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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category

‘Video Highlights from Affiliate Summit East 2013’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Video Highlights from Affiliate Summit East 2013”. Collins Says, “Affiliate Summit West 2013, the premier affiliate marketing conference, took place August 18-20, 2013 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA with over 4,000 affiliate marketers. This three day conference included an exhibit hall with affiliate merchants, vendors, and networks, as well as multiple tracks of educational sessions covering the latest trends and information from affiliate marketing experts. The keynotes for Affiliate Summit East 2013 were Rae Hoffman,... [...]

‘Can customers reset passwords on your mobile site?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Can customers reset passwords on your mobile site?”. Graham Charlton says, “Registration and accounts on ecommerce sites have plenty of pros and cons. On the one hand, they can be handy for retention and easy repeat purchases, but they can be a barrier.  They can present a particular problem on mobile especially if shoppers have forgotten login details from previous purchases. To illustrate this point, here’s an example from the M&S mobile site, one which must be causing a number of abandoned purchases”. Can... [...]

‘6 Flaws Your Nonprofit’s Mobile Website Should Never Have’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “6 Flaws Your Nonprofit’s Mobile Website Should Never Have”. Chad Pollitt says, “The smartphone revolution is here and your organization cannot ignore it. 83% of Generation Y respondents to a recent studysaid they have smartphones. And according to StatCounter Global Stats, global mobile traffic represents 13% of internet traffic, up from just 1% in 2009″. 6 Flaws Your Nonprofit’s Mobile Website Should Never Have HubSpot  [...]

‘7 Reasons to Register a Private Tumblr’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “7 Reasons to Register a Private Tumblr”. Sara Roncero-Menendez says, “Tumblr’s concept is a simple one: to make blogging easier. The massive community uses the site to share opinions, news, art and funny animal GIFs. The site expands the limits of traditional blogging by using a hashtag system similar to Twitter’s, allowing users to see content from around the world. Tumblr mainly contains public pages anyone can view; therefore, blogs sometimes attract unwanted attention or anonymous lurkers. Many users create separate,... [...]

‘How Affiliates Drive Traffic to Sites in 2013’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “How Affiliates Drive Traffic to Sites in 2013”. Collins Says, “Affiliates were asked “How do you typically drive traffic to your website?” for the 2013 Affiliate Summit AffStat Report. The results were varied with SEO, social networks, and blogging as the most popular. I was surprised that only about a quarter of the people were using email marketing. Build a list, people!”. How Affiliates Drive Traffic to Sites in 2013 Shawn Collins’ Blog  [...]

‘What Is Page Rank and Domain Authority?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “What Is Page Rank and Domain Authority?”. Brynna Baldauf says, “When it comes to Page Rank and Domain Authority, do you know where you stand? How about your competitors? If you’re not sure what these are, then this post is for you. Let us help you learn how to understand and use these metrics like a pro.”. What Is Page Rank and Domain Authority?  [...]

‘How To Parallel Slim Jim’s AWard-Winning Ad Results’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “How To Parallel Slim Jim’s AWard-Winning Ad Results”. Crystal Gouldey says, “For your email subscribers to respond to your emails, you have to send the content they want. This does not entirely depend on you writing good content. It also depends on attracting the right subscribers. Not more subscribers, you notice, but the right ones. Are you sending information that makes it clear who exactly your“. How To Parallel Slim Jim’s AWard-Winning Ad Results Aweber Blog  [...]

‘Is Facebook an Effective Driver of Sales?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Is Facebook an Effective Driver of Sales?”. Lauren Indvik says, “In early August, Mashable set up Meg Faure, founder of The Baby Sense Company, withJeremy Pepper, a Los Angeles-based social media and public relations consultant, to see if Faure could up engagement and sales conversions among her (already sizable) Facebook and Twitter communities. Faure is the international bestselling author of Baby Sense, which over the past decade has expanded into a franchise that includes several more books, a seminar series and an ecommerce business... [...]

’10 useful examples of mouseover effects for ecommerce sites’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “10 useful examples of mouseover effects for ecommerce sites”. Graham Charlton says, “Mouseover (or hover) effects can be a useful way for sites to convey information quickly when used well, and can aid conversion.  Of course, such things should be tested for effectiveness, but there are some good examples of their use on ecommerce sites. Here are ten examples, please suggest any other good ones you have seen”. 10 useful examples of mouseover effects for ecommerce sites ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘The Marketer’s Guide to Getting Started With Content Personalization’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The Marketer’s Guide to Getting Started With Content Personalization”. Chad Pollitt says, “Content personalization has been a hot topic for marketers over the last few years. As Big Data gets bigger, so does the level to which marketers can personalize content. At the same time, consumers have grown to expect getting the answers they seek instantly from their smartphone, tablet, and computer — not just”. The Marketer’s Guide to Getting Started With Content Personalization HubSpot  [...]

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