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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category

CandyZon Theme for Amazon affiliates #ad

Jaka Pradana and his partner, El Niño have created a new attractive (and very functional) theme for Amazon affiliates called CandyZon Theme. They have built other themes before and this new theme builds on all they have learned. Furthermore, it builds on the specialty Amazon work done by other developers. Over recent years, several plugins have been developed for Amazon affiliates: ZonBuilder, Associate Goliath, ReviewAzon and WP Robot. CandyZon Theme is compatible with all of them, so you can take advantage of their automation capabilities, which taking advantage of the power and beauty of this... [...]

WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro: Track, Cloak, No-follow & Convert any Keyword in your WordPress Site #ad

Take control of your selling process in your blog or other WordPress site. Automate placing contextual affiliate links onto your posts. Kevin Byrne just released the WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro plugin, which helps insert affiliate links inside your posts, links based on the text you write in the post. WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro find your blog’s main keywords and converts then into links that can bring you revenue. This new plugin is sophisticated: it’s sensitive to capitalization and it recognizes phrases besides handling individual words. But it does even more: • It let’s you... [...]

List Detonator +, a new method for building a mailing list, and a plugin to do it #ad

M.A.O. Flynn found that he wasn’t getting good results from the methods the gurus taught him. Consequently, he has developed methods that bring him focused, targeted lists of people interested in his products. He has created a squeeze page technology that converts ‘traffic to subscribers’. Building a list gets harder every day, as new technologies filter a lot of content from a person’s inbox. Your emails need to be seen by Google and other email providers as offering value to the receivers, so they can’t thrown into the spam folder. Flynn shows how to write copy... [...]

“WP ClickMe”: Plugin gets more people to click your offer links #ad

If you’re getting traffic to your WordPress site, but no sales, check out WP ClickMe. This plugin places a high-visibility ad bar on your site. People notice and, according to James Brown, the developer of WP ClickMe, more of them click the links. No matter what your marketing is directed toward: • Affiliate marketing • CPA marketing • Amazon affiliates • Offline businesses • Selling your own product • Simple List building this ad bar can bring additional traffic. Installing the plugin is simple. In minutes you can have your ad bar running on your site. If you want to do more,... [...]

WP Ad Generator: creates effective WordPress Banners at the touch of a button #ad

Overcoming ad blindness is no small matter. People are tired of ads and often ignore them. New approaches to ad formats may help break through their she’ll. MAO Flynn has created WP Ad Generator to do just that. Instead of “pretty” banner ads, this new software creates banners with notable text displays. They blend in and look like they are a highlighted part of the editorial content. This plugin creates ads so customized that they blend perfectly into any blog regardless of theme or color scheme. WP Ad Generator Supports standard banner sizes, but also can customize dimensions,... [...]

WP Promo Tools Plugin: Help your affiliates promote your products #ad

Sometimes, affiliates are not as excited about your product as you are- and that’s an understatement. You need to nudge them along by making it easy to promote your product. Mark hess’s new WP Promo Tools makes it easy for you to offer a page of promo tools for your affiliates. On his sales page, he demos the tool to show how easy it is. WP Promo Tools is compatible with any WordPress theme, and with all the popular JV affiliate platforms, such as Clickbank, JVZoo, and Warrior P_lus. When the affiliate goes to your JV page and inserts their afiliate link, all the promotional materials... [...]

Content Vortex Personal Edition refreshes your site automatically #ad

Content Vortex Personal Edition is a Site Content Spinning Tool that automatically spins your total site content and gives Google what it craves – fresh daily content. The author, Roger Bryan, says it’s proven to boost SEO rankings. Content Vortex is a tool for busy site owners who need free traffic, but find writing daily content impossible. According to the author, this spun content gives you site SEO power, without using backlinks or short lived tricks. On the sales page he shows “solid proof, facts and results.” It republishes new unique content on an autopilot schedule.This... [...]

The Missing Link to free leads for your clients’ business or yours #ad

The Missing Link has sold over 3000 copies in less than 3 months. It shows you how to get business leads free from an under-utilized source. And the leads it uncovers are business leaders with the money to invest in your marketing services. In fact, the creator of The Missing Link says the average annual income of these people is $107,000. The author, Jonathan Green, includes in The Missing Link: • Sales copy that he says will be irresistible to these business people • How to find big-ticket clients for your services, even if you’re just beginning and have no reputation yet. •... [...]

“WP Total Contact” provides your rich contact info on your site #ad

The WP Total Contact plugin provides buttons the visitor clicks to contact you on multiple social sites: • Your Google Maps location map • Your Skype contact number(with Skype status) • Phone • LinkedIn • Twitter • Facebook • e-mail The simple dashboard lets you choose colors to coordinate with your site. You can also choose which of the 7 contact types to leave on and which to hide. The plugin provides a custom text area for your slogan, title or anything else you like, Plus, its “Promo Mode Option” can be used to include a link for any affiliate... [...]

ZonParison WP Plugin (and theme) for affiliate marketers #ad

Attractive tables that compare multiple products do a lot to make your website look professional.  [...]

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