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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category

WP Convert PRO: Customize your content based on traffic source #ad

WP Convert PRO is a brand new WordPress plugin that can vary your site’s content (it lets you use any kind of information: videos, Adsense, ads, etc.) : WP Convert PRO let’s you hundreds of variations of your website, catering to various types of traffic. For example, show different offers: • Visitors from Google get offer A • Visitors from Facebook get offer B • Visitors from LinkedIn get an opt-in form and a video • Visitors from Twitter get a downloadable PDF • Visitors from another page on your own site get a cut-rate price on your product. The flexibility... [...]

WP Ad Control: So people stop ignoring your ads #ad

The new WP Ad Control plugin creates sophisticated pop-ups for your WordPress site. And its flexibility is unmatched by any other pop-up creator: • Cache the IP address of each visitor so that you can avoid showing the same ad twice (if you want to.) • Rotate multiple adds which the user stays on the page • Set delays for pop-ups to appear (and vary the amount of delay) • Custom design your pop-up appearance As you know, the familiar soon becomes the invisible. This new plugin can make sure a particular visitor sees a particular pop-up only once so that they are always seeing... [...]

Are you guilty of these marketing mistakes? #ad

• Marketers often fail to optimize their sales letters so they will get the highest conversions possible. Space that could be dedicated to to bringing in revenue is often filled up with an optin box, which is useless for people who have already opted in. Why not use that space more productively? • Are you giving your visitors a strong reason to take action by truly making one-time offers? Many sales pages don’t. • Are you giving the information to your visitors at the most opportune moment? Many sites don’t. Peter O’Neill has a solution for these mistakes. He calls... [...]

WP Hack Alert: Keep thieves out of your back office #ad

Websites are hacked every day. WordPress sites are particularly vulnerable since hackers can study WordPress and once they get good at hacking its code, they have thousands of sites they can target using the skills they learn one time, unlike plain HTML sites, where each site can have its own peculiarities. After applying anti-hacking measures, there are two steps you can take to recover if there is a hacking. 1. Make a backup every time you make updates to the site so you can restore it after a hacking. 2. Install an alarm system so that if hackers get in, you can know about it immediately and... [...]

WP Ad Manager Bundle: Flexible ad management for your site #ad

Josh Precht, the creator of the popular WP Ad Manager has assembled a deal on three of his popular advertising plugins for WordPress. Here’s what the Ultimate WP Ad Plugin Bundle includes: ► WP Ad Manager Pro – A full featured banner ad management plugin ► WP Interstitial Ads – Add full page interstitial ads to your site with ease ► Page Peeler Plugin – Create corner peel ads on the right or left hand side of your sites. The feature list for these three plugins is too long to list here, but it’s impressive. For a limited time, you can get all 3 plugins for one low price (currently,... [...]

WP Semantic Plugin: Write Better SEO Content for your blog #ad

The days of webmasters who try to trick Google are numbered. It’s only a matter of time before they realize their old-school methods that tried to trick Google are counterproductive. Google can hardly ever be tricked these days. It’s a waste of time to try. Instead, spend your time writing content that informs people and impresses Google favorably. These two goals are related. If your content is helpful to people, and isn’t written to trick Google, then Google will be impressed. Ryan Stevenson’s latest Plugin, WP Semantic, is designed to help you write better quality content... [...]

“Daily Deal Azon”: Countdown Timer for Amazon affiliate ads #ad

Scarcity sells. Marketers have known that for centuries. Besides the hundreds of thousands of Amazon products that are freely available, Amazon also has scarcity. It runs daily deals (up to 1000 active at one time) that offer a bargain price for a limited time. Amazon affiliates who publicize these daily deals correctly can reap a reward of additional sales. Marketer/software developer Ryan Stevenson has created Daily Deal Azon, a WordPress plugin that automatically gathers Amazon’s live daily deals and advertises them on your site, with a countdown timer showing when the deal will expire. It... [...]

Adswap Assassin: Your system for hosting giveaway events #ad

“Mini-events” aren’t always easy to create and manage. There’s a lot of technical work needed to get every thing set up properly and assure that all the marketers who contribute products to the event are fairly rewarded with clicks. Coby Wright has released a WordPress plugin (and an equivalent HTML module) to making setting up and managing a mini-event simple. The baby-sitting of the system you had to do in the past can now be eliminated. Wright’s product, Adswap Assassin, helps you set up and manage your event in several ways: • Add participants’ products... [...]

Invasion of Destroyer Plugins: Are there free WP plugins for everything? #ad

There are a lot of good plugins for sale. IM NewsWatch uses some of them. But Thomas Kragsig says that you can use free plugins to do almost anything your site needs to do. He puts his findings in Invasion of Destroyer Plugins. This comprehensive report lists free plugins that will do what you need done. Kragsig says you can stop buying plugins and use free ones instead. There are thousands of free plugins available, but many of them are broken. They were created 3-4 years ago, and not updated since. They don’t work with WordPress 3.5. Kragsig has sifted through the mass of plugins available... [...]

WP4FB 2.0: go viral on Facebook #ad

Mark Thompson has a new product, just being released today, called WP4FB 2.0. With this new tool suite you can build customized Fan Page templates by simply dragging and dropping. This visual editor gives you the ability to create virtually any design that you want, and do it in just seconds. It’s probably the easiest way to make every Fan Page unique and striking. A second-rate Fan Page won’t bring you much activity or liking. Especially if your competitors have gone all out to make their pages look slick. So Thompson included 10 new premium templates in WP4FB 2.0. Each template can be... [...]

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