Laura Kane says, “Most marketers know the importance of creating unique content for different social mediums. For instance, would you use the same exact copy in a paid search ad that you did in a tweet? I hope I’m hearing a resounding, “No!” And yet, many marketers aren’t fully prepared for what comes next: when a visitor actually clicks on a link and lands on their website. If a visitor comes from a paid ad promising a coupon — and then they don’t see the coupon as soon as they arrive on your website, how do you think they’re going to feel? Confused; maybe... [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category
You can build an online store that gets some of the billions of dollars people spend on home furnishings. Every modernized country around the world buys a lot of furniture from online stores. In less than an hour, you can use HomeClone to build your own online store so you can participate in this online e-commerce. And because the store built by this new software is an affiliate store for Amazon, you don’t have to stock any products or deliver purchases to your customers. Amazon does all the hard work. You just attract shoppers to your affiliate store and when they buy, you collect a commission. Each... [...]
Andrea Lehr says, “In many aspects of life, timing is key. If you’ve got to schedule a very important meeting, and all of the attendees aren’t morning people, scheduling an 8 a.m. start time probably won’t result in a productive meeting. Or maybe you want to book a cheap vacation — you probably want to avoid scheduling one during the holidays. The same is true with content creation and social media. If you want your content to do well on social media, you’ve got to be strategic about what you publish and when you publish it. To figure out how and when to... [...]
Laura Kane says, “Most marketers know the importance of creating unique content for different social mediums. For instance, would you use the same exact copy in a paid search ad that you did in a tweet? I hope I’m hearing a resounding, “No!” And yet, many marketers aren’t fully prepared for what comes next: when a visitor actually clicks on a link and lands on their website. If a visitor comes from a paid ad promising a coupon — and then they don’t see the coupon as soon as they arrive on your website, how do you think they’re going to feel? Confused; maybe... [...]
Katie Lantukh says, “One of the most important aspects of inbound marketing is delivering relevant content to followers who want to see it. People opt in by signing up for newsletters and downloading premium content. A sad reality, though, is once they opt in, people change their minds or decide they’re not actually interested in your content after all. Perhaps their email inboxes overflow daily and they’re tired of going through and deleting each email. Or, maybe they had a bad day and spent their lunch break un-friending people andunsubscribing to email blasts. In any case, it... [...]
HubSpot team says, “Business owners and entrepreneurs are busy people; they often lack the time to read through marketing materials. So how do you get them to pay attention to your info? For many, the answer has become video. Short videos are easy and personable — just the thing to encourage sales. So we asked 13 successful founders how they were incorporating video into their marketing efforts, and why it was working”. 13 Interesting Ways to Use Video in Your Marketing HubSpot [...]
Emma Snider says, “For all the powerful processing work the human mind can do, it’s still prone to making bizarre assumptions or jumping to an illogical conclusion every now and then. Problem is, we don’t even recognize these patterns as strange. They’re built into the fabric of our thought — so to us, they just seem normal. But upon examination, they’re revealed to be anything but normal. Why else would we buy Beanie Babies in bulk? Or consider a rhyming tagline to be “truer” than a non-rhyming tagline? Thanks, psychological biases. Like it or... [...]
Brittany Leaning says, “Hey there, marketer. I’m curious … what’s really going in that day-to-day work life of yours? When you say you’re working from home, are you actually being productive? When you have a deadline, do you wait until the last minute? What are you actually doing on LinkedIn? It’s time to speak the truth. Below are 15 graphs and charts showing how we really spend our days. If you can relate to one, click the “Pin It” button to share it with your friends and colleagues. And don’t worry, we won’t tell your boss”. The Life of a Marketer: 15 Charts... [...]
Everybody needs a place to sit, a bed to sleep in and a table to eat from. That’s why all around the world, people spend billions on furniture every year. Amazon affiliate marketers like you and me can take advantage of this constant stream of traffic buying furniture to build a business selling the furniture everyone needs. The home furnishings industry offers any Amazon affiliate the chance to make money with an affiliate site catering to this niche. When you enter this niche you are offering everyday people an opportunity to create a better life for themselves by making their home more comfortable. CoolIce... [...]
There’s an attractive new WordPress theme that can be used in many ways, but is being targeted to small business websites and sites that collect leads for small businesses. The Metropoli Theme builds attractive sites and is easy enough to use that you don’t have to have any tech skills to make a good-looking site. If you build sites for clients, or rent sites to local clients or sell leads, this theme can give your work a fresh modern look. You get a developer’s license, so you can install on your own sites and client sites, as many as you choose. Metropoli Theme comes with loads of flexibility.... [...]