talking back in the late 90s and early 00s, when search engines were little more than keyword-matching and link-counting machines. Ranking highly in search results could be accomplished by essentially using a simple, two-step procedure: Step 1: Stuff your keyword phrase into your website as many times as possible. Step 2: Get as many gosh-darn inbound links as you possibly could. For those early “SEO gurus” who gamed the system —... [...]

‘Stop Building Marketing Platforms For Marketers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jim Williams says, “As marketers, we have nearly 2,000 marketing technology products to choose from across 43 different categories. The staggering number of vendors available to us hasmore than doubled since last year. We can email, tweet, track, engage, predict, analyze, attribute, optimize and more. There is now a layer of technology (or even multiple technologies) between each and every interaction we have with the buyers we’re nurturing through the purchasing process. Yet despite the proliferation of these technologies, the marketing stack is still largely disconnected from critical... [...]

‘Google Says Mobile Search Volumes Pass Desktop, More Effective For App Discovery’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “In a blog post today Google reported that “more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and Japan.” Google declined to provide more color or detail beyond this statement — other than that “mobile” here means smartphones only. While there have been many conference presentations, predictions, articles and discussions that have anticipated this moment, it has finally arrived. Simultaneously the company made a range of announcements about new mobile ad units/formats, new automation tools and improved... [...]

‘Google Takes On Pinterest With Google+ Collections’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Google+ pushed into Pinterest’s territory today, introducing a new feature to enables users to organize content by category. Called Collections, the new Google+ feature is very similar to Pinterest Boards and gives people the ability to create a space for their favorite things broken down by topic. Collections can be shared publicly, privately or with a specific set of Google+ users. Collections can be followed and posts within Collections that users follow will appear in their home feeds on Google+. After a user or Page creates a Collection, a Collection tab will appear... [...]

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