The WP Quick Pics plugin has been for sale for about a week, and has sold over 1000 copies. The sale ends Sunday, March 31. Every blog and website can benefit from attractive pictures to dress it up. Visitors tend to stay longer on attractive sites, and WordPress sites are no exception. This plugin can let you browse over 50000 pictures (all of them royalty-free and public domain), select one, re-size it to meet your needs, and include it in any post or page of your choice, all in just a few moments. Usually, you would pay a royalty ($5 or more) for photos of this caliber, but Michael Formby, the... [...]
Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category
There are several well-known backup solutions for WordPress sites, and some of them also do cloning, But WP Clone Machine may have them all beat. It’s a full-function program at a tiny price. This WordPress plugin quickly and easily creates clones and backups of your entire site, including: ■ Posts ■ Pages ■ Comments ■ Theme Settings ■ Plugins and all their settings ■ Users ■ WordPress Admin settings ■ Your database ■ And everything else you have included in your site’s root folder. No longer do you need to wrestle with technical details like FTP, cPanel, MySQL,... [...]
Time is running out on the sale to celebrate the announcement of version 2.0 of the Page One Plugin. This software: • Installs 17 SEO-enhancing, traffic-building plugins on your site, These 17 plugins don’t cost you anything, but this setup saves you lots of manual work. • Optimizes your settings so these plugins work effectively • Builds silo after silo of related posts and inter-links these posts for improved SEO • Checks keyword density in your posts • Google authorship support is built-in. This plugin name may be “over the top” (he doesn’t guarantee... [...]
Jean Paul is the lead software developer at He has developed other products for marketers, and now with AzonHunter he says he is offering you a tool that will increase your Amazon affiliate commissions dramatically (and passively.) The old proverb says that the 3 most important contributors to business success are location, location and location. That’s true online, too. Some parts of your webpage are more condicive to sales than others. In WordPress sites, posts and comments on them attract the most readers, so ads placed in a post and its comments can bring in a lot of click-throughs. AzonHunter... [...]
Available at 11 AM EDT, a new simple WordPress plugin (1) makes your visitors “like” you more, (2) gets you more Google traffic and (3) boosts your profits. George Katsoudas, the developer of many WordPress plugins, is offering WP Stealth Note WordPress Plugin at a discount beginning at 11 AM. Katdsoudas noticed that he wasn’t getting the sales he expected on his blog. People were visiting, but weren’t finding it compelling and would leave quickly. And after surveying his visitors, he discovered that they thought is was band, cookie-cutter and faceless. To counteract that... [...]
Some site have a “splash page” for visitors to land on. It’s pretty and is intended to welcome visitors. But it could be a lot more functional. That’s why Mark Dulisse developed Auto Welcome Cash. Dulisse noticed that one of the most important sites on the web,, always has visitors land on a monetized splash page, not on the article they may have found in search results. Dulisse’s new plugin does the same thing, only better. This WordPress plugin lets you create a variety of splash page formats, and it allows the user who isn’t interested to bypass... [...]
Most webmasters and site owners aren’t aware that Google often has trouble crawling their mobile site. That site, which is typically an add-on to the main site, isn’t usually linked in a way that Google can find it. Google keeps a separate index for mobile sites and the vast majority of mobile sites (local merchant site, especially) are not in the index because the code that causes mobile devices to redirect to them isn’t “Google-friendly”. WP Media Sitemap, by James Reilly, lets you solve that problem quickly. And there’s good money to be made by marketing... [...]
WPAdBurn Plugin increases your click-through rate by givng your ads new life with its social features: • Each ad is given a hotness rating based on how many times it has been clicked. • Using short codes, you can place an ad anywhere in your content to lead more people to click it. • Clicking on an ad can trigger a whole new page opening so you can give an full presentation (that has a link back to the main page). It could be an affiliate offer, or you can sell ad space on your site with a click taking the visitor to the advertiser’s site. • Ads invote Facebook comments •... [...]
Spammers may get an occasional sale, but they are jerks. They waste untold time and money of their victims. All in their hope to make a buck. But you don’t have to be like them to earn a living online. Amazon affiliates can earn more without resorting to spammy methods. Today, at 10 AM EST ( 3 PM in London) Igor Urban is launching This is a WordPress plugin that rests quitely behind the scenes until a visitor to your affiliate site visits a page for a product you are promoting. Then,it automatically pulls listing for competing products, headed “You may also like”) and builds... [...]
The latest product from George Katsoudas is Auto Azon Banner adds banners to your blog advertising Amazon products, and does it in minutes. You select the product category and the banner size and this new (very new; it is just becoming available at 10 AM EST today) plugin from George Katsoudas does the rest. The banner will “fade in” and appear on the right side of your blog a few seconds after the page loads. This delayed appearance will draw the attention of your visitors, resulting in more clicks. The plugin can find the exact search term that your visitors used to find your blog... [...]