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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category

Update on WP Snippets Magic; now your site gets noticed #ad

WP Snippets Magic makes it easy to include rich snippets in your Google search results listings (or in your clients’) listings. This new plugin removes all the technical issues that usually surround adding a rich snippet to your site. You don’t need to know anything about HTML and you don’t need to hire a programmer. WP Snippets Magic does it all. In the base plugin you get six kinds of snippets, and you get upgrade to the Pro version that offers 7 more kinds. Now there is even more good news. When you invest in WP Snippets Magic through the IM NewsWatch link, you will get 4... [...]

“Keep The Customer Satisfied” How to enhance search engine traffic #ad

Search engines aren’t perfect. They have flaws that can impact your site or your client’s sites and cause you to lose clicks. Your results would be better if the search engine took your visitor, not to a generic home page for your site, but to a page tailored to the specific search term the visitor used. The generic page forces your visitor to click one or more times to actually get to the page they need. And some will decide it’s not worth the effort, and go elsewhere. To overcome this problem Dr. Veit Schenk created Keep The Customer Satisfied, because clearly, when you take... [...]

WP Snippets Magic: Get your site noticed by searchers #ad

The major search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) recently started allowing “rich snippets” in the search results. Sites with these snippets stand out from the crowd, and get noticed. Google describes them this way, “These rich snippets Rich snippets are designed to summarize the content of a page in a way that makes it even easier for users to understand what the page is about in our search results.” If your site is set up with rich snippets, even if your site is shown in 3rd or 4th position, you still can out-sell the top ranked sites because your snippets give your listing... [...]

Drew Laughlin gives away free report on mobile sites for local businesses #ad

Some businesses need fancy mobile sites; most local businesses generally don’t. You can easily build them a mobile site they will be delighted with once you understand their true needs. Laughlin’s Local Mobile Marketing Free Report shows you what those needs are and how you can ultimately respond to those needs. He is giving away this report because tomorrow he will release a WordPress plugin that makes local mobile site building easy. If you read his report and agree with what he says, he assumes you will buy the plugin. Get your free report here so you’ll be ready for Thursday’s... [...]

My Recommended Posts WP Plugin: better audience engagement #ad

Keeping visitors on your site is key for increasing your opt-ins and sales. After they have poked around and learned what your site is really about, they start to know, like, and trust you. If they read an article they like, they naturally wonder if you have more on that topic. Josh Precht has just released My Recommended Posts, a plugin that makes it easy to find related posts that will interest a visitor who wants more content. Your bounce rate goes down and your page views go up. The related posts are shown at the bottom of a post, and can be formatted in your choice of 4 layouts (horizontal... [...]

WordPress Development Class: How to develop themes and plugins for WordPress #ad

If you would like to develop marketing software products, without having to hire outsourcers there is a new class available, taught by a marketer for marketers. WordPress Development Class is taught like a university class, except it’s taught by someone who builds plugins and themes for a living. By the end of this course, each student will develop at least one high quality theme and a plugin. The skills learned in the course can be used to develop mobile apps, too, as well as dynamic website content. This is intensive, rigorous training, with three hour-long classes each week for 8 weeks.... [...]

WP Ad Control: New pop-up plugin creates ads that won’t be ignored #ad

With this new WP Ad Control plugin, you can simply upload your graphics and test your offers with simple banners, call to action graphics or animations. You can include multiple ads in you site, and even in a single post, if you choose to. And the included action could be a link to elsewhere in your site, or to an affiliate product or wherever you want. One of the most helpful features of WP Ad Control is to use the IP address of the visitor to make sure the visitor always sees a fresh ad as long as oyu have some they haven’t seen. You can customize the ad with colors, sizes, opacity and... [...]

Super Footer Bar plugin can get traffic and increase sales #ad

Jeff Bode has released a new WordPress plugin that creates an impressive flexible footer for calling attention to ads. The bane of marketers is banner blindness. People don’t notice and, as a result, don’t click or buy. Bode’s Super Footer Bar corrects this problem. This footer bar is always at the bottom of the page, no matter how far up or down the visitors scroll. If they scroll far enough down, the bar is below the bottom of the page, so nothing else is hidden. You can rotate up to 3 versions of the footer bar, which can contain “share buttons”, opt-in forms,... [...]

WP Security Plus blocks crooks from tampering with your site #ad

WordPress has great ease of use, but hackers have learned to exploit its vulnerabilities. Site owners need to make changes to close as many loopholes as possible. A few months ago, IM NewsWatch profiled Robert Vance’s WordPress Security Dashboard (no longer available) that showed how to improve WordPress security. Now Vance has released WP Security Plus, that actually implements most of the security precautions you need for your WordPress site. (Vance recommends that you install a couple of free security plugins to add additional security. He saw no reason to duplicate their functionality,... [...]

WP Optins 2.0- Free Trial #ad

A year ago, Karin Haworth and Dreeick VanDyke released : WP Optins , a plugin that improves the visitor’s optin experience and makes it easier for the webmaster to build the opt-in page. Back then, they described it as “The World’s Easiest Squeeze Page Builder.” But now the easiest just got better. They have added new features, including: * Instant Graphical Headlines (no Photoshop needed) * Point-N-Click Graphics (buttons, bullets, arrows) * Custom Logo, Header and Footer Graphics They aren’t releasing it officially until January 22, but they have a special... [...]

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