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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category

A Movie Empire At Your Fingertips #ad

Coolice has offered a number of niche Amazon affiliate stores in the last year. His latest is a new store selling videos. He calls it VideoStoreClone. Movie videos are big business (so are TV videos), and Amazon has created a huge video department. Amazon affiliates wanting to take advantage of the huge inventory, can set up their own store in minutes using VideoStoreClone. This WordPress theme is tuned for SEO and for conversions. It is automated and does the ongoing work for you. When people visit your store, they can: • Read the news about recent and upcoming movies, to whet their appetite •... [...]

PinBoardZon Amazon WordPress Theme can Make Your Web Like Pinterest #ad

Pinterest excels at sharing visual content. And that’s a good thing since “a picture’s worth a thousand words.” Suppose your Amazon affiliate site could look as good as Pinterest, but instead of cute pet pictures, it showed pictures of Amazon products, so that when people clicked, they bought from your affiliate link. That’s what Jaka Pradana’s new PinBoardZon theme does. It has many benefits for your sites: ► Supports 7 Amazon stores, plus 6 country stores ► Supports iPad and i{Phone mobile users ► Automatically updates the price when Amazon... [...]

Zon GoldBox Wizard Plugin displays Amazon GodBox offers on your site #ad

Here’s another way to monetize your WordPress site; use a banner to show Amazon GoldBox offers. Zon GoldBox Wizard Plugin will show the latest GoldBox offers automatically. Since GoldBox changes daily, this means your site will have a steady stream of changes, which impresses both Google and your human visitors. Zon GoldBox Wizard Plugin: • Displays Latest Amazon Goldbox Deal On Posts • Displays Latest Amazon Goldbox Deal On Pages • Displays Latest Amazon Goldbox Deal On Sidebar • Includes 5 Call to Action Button Colors • Supports 1-Click (Automatic) Update •... [...]

WP Tube Squeeze: Use any YouTube video as the background for your squeeze page #ad

Paul Pavel’s new WP Tube Squeeze lets you make attention-getting squeeze pages, with a real video in the background, so people stay and watch. It’s a WordPress plugin that can be used with your WP themes. It’s easy to use, and the squeeze pages it creates are professional and good-looking. The plugin uses the latest HTML 5 and CSS 3 coding so it will be valuable to you for the long term. And it has a simple dashboard that allows you to customize your squeeze page colors and other features, and paste in your autoresponder code. Your squeeze page is ready for Facebook and supports... [...]

Google Crystal Ball: Keyword research as it was meant to be #ad

Dr. Veit Schenk just released Google Crystal Ball. With the many changes to Google’s algorithm in the last year, the results provided by classic keyword research tools may not be the best information. So Dr. Schenk has released this new tool. On his sales page, Dr. Schenk illustrates some of the strange results Google is providing for keyword searches; Google seems to be favoring paid ads over websites that have been optimized for the search term. Marketers like you are faced with a daunting task of reading Google’s mind and finding keywords that still are favorable to marketers. That’s... [...]

Paper Template 2.0: Create Sales Letters and Optin Pages Inside WordPress in Minutes #ad

Robert Plank has released his latest product, and this time he’s targeting marketers who need to create sales pages. (Is there any other kind?) Paper Template 2.0 creates sales pages (and opt-in pages) for a site based on WordPress. Plank is something is a WordPress expert. This isn’t his first WordPress product. He’s most famous for his WordPress Backup Creator, but he’s done other WP products as well. With Paper Template 2.0, you can instantly create the page you want to become your sales page. You can set it to be the page people see first when they come to your site.... [...]

Conversion Cartel: Turn your visitors into buyers #ad

Visitors that don’t respond as you need them to represent a wasted opportunity. If they had been treated to a little better persuasion, they may have: • Opted in for your squeeze page • Filled in a form for a CPA offer • Signed up for your membership site • Tried out that free trial you made available • Bought that affiliate product you were promoting None of the good results you need can take place unless you can say something to convert them from lookers to action-takers. Brennen Noble is releasing Conversion Cartel at 10 AM EST, today, and its goal is to eliminate... [...]

Azon Link Conversion: serve more countries to earn more commissions #ad

If you are operating an Amazon affiliate business, and earning commissions from sales made by, you are probably missing some commissions you might have earned. Visitors to your site from UK or Canada don’t buy from They buy from Amazon.CA or Amazon.UK. They may learn about the product on your site, but you don’t get the commission when they go to their local site to buy. Now, Heri Rosyadi has released Azon Link Conversion WordPress Plugin that multiplies your Amazon links so they send the visitor to the proper Amazon store for their country. Make any of these... [...]

Video Commander: WordPress Video Player for Site Developers #ad

There’s never been an easier way to place video on your WordPress site. Install Video Commander, and you get a button that lets you add a video to a post or page. You can host your videos on YouTube, at no cost, or host on S3, your website, or any other site and link to it with Video Commander. You can customize your player’s look and feel. as well as:: • Video location: Simply copy the video link and you’re ready to go. • Video & button settings: Choose the video size you want in one click, or specify your own custom size. • Autoplay: Want the video to start as soon as... [...]

Is VooPlayer the best WordPress Video player? Some 4000 marketers think so #ad

That’s right, nearly 4000 marketers have made VooPlayer their choice for playing videos on WordPress sites. VooPlayer is probably the easiest to use video player you have ever seen. The creators Bill Zimmerman and John Socratous needed a simple-to-use video player for their own sites, one that had all the features that they thought were necessary for every Internet Marketer. They were tired of other WP video plugins that didn’t didn’t always work right and the support desks that weren’t up to the job. Sometimes, the players they tried conflicted with their other plugins &... [...]

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