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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Advertising Tips' Category

‘Do-it-yourself SEO Starts with On-page Optimization’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Do-it-yourself SEO Starts with On-page Optimization”. Andy Curry says, “In “How to Get Traffic to your Website (via Google),” my article last month, I addressed basic search engine optimization and what you need to know to either hire a consultant or do it yourself. In this post, I’m going to expand on doing it yourself. SEO seems mystical, but it’s really not. You’ll hear people touting different strategies that may be unfounded. The problem is most people are only repeating what they learned from someone else, who they... [...]

‘Why No One Trusts Facebook To Power The Future’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Why No One Trusts Facebook To Power The Future”. Selena Larson says, “In the coming years, one billion more people will gain access to the Internetthanks to drones and satellites hovering in the stratosphere. And soon, we’ll be able to sit down with friends in foreign countries and immerse ourselves in experiences never previously thought possible, simply by slipping on a pair of virtual reality goggles. These aren’t just gaseous hypotheticals touted by Silicon Valley startups, but efforts led by one company, whose mission is to... [...]

‘How Email Marketers Should Mark Up Messages For Gmail’s New Grid View’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “How Email Marketers Should Mark Up Messages For Gmail’s New Grid View”. Tom Sather says, “Google just transformed the inbox again with Gmail Grid View that turns the Promotions tab into a visual shopping mall of marketing emails. For marketers, the question is: how do I get it to work, and what will my emails look like if I don’t do anything at all? I did some testing and noticed some interesting things. For grid view, Gmail is using “Actions in the Inbox,” which it announced in early 2013. Actions in the... [...]

‘How Much Should You Spend On Optimization? Calculate Your BUU’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “How Much Should You Spend On Optimization? Calculate Your BUU”. Brian Massey says, “Analytics platforms. Split testing software. User testing tools. This is starting to sound expensive. And it is. What if it were more expensive not to have these things in your online business? It might very well be. Your business may be one of the many that is hobbled by a “launch and hope” approach to digital marketing. Not every business will benefit from such tools, but yours may. How much will you benefit? How much does... [...]

‘Google Moves Universal Analytics Out Of Beta’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Google Moves Universal Analytics Out Of Beta”. Amy Gesenhues says, “Since first being offered in October of 2012, Google announced today Universal Analytics is now out of beta, making all the features, reports and classic analytics tools — including remarketing and audience reporting — available to everyone. According to the announcement: Universal Analytics is the re-imagining of Google Analytics for today’s multi-screen, multi-device world and all the measurement challenges that come with it… Today we’re... [...]

‘Email Marketers Aren’t Ready For Gmail’s Grid View, Yet: What You Need To Know To Stand Out’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Email Marketers Aren’t Ready For Gmail’s Grid View, Yet: What You Need To Know To Stand Out”. Ginny Marvin says, “Google is very good at forcing an issue. The company knows visuals are increasingly important for user engagement, so last week, it began testing a new image-rich grid view in the Gmail Promotions tab. The move to make images a key part of the email open rate equation should in turn compel marketers to pay more attention to the images they use in their campaigns. I described the new view as Pinterest... [...]

‘Is Marketing On April Fool’s Day Fool’s Gold Or Worth The Effort?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Is Marketing On April Fool’s Day Fool’s Gold Or Worth The Effort?”. Martin Beck says, “Another April 1 has come and gone and we’ve got a few questions. Were you fooled? Were you amused? And most importantly for marketers who targeted the day: Was it worth it? Certainly, it’s one way for brands to show customers that they have a sense of humor. And you can argue that giving employees a chance to stretch their imaginations is a valuable exercise. But the AFD playing field is getting so crowded that we wonder... [...]

‘Yahoo May Clone YouTube, For All The Good It Would Do’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Yahoo May Clone YouTube, For All The Good It Would Do”. Dave Smith says, “Yahoo is one of the few companies that can compete with Google in the realm of search—theoretically, at least. Now, the company reportedly plans to challenge Google in another area it dominates: user-generated videos. Yahoo will reportedly launch its own YouTube clone within the next few months at an attempt to lure away content creators from the Google-owned video platform.According to the Wall Street Journal, Yahoo is exploring the purchase of video-syndication... [...]

‘7 Ways to Improve Email Subject Lines’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “7 Ways to Improve Email Subject Lines (and a Sneaky Way to Test)”. Pamella Neely says, “Subject lines are powerful elements of email campaigns. But that’s not really surprising. Subject lines are basically the headlines of an email message. Headlines are something writers and editors agonize over, and for good reason. Copywriter coach Chris Marlow writes “tests have proven many times that the headline is responsible for at least 50 percent and as much as 75 percent of an ad’s success.” Some sources report that 35 percent of... [...]

‘The Fatal Mistake Content Marketers Are Making With Nofollow’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “The Fatal Mistake Content Marketers Are Making With Nofollow”. Danielle Wiley says, “RIP, content marketing. Thanks to Google’s algorithm updates and quality guidelines that require paid links to include a nofollow tag, there’s simply no value any more in online promotions for brands and agencies. After all, if a sponsored link can no longer provide a direct PageRank boost, what’s the point? Everyone knows the only reason to bother promoting a brand online is for the improved search engine rankings. Did you... [...]

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